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Exercice 58
Message de felin posté le 04-01-2006 à 19:24:38 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir tout le monde

Correction Mercredi soir 11/01/06

Je vous rappelle pour les exercices que je propose est ouvert a tout le monde et surtout n'hesitez pas on est tous la pour apprendre.

Match the following parts of compound nouns and then fill in the blanks in the sentences using the most appropriate compound.

Noun and noun
1 suit ..........a food
2 pocket .......... b card
3 zebra..........c case
4 fire ..........d writer
5 dish ..........e alarm
6 type ..........f opener
7 credit ..........g brigade
8 burglar..........h washer
9 can ..........i crossing
10 junk .........j money

Adjective and noun
1 fast .........a heating
2 remote .........b fries
3 social ..........c food
4 high ..........d control
5 central ..........e cleaner’s
6 common ..........f rights
7 French..........g worker
8 dry ..........h languages
9 human .........i school
10 modern ..........j sense

1 They should put a ........... outside the school so that children don't get run over.
2 It’s freezing in here - why don't you get................. installed?
3 When I don't have time to cook I send the kids out to get some...................
4 Is the ......................... you get from your parents enough for your needs?
5 Can you send the ........... quickly - the house next door is on fire.
6 When you leave primary school and get to ......... lessons get much more difficult.
7 He'll never think of such a simple solution because he hasn't got any
8 Who's got the .................. for the, TV? I'm bored with this programme.
9 Could you get my suit from the ......................... for me on your way home?
10 After the last break-in, they decided to get a ............... installed.

Good luck.

Réponse: Exercice 58 de marit64, postée le 05-01-2006 à 03:19:06 (S | E)

Hi felin!
Noun and noun
1 suitcase
2 pocket money
3 zebra crossing
4 fire brigade
5 dishwasher
6 typewriter
7 credit card
8 burglar alarm
9 can opener
10 junk food
Adjective and noun
1 fast food
2 remote control
3 social worker
4 high school
5 central heating
6 common sense
7 French fries
8 dry cleaner's
9 human rights
10 modern languages

1 They should put a zebra crossing outside the school so that children don't get run over.
2 It’s freezing in here - why don't you get central heating installed?
3 When I don't have time to cook I send the kids out to get some fast food.
4 Is the pocket money you get from your parents enough for your needs?
5 Can you send the fire brigade quickly - the house next door is on fire.
6 When you leave primary school and get to high school lessons get much more difficult.
7 He'll never think of such a simple solution because he hasn't got any common sense.
8 Who's got the remote control for the, TV? I'm bored with this programme.
9 Could you get my suit from the dry cleaner's for me on your way home?
10 After the last break-in, they decided to get a burglar alarm installed.

felin for this exercise.

Réponse: Exercice 58 de whynot95, postée le 05-01-2006 à 05:46:42 (S | E)
Hello Felin.

Noun and noun
1 suitcase
2 pocket money
3 zebra crossing
4 fire brigade
5 dishwasher
6 typewriter
7 credit card
8 burglar alarm
9 can opener
10 junk food

Adjective and noun
1 fast food
2 remote control
3 social worker
4 high school
5 central heating
6 common sense
7 French fries
8 dry cleaner's
9 human rights
10 modern languages

1 They should put a zebra crossing outside the school so that children don't get run over.
2 It’s freezing in here - why don't you get central heating installed?
3 When I don't have time to cook I send the kids out to get some fast food.
4 Is the pocket money you get from your parents enough for your needs?
5 Can you send the fire brigade quickly - the house next door is on fire.
6 When you leave primary school and get to high school, lessons get much more difficult.
7 He'll never think of such a simple solution because he hasn't got any common sense.
8 Who's got the remote control for the TV? I'm bored with this programme.
9 Could you get my suit from the dry cleaner's for me on your way home?
10 After the last break-in, they decided to get a burglar alarm installed.

for this enjoyable exercise.

Réponse: Exercice 58 de maya13, postée le 05-01-2006 à 17:25:20 (S | E)
Hello felin;

Noun and noun

1 - suitcase
2 - pocket money
3 - zebra crossing
4 - fire brigade
5 - dis washer
6 - type writer
7 - credit card
8 - burglar alarm
9 - can opener
10 - junk food

Adj + noun

1 - fast food
2 - remote control
3 - social wqorker
4 - high school
5 - central heating
6 - common sense
7 - French fries
8 - dry cleaner's
9 - human rights
10 - modern languages

1 - They should put a zebra crossing..
2 - ..why don't you get central heating installed ?
3 - ..I send the kids out to get some fast food
4 - Is the pocket money you get..
5 - Can you send the fire brigade quickly..
6 - ..and get to the high school..
7 - ..he has not got any common sense
8 - Who's got the remote control for the TV ?
9 - Could you get my suit from the dry cleaner's for me ?
10 - ..They decided to get a burglar alarm installed

Réponse: Exercice 58 de nanette33, postée le 05-01-2006 à 18:49:32 (S | E)
Hello Felin!

Noun and noun
1 suitcase
2 pocket money
3 zebra crossing
4 fire brigade
5 dishwasher
6 typewriter
7 creditcard
8 burglar alarm
9 can opener
10 junk food
Adjective and noun
1 fastfood
2 remote control
3 social worker
4 high school
5 central heating
6 common sense
7 French fries
8 dry cleaner's
9 human rights
10 modern languages

1 They should put a zebra crossing outside the school so that children don't get run over.
2 It’s freezing in here - why don't you get the central heating installed?
3 When I don't have time to cook I send the kids out to get some french fries.
4 Is the pocket money you get from your parents enough for your needs?
5 Can you send the fire brigade quickly - the house next door is on fire.
6 When you leave primary school and get to high school lessons get much more difficult.
7 He'll never think of such a simple solution because he hasn't got any common sense
8 Who's got the remote control for the, TV? I'm bored with this programme.
9 Could you get my suit from the dry cleaner's for me on your way home?
10 After the last break-in, they decided to get a burglar alarm installed

Réponse: Exercice 58 de isa71, postée le 05-01-2006 à 22:40:21 (S | E)
Hi Mimi

Noun and noun
1 suitcase
2 pocket money
3 zebra crossing
4 fire brigade
5 dishwasher
6 typewriter
7 credit card
8 burglar alarm
9 can-opener
10 junk food

Adjective and noun
1 fast food
2 remote control
3 social worker
4 high school
5 central heating
6 common sense
7 French fries
8 dry cleaner’s
9 human rights
10 modern languages

1 They should put a zebra crossing outside the school so that children don't get run over.
2 It’s freezing in here - why don't you get central heating installed?
3 When I don't have time to cook I send the kids out to get some french fries
4 Is the pocket money you get from your parents enough for your needs?
5 Can you send the fire brigade quickly - the house next door is on fire.
6 When you leave primary school and get to high school lessons get much more difficult.
7 He'll never think of such a simple solution because he hasn't got any common sense
8 Who's got the remote control for the, TV? I'm bored with this programme.
9 Could you get my suit from the dry cleaner's for me on your way home?
10 After the last break-in, they decided to get a burglar alarm installed.


Réponse: Exercice 58 de cat3, postée le 07-01-2006 à 11:53:30 (S | E)
Hi Felin

ça fait plaisir de revenir sur le site!!

-1 suitcase
-2 pocket money
-3 zebra crossing
-4 fire brigade
-5 dishwasher
-6 typewriter
-7 credit card
-8 buglar alarm
-9 can opener
-10 junk food

-1 fast food
-2 remote contol
-3 social worker
-4 high school
-5 control heating
-6 common sense
-7 french fries
-8 dry cleaner's
-9 human rights
-10 modern languages

-1 zebra crossing
-2 central heating
-3 junk food
-4 pocket monnaie
-5 fire brigade
-6 high school
-7 common sense
-8 remote control
-9 dry cleaner's
-10 buglar alarm

merci Felin

Réponse: Exercice 58 de felin, postée le 11-01-2006 à 19:27:22 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction.

Noun and noun
1 suitcase
2 pocket money
3 zebra crossing
4 fire brigade
5 dishwasher
6 typewriter
7 credit card
8 burglar alarm
9 can opener
10 junk food

Adjective and noun
1 fast food
2 remote control
3 social worker
4 high school
5 central heating
6 common sense
7 French fries
8 dry-cleaner's
9 human rights
10 modern languages

1 They should put a zebra crossing outside the school so that children don't get run over.
2 It’s freezing in here - why don't you get central heating installed?
3 When I don't have time to cook I send the kids out to get some fast food.
4 Is the pocket money you get from your parents enough for your needs?
5 Can you send the fire brigade quickly - the house next door is on fire.
6 When you leave primary school and get to high school, lessons get much more difficult.
7 He'll never think of such a simple solution because he hasn't got any common sense.
8 Who's got the remote control for the TV? I'm bored with this programme.
9 Could you get my suit from the dry-cleaner's for me on your way home?
10 After the last break-in, they decided to get a burglar alarm installed.

pour votre participation.

Modifié par felin le 11-01-2006 19:32

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