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Adjectif + préposition.
Message de steeve34 posté le 05-03-2006 à 19:33:22 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous.

Les adjectifs anglais sont suivis d' une ou plusieurs prépositions.
Par exemple "angry" peut être suivi de with; at; about.
"disappointed" peut être suivi de in; with; at; about.
On peut aussi faire suivre "astonished" par at ou by indifféremment.
Selon le contexte il faut faire le bon choix.
C'est le but de cet exercice.
Un conseil: Consultez un bon dictionnaire.
Correction: Samedi 11 mars 2006.

Complétez les phrases suivantes avec la préposition qui convient.
Traduire les phrases 1-;2-;6-.

1- I am sorry.....behaving so badly.
2- The police are anxious......witnesses to come forward.
3- It was a bit to leave the door unlocked when you went out.
4- Are you angry....what happened ?
5- I am sorry....what I said. I hope you are not angry.... me.
6- He is late again. It's typical.....him to keep everybody waiting.
7- I am very impressed..... her English.
8- I don't want to be dependent..... anybody.
9- The city centre is crowded......tourists.
10- Are you afraid......dogs ?
11- The Italian city of Florence is famous ......its art treasures.
12- Linda is American.

Réponse: Adjectif + préposition. de magmatic_rock, postée le 05-03-2006 à 20:00:20 (S | E)

1- I am sorry about behaving so badly.
Je suis désolé d'un tel comportement.
2- The police are anxious for witnesses to come forward.
La police est inquiète que les témoins avances.
3- It was a bit careless about you to leave the door unlocked when you went out.
4- Are you angry with what happened ?
5- I am sorry about what I said. I hope you are not angry with me.
6- He is late again. It's typical of him to keep everybody waiting.
Il est encore en retard. C'est bien lui de faire attendre tout le monde.
7- I am very impressed with her English.
8- I don't want to be dependent on anybody.
9- The city centre is crowded with tourists.
10- Are you afraid of dogs ?
11- The Italian city of Florence is famous for its art treasures.
12- Linda is married to an American.

3minutes chronos mais je dois partir

Réponse: Adjectif + préposition. de canopee, postée le 06-03-2006 à 08:33:19 (S | E)

I'll have a try

1- I am sorry FOR behaving so badly.
2- The police are anxious..FOR....witnesses to come forward.
3- It was a bit to leave the door unlocked when you went out.
4- Are you angry..ABOUT..what happened ?
5- I am sorry..ABOUT..what I said. I hope you are not angry..WITH.. me.
6- He is late again. It's typical..OF...him to keep everybody waiting.
7- I am very impressed...IN.. her English.
8- I don't want to be dependent...ON.. anybody.
9- The city centre is crowded...WITH...tourists.
10- Are you(i) afraid..OF....dogs ?
11- The Italian city of Florence is famous ...FOR...its art treasures.
12- Linda is American.

Réponse: Adjectif + préposition. de nanette33, postée le 06-03-2006 à 09:34:59 (S | E)

1- I am sorry about behaving so badly. Je suis désolé d'un si mauvais comportement
2- The police are anxious for witnesses to come forward. La police désire que les témoins se présentent
3- It was a bit carelessofyou to leave the door unlocked when you went out.
4- Are you angry about what happened ?
5- I am sorry for what I said. I hope you are not angry with me.
6- He is late again. It's typical of him to keep everybody waiting. Il est encore en retard. C'est bien de lui de faire attendre tout le monde.
7- I am very impressed by her English.
8- I don't want to be dependent on anybody.
9- The city centre is crowded with tourists.
10- Are you(i) afraid of dogs ?
11- The Italian city of Florence is famous for its art treasures.
12- Linda is married to an American.

Réponse: Adjectif + préposition. de mp27, postée le 06-03-2006 à 11:56:00 (S | E)

1- I am sorry for behaving so badly. (sorry to have behaved so badly)
2- The police are anxious for witnesses to come forward.
3- It was a bit careless of you to leave the door unlocked when you went out.
4- Are you angry about/ at what happened ?
5- I am sorry for what I said. I hope you are not angry with me.
6- He is late again. It's typical of him to keep everybody waiting.
7- I am very impressed with her English.
8- I don't want to be dependent on anybody.
9- The city centre is crowded with tourists.
10- Are you afraid of dogs ?
11- The Italian city of Florence is famous for its art treasures.
12- Linda is married to an American.

Thanks for these very practical and useful examples.
Modifié par mp27 le 06-03-2006 13:23 Voici les traductions de 1, 2 et 6 que j'avais oubliées....
1) Je suis désolée de m'être si mal conduite (si mal comportée).
2) La police attend impatiemment que les témoins se présentent.
6) Il est encore une fois en retard! Cela ne m'étonne pas de lui car c'est son habitude de faire attendre tout le monde.

Réponse: Adjectif + préposition. de monica69, postée le 06-03-2006 à 11:59:00 (S | E)
1- I am sorry about behaving so badly.
2- The police are anxious for witnesses to come forward.
3- It was a bit careless of you to leave the door unlocked when you went out.
4- Are you angry about what happened ?
5- I am sorry for what I said. I hope you are not angry about me.
6- He is late again. It's typical of him to keep everybody waiting.
7- I am very impressed by her English.
8- I don't want to be dependent on anybody.
9- The city centre is crowded with tourists.
10- Are you afraid of dogs ?
11- The Italian city of Florence is famous for ts art treasures.
12- Linda is married with an American

I am eager to get the correct answers!!

Réponse: Adjectif + préposition. de lakata, postée le 06-03-2006 à 15:27:22 (S | E)
Hello Steeve !

1-I am sorry FOR behaving so badly
Je suis désolé de m'être comporté de la sorte

2-The police are anxious FOR witnesses to come forward
La police a hâte que des témoins se manifestent

3-It was a bit careless OF (from?) you to leave the door unlocked when you went out

4-Are you angry ABOUT or AT what happened?

5-I am sorry ABOUT what I said. I hope you are not angry WITH me

6-He is late again. It's typical OF him to keep everybody waiting
Le voilà encore en retard. C'est bien de lui de faire poireauter tout le monde.

7-I am very impressed BY her English

8-I don't want to be dependant ON anybody

9-The city center is crowded WITH tourists

10- Are you afraid OF dogs ?

11-The Italian city of Florence is famous FOR its art treasures

12-Linda is married TO an American. (I'm dying to put..."against"! I know; it's very bad black humor... )

Thank you!

Réponse: Adjectif + préposition. de monica69, postée le 07-03-2006 à 08:56:57 (S | E)
Voici, ma traduction. J'ai trouvé la phrase 2 difficile!

1- Je m'excuse de m'être mal comporté
2- Les policiers s'acharnent à trouver des témoins.
6- Il est encore en retard. C'est dans son habitude de faire attendre tout le monde.

Réponse: Adjectif + préposition. de maya13, postée le 07-03-2006 à 14:51:02 (S | E)
hello steeve,

1- I am sorry for behaving so badly : je suis désolé de m'être si mal conduit
2 - The police are anxious that witnesses to come forward :
La police tient beaucoup à ce que des témoins se présentent
3 - It was careless of you to leave the door unlocked
4 - Are you angry at (about) what happened
5 - I am sorry about what I said. I hope you are not angry with me
6 - He is late again. It's typical of him to keep everybody waiting :
Il est encore en retard. C'est typique de sa part de faire attendre tout le monde
7 - I am very impressed by her English
8 - I don't want to be dependent on anybody
9 - The city centre is crowded with tourists
10 - Are you afraid of dogs ?
11 - The Italian city of Florence is famous for its art treasures
12 - Linda is married to an American

Réponse: Adjectif + préposition. de krokro, postée le 07-03-2006 à 19:06:07 (S | E)
I am sorry for behaving so badly
Je suis désolé d'un tel comportement
The police are anxious for witnesses to come forward
La police est impatiente d'avoir des témoins.
It was a bit careless from you to leave the door unlocked when you went out.

Are you angry with what happened?
He is late again. It's typical of him to keep everybody waiting
Il est en retard c'est vraiment typique de lui de faire attendre les gens
I am very impressed by her English.

I don't want to be dependent from anybody.
The city centre is crowded with tourists.
Are you afraid by dogs.
The Italian city of Florence is famous for its art treasures.
Linda is married to an American.

Réponse: Adjectif + préposition. de steeve34, postée le 11-03-2006 à 10:36:19 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous,

Voici quelques commentaires.

Sorry about; Sorry for.=====> Être désolé.

To be sorry about sth =====> Exprimer ses regrets à propos de qqch.
Sorry about that, Kim.
To be sorry for doing sth====> Exprimer ses regrets d'avoir fait qqch.
Sorry for losing my temper this morning.
I'm sorry that I lost my temper this morning a la même signification.

To be sorry for sb =====> Exprimer sa tristesse dans une situation donnée.
I'm terribly sorry for Dan. He was a nice chap.

On peut aussi employer sorry suivi d'un infinitif + TO
Sorry to disturb you = Sorry for disturbing you.
I'm sorry to have made such a fuss = I'm sorry for making such a fuss.

Anxious about (=worried about); Anxious for (=eager to have)

Anxious about =====> Être anxieux à propos de qqch/qqn.
Être très inquiet pour qqch/qqn
Everyone was anxious about terrorist attacks.

Anxious for =====> Attendre qqch avec impatience.(mélée d'inquiétude parfois).

The whole family were anxious for news about the missing boy.

Remarque: la structure for + objet+infinitif avec TO peut être employée avec anxious.
She's anxious for her to see us her work.

On peut aussi employer l'infinitif après anxious.
She is anxious to go home.
She is anxious to find a better job.

Dans les trois cas précédents anxious=eager.

Autre remarque intéressante, les adjectifs exprimant la surprise ou l'impatience sont suivis d'un subjonctif avec SHOULD.
I'm surprised that you should think so.==> Je m'étonne que vous pensiez ainsi.
I'm very anxious that she should come.==> Je tiens beaucoup à ce qu'elle vienne.

To come forward: To offfer help to someone in authority who needs it or has asked for it.[ + with]

1-A young girl has come forward with a description of the attacker.
2-No witnesses to the accident have come forward yet, despite the police's appeal.
after NO, countable nouns are usually plural. C'est pourquoi j'ai mis witnesses au pluriel ainsi que le verbe(have et non has).
3-Nobody has yet come forward with any information relating to the girl's death.

Angry about(parfois at); Angry with.

Angry with (sb):

Why are you angry with me ? It's not my fault.

Angry about (sth):

Parents are justifiably angry about the decision to close the school.


Angry with (sb) for doing (sth).

I'm angry with her for lying to me.

Autre remarque intéressante, au sens figuré angry signifie enflammé, irrité douloureux.

On her leg was an angry(= red and painful ) sore.

Voici ma proposition

1- I am sorry for behaving so badly.
Je suis désolé de m'être si mal comporté.
2- The police are anxious for witnesses to come forward.
La police attend avec impatience que les témoins se manifestent.
3-It was a bit careless of you to leave the door unlocked when you went out.
4- Are you angry about what happened ?
5- I am sorry about what I said. . I hope you are not angry with me.
6- He is late again. It's typical of him to keep everybody waiting.
Il est encore en retard. Comme à son habitude, il fait attendre tout le monde.
7- I am very impressedwith/by her English.
8- I don't want to be dependent on anybody.
9- The city centre is crowded with tourists.
10- Are you afraid of dogs ?
11- The Italian city of Florence is famous for its art treasures.
12- Linda is married to an American.

Merci de votre participation.

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