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Message de lucile83 posté le 23-01-2006 à 09:01:07 (S | E | F | I)

Voici un dialogue à traduire
Attention aux pièges évidemment
Correction par mp

*Bonjour Tom, voici Sue dont je t’ai parlé hier
*Bonjour, ravi de faire ta connaissance
*Moi aussi
*Si nous allions marcher un peu ?
*Ce soir nous pourrions aller au restaurant
*Et quand nous aurons le temps nous irons au cinéma.
*Verriez-vous un inconvénient à ce que nous allions faire les magasins ?
*Qu’en penses-tu Jim ?
*Ca me va !

See you soon

Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de bridg, postée le 23-01-2006 à 09:35:21 (S | E)
Lucile j'adoooore ces petits textes à traduire, ils m'ont tellement appris de choses en 18 mois.

Hi Tom Here is Sue I told you about yesterday.
Hi I'm glad to meet you.
So am I
What about a little walk?
Why not going to the restaurant this evening?
And to the cinema when we are off.
Would you mind our going shopping?
What do you think about it Jim?
It's ok

Modifié par bridg le 23-01-2006 16:17

Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de nanette33, postée le 23-01-2006 à 09:49:36 (S | E)

*Hello Tom, here is Sue whom I spoke to you yesterday.
*Hello, nice to meet you
*So do I
*What about going for a walk ?
*This evening, we could go to the restaurant
*And, if we have the time, we'll go to the cinema.
*Would you mind if we were going to do shopping ?
*What do you think about it, Jim ?
*It's OK for me !

Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de cat3, postée le 23-01-2006 à 11:12:43 (S | E)

-Hello,Tom,here is Sue whom I have spoken to you yesterday
-Hello,I'm glad to know you
-So do I
-Do you want to go walking a little?
-We could go to the restaurant,this evening
-And when we have time ,we will go to the cinema
-Would you mind going shopping togheter?
-What do you think,Jim?
-I agree


Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de bobine, postée le 23-01-2006 à 12:20:25 (S | E)

Hello Tom, here is Sue I told you about yesterday
Hello, nice to meet you
It's nice for me too
What about a little walk ?
We could go to the restaurant this evening.
And, when we have time, we’ll go to the cinema
Would you see any objection to our going shopping ?
What do you think about it, Jim ?
It’s ok !

Modifié par bridg le 23-01-2006 14:48
Retrait des phrases en français pour alléger le topic.

Modifié par bobine le 24-01-2006 07:34

Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de steeve34, postée le 23-01-2006 à 13:27:54 (S | E)
hello lucile,

Enfin un dialogue !

-Hello Tom, here's Sue I spoke to you about yesterday.
-Hello, I'm pleased to meet you.
-So am I.
-What about going for a stroll ?
-We could dine out tonight
-And when we have time we will go to the cinema.
-Would there be any objection to our going shopping ?
-what do you think about it ?
-That suits me down to the ground.

See you soon.
Modifié par lucile83 le 23-01-2006 14:47
ça doit être le 1745 éme dialogue du site, mais bon......
Modifié par bridg le 23-01-2006 14:51
J'en ai fait autant que ça ???? pas étonnant que mon classeur déborde
Modifié par steeve34 le 23-01-2006 18:55
Ne soyez pas étonnées toutes les deux je ne suis qu'un "bizut" sur ce site.Je ne l'ai découvert que le 14/12/2005 !

Modifié par steeve34 le 24-01-2006 14:39

Modifié par steeve34 le 24-01-2006 14:46

Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de axis, postée le 23-01-2006 à 15:38:51 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile83,

Hello, Tom, this is Sue about talk to you yesterday
Hello, I' m glad to meet you
My too
Want you walking a few together ?
This night we are going in the restaurant if you want
and when we have the time, we go to the cinema
Is there a drawback for that we will go make some schopping ?
what about it Jim ?
It' s ok for my !

Merci pour cet exercice et bonne journée.
je retourne à mon travail.....

Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de felin, postée le 23-01-2006 à 22:15:26 (S | E)
Dear Lucile

Allez je me lance , I will be going on holiday for one month at the end of January.

Hello Tom, here is Sue I told/was telling you about yesterday
Hello, I’m pleased to meet you
So am I
How about going a little walk?
Tonight/This evening we could eat out
And when we have time we will go to the cinema
Would you mind going shopping together
What do you think?
Ok, fine

Je vous dis a bientot.

Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de traviskidd, postée le 24-01-2006 à 00:25:21 (S | E)
Hello Tom, here's Sue, the one I was telling you about yesterday.
Hello, nice to meet you.
Same here.
How about let's walk a little?
This evening we can go to the restaurant.
And when we have time we'll go to the cinema.
Would you mind if we went and did some shopping?
What do you think, Jim?
Fine with me!

Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de diana18, postée le 24-01-2006 à 11:10:14 (S | E)
Hi all,
Hi Tom, here's Sue the one I was telling you about yesterday
Hi, nice to meet you
What about a little walk?
Tonight we could go to the restaurant
And when we have time we will go to the movies.
What about some shopping?
Jim, what do you think?
OK by me

See you soon

Modifié par diana18 le 24-01-2006 11:11

Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de dadizou, postée le 24-01-2006 à 15:50:08 (S | E)
Hello Tom. This is Sue whom I talked to you yesterday.
Hello, Nice to meet you.
So am I.
Shall we go to a walk?
We can go to restaurant tonight.
And when we have time, we can go to cinema.
And what do you think about doing shopping?
What do you think about it, Jim?
I’m OK!

ouh lala, ça fait un bail que j'ai pas pratiqué l'anglais...

Modifié par dadizou le 24-01-2006 15:50

Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de isa71, postée le 24-01-2006 à 23:06:38 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucile

*Hello Tom,this is Sue I told you about yesterday.
*Hello,nice to meet you.
*Me too.
*What about a little walk?
*This evening we could go to the restaurant.
*And when we have time we will go to the cinema.
*Would you see any objections we are going to the shopping?
*What do you think Jim?
*I'm OK


Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de lucile83, postée le 25-01-2006 à 14:57:15 (S | E)
et à toutes et tous;voici ma proposition :

*Hello Tom , this is Sue I told you about yesterday.
*Hello, glad to meet you.
*So am I.
*Shall we go and walk for a while?
*In the evening we could go to the restaurant.
*And when we have time we’ll go to the cinema.
*Would you mind our going shopping?
*What do you think about that Jim ?
*It’s all right with me.

See you soon

Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de bridg, postée le 25-01-2006 à 15:03:27 (S | E)
et une autre traduction s'il te plaît (smiley qui saute de joie )

Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de lucile83, postée le 25-01-2006 à 15:13:30 (S | E)
Et l'autre jour tu osais dire que j'étais tyrannique !!

Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de bridg, postée le 25-01-2006 à 15:25:37 (S | E)
Meuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh no, It is was an a joke (i) I dream of this day when I'LL speak a good (e) English thanks too to your help

Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de lucile83, postée le 25-01-2006 à 15:31:16 (S | E)
Je demande de toute urgence des kleenex et 40 boites d'aspirine !!! elle a osé !!!!

Réponse: Dialogue/débutants de krokro, postée le 25-01-2006 à 18:20:49 (S | E)
Hello Lucile83 Thank you for all those trap. Here is my version. Bye
Hello tom
This is Sue whom I speak to you Yesterday.
Hi. Nice to meet you
S I am
What about a walk together.
We might have a restaurant this evening.
And when we shall have time enough , we'll have a movie.
Do you mind if we are going shopping?
What your mind about it ? Jim
All right.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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