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Message de felin posté le 01-04-2006 à 15:36:09 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Jeudi soir. 6/04/06

Read the following text carefully. Some of the lines are correct but in the others there is a word which should not be there. If the sentence is correct, put (right) it. If there is an incorrect word in the sentence, write it at the end in the space provided. The first two are given as examples.


0 I think the interview went well. He wanted to know whether a whether
00 number of things about me and what I had been doing right

1 in the last few years. First, he asked me if I have had had ..........
2 a nice trip down from Manchester and how long it ..............
3 had been taken me to get there. He also wanted to know .........
4 whether or it had been snowing in Manchester. The chitchat .........
5 over, he asked from me how old I was and where I was born ..........
6 although I had sent him my CV by post. He then asked ............
7 how long I had I lived in Manchester and I told him. His ...........
8 next question was the whether I was married and whether I had .......
9 a family or not. I explained him that I was separated and that ..........
10 I had one daughter. He asked me how long did I had worked as an ...........
11 editor and how much I was had being paid in my present job. He .........
12 asked me what was I liked most about my job and who had told me .........
13 about their company. The main questions he asked me were about the .........
14 qualities of a good manager. Finally, he asked how much have ........
15 I expected to be paid. I think the interview went very well. ............

Good luck.

Modifié par bridg le 01-04-2006 15:36
Modifié par felin le 01-04-2006 15:47 Merci pour les etoiles.

Réponse: Trouver les erreurs de magmatic_rock, postée le 01-04-2006 à 15:50:39 (S | E)

0 I think the interview went well. He wanted to know whether a whether
00 number of things about me and what I had been doing right

1 in the last few years. First, he asked me if I have had had .......... had
2 a nice trip down from Manchester and how long it .............. from
3 had been taken me to get there. He also wanted to know ......... right
4 whether or it had been snowing in Manchester. The chitchat ......... or
5 over, he asked from me how old I was and where I was born .......... from
6 although I had sent him my CV by post. He then asked ............ right
7 how long I had I lived in Manchester and I told him. His ........... "the 2nd" I
8 next question was the whether I was married and whether I had ....... the
9 a family or not. I explained him that I was separated and that .......... right
10 I had one daughter. He asked me how long did I had worked as an ........... did
11 editor and how much I was had being paid in my present job. He ......... had
12 asked me what was I liked most about my job and who had told me ......... was
13 about their company. The main questions he asked me were about the ......... right
14 qualities of a good manager. Finally, he asked how much have ........ have
15 I expected to be paid. I think the interview went very well. ............ right

Réponse: Trouver les erreurs de mp27, postée le 01-04-2006 à 16:08:17 (S | E)

1 in the last few years. First, he asked me if I have had had.........HAD
2 a nice trip down from Manchester and how long it ..............RIGHT
3 had been taken me to get there. He also wanted to know .........BEEN
4 whether or it had been snowing in Manchester. The chitchat .........OR
5 over, he asked from me how old I was and where I was born ..........FROM
6 although I had sent him my CV by post. He then asked ............RIGHT
7 how long I had I lived in Manchester and I told him. His ...........I
8 next question was the whether I was married and whether I had .......THE
9 a family or not. I explained him that I was separated and that ..........HIM
10 I had one daughter. He asked me how long did I had worked as an ...........DID
11 editor and how much I was had being paid in my present job. He ......... HAD
12 asked me what was I liked most about my job and who had told me .........WAS
13 about their company. The main questions he asked me were about the .........RIGHT
14 qualities of a good manager. Finally, he asked how much have ........HAVE
15 I expected to be paid. I think the interview went very well. ............RIGHT

I found that the best way to do this exercise was to read ALOUD.
It's also great fun to do it that way!

Felin and see you next time!

Réponse: Trouver les erreurs de sandrineg, postée le 01-04-2006 à 16:45:50 (S | E)
Hello Felin !

1 in the last few years. First, he asked me if I have had had .......... had
2 a nice trip down from Manchester and how long it .............. from
3 had been taken me to get there. He also wanted to know ......... right
4 whether or it had been snowing in Manchester. The chitchat ......... or
5 over, he asked from me how old I was and where I was born .......... from
6 although I had sent him my CV by post. He then asked ............ right
7 how long I had I lived in Manchester and I told him. His ........... I
8 next question was the whether I was married and whether I had ....... the
9 a family or not. I explained him that I was separated and that .......... right
10 I had one daughter. He asked me how long did I had worked as an ........... did
11 editor and how much I was had being paid in my present job. He ......... had
12 asked me what was I liked most about my job and who had told me ......... was
13 about their company. The main questions he asked me were about the ......... right
14 qualities of a good manager. Finally, he asked how much have ....... have
15 I expected to be paid. I think the interview went very well. ............ right


Réponse: Trouver les erreurs de bobine, postée le 01-04-2006 à 17:36:45 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

I try but .....I'm not sure

1 in the last few years. First, he asked me if I have had had had
2 a nice trip down from Manchester and how long it right
3 had been taken me to get there. He also wanted to know been
4 whether or it had been snowing in Manchester. The chitchat or
5 over, he asked from me how old I was and where I was born from
6 although I had sent him my CV by post. He then asked right
7 how long I had I lived in Manchester and I told him. His I (I lived)
8 next question was the whether I was married and whether I had the
9 a family or not. I explained him that I was separated and that him (we could have kept him with "to " (explain to him)??
10 I had one daughter. He asked me how long did I had worked as an did
11 editor and how much I was had being paid in my present job. He had
12 asked me what was I liked most about my job and who had told me was
13 about their company. The main questions he asked me were about the right
14 qualities of a good manager. Finally, he asked how much have have
15 I expected to be paid. I think the interview went very well. right

Réponse: Trouver les erreurs de cat3, postée le 02-04-2006 à 10:39:45 (S | E)
hello Félin

1- had
2- right
4- or
6- right
7-I (le deuxième)
8- the
10- did

Merci Félin

Réponse: Trouver les erreurs de felin, postée le 06-04-2006 à 13:08:04 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction.

0 I think the interview went well. He wanted to know whether a whether
00 number of things about me and what I had been doing right
1 in the last few years. First, he asked me if I have had had have
2 a nice trip down from Manchester and how long it right
3 had been taken me to get there. He also wanted to know been
4 whether or it had been snowing in Manchester. The chitchat or
5 over, he asked from me how old I was and where I was born from
6 although I had sent him my CV by post. He then asked right
7 how long I had I lived in Manchester and I told him. His I
8 next question was the whether I was married and whether I had the
9 a family or not. I explained him that I was separated and that him
10 I had one daughter. He asked me how long did I had worked as an did
11 editor and how much I was had being paid in my present job. He had
12 asked me what was I liked most about my job and who had told me was
13 about their company. The main questions he asked me were about the right
14 qualities of a good manager. Finally, he asked how much have have
15 I expected to be paid. I think the interview went very well. Right

Merci à tous pour votre participation.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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