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Message de felin posté le 05-04-2006 à 14:16:20 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Lundi 10/04/06

1. Verb + surprise

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
express, , spring, take, get, have

1. Close your eyes. I ........ a surprise for you!
2. I .......a pleasant surprise when I received my wages. I had a bonus of £100.
3. He ..........surprise at the result. He'd expected the workers to reject the deal.
4. His announcement about becoming a priest ............. us all by surprise.
5. She's always organising birthday parties. She loves ............surprises on people.

2. Adjective + surprise

Complete the sentences with the following adjectives:
the best possible, complete, pleasant

1. Your letter was a ................ surprise. We must meet up soon.
2. I wanted the party to be a ............ surprise, but a friend let the cat out of the bag.
3. Seeing my sister again was ................surprise anyone could have given me.

3. Verb + shock

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
die of, get over, get, come, wear off

1. I ...........a terrible shock when I saw him. He looked so ill.
2. I nearly ................shock when he came into the bathroom without warning.
3. Once the initial shock ............., I began to get used to my son's blue hair.
4. I don't think she'll ever .......................the shock of losing her husband.
5. The news of the leader's death ........... as a great shock to the people.

4. Expressions with shock

Match the halves:

1. When I found out who my real mother was,
2. When the young star died, the whole country was in
3. If you think it's easy looking after a young baby,

A. then you are in for a shock!
B. I got the shock of my life.
C. a state of shock.

Good luck.

Modifié par felin le 05-04-2006 15:39

Réponse: Verb+adjective=surprise+shock de maya13, postée le 05-04-2006 à 15:16:02 (S | E)
bonjour felin et merci,

Verb + surprise

1 - have
2 - got
3 - expressed
4 - took us all by
5 - she loves to spring

Adj. + surprise

1- pleasant
2 - complete
3 - the best possible

Verb + shock

1 - I've got
2 - died of
3 - worn off
4 - get over
5 - came


1 - I got the shock of my life
2 - a state of shock
3 - then you are in for a shock

Réponse: Verb+adjective=surprise+shock de bobine, postée le 05-04-2006 à 15:30:35 (S | E)

1. Verb + surprise

1. Close your eyes. I have a surprise for you!
2. I got a pleasant surprise when I received my wages. I had a bonus of £100.
3. He expressed surprise at the result. He'd expected the workers to reject the deal.
4. His announcement about becoming a priest takes us all by surprise.
5. She's always organising birthday parties. She loves springing surprises on people.

2. Adjective + surprise

1. Your letter was a pleasant surprise. We must meet up soon.
2. I wanted the party to be a complete surprise, but a friend let the cat out of the bag.
3. Seeing my sister again was the best possible surprise anyone could have given me.

3. Verb + shock

1. I got a terrible shock when I saw him. He looked so ill.
2. I nearly died of shock when he came into the bathroom without warning.
3. Once the initial shock worn off, I began to get used to my son's blue hair.
4. I don't think she'll ever get over the shock of losing her husband.
5. The news of the leader's death come as a great shock to the people.

4. Expressions with shock

1. When I found out who my real mother was, I got the shock of my life.
2. When the young star died, the whole country was in a state of shock.
3. If you think it's easy looking after a young baby, then you are in for a shock!

Réponse: Verb+adjective=surprise+shock de sandrineg, postée le 05-04-2006 à 16:26:14 (S | E)
1. Verb + surprise

1. Close your eyes. I have a surprise for you!
2. I got a pleasant surprise when I received my wages. I had a bonus of £100.
3. He expressed surprise at the result. He'd expected the workers to reject the deal.
4. His announcement about becoming a priest takes us all by surprise.
5. She's always organising birthday parties. She loves springing surprises on people.

2. Adjective + surprise

1. Your letter was a pleasant surprise. We must meet up soon.
2. I wanted the party to be a complete surprise, but a friend let the cat out of the bag.
3. Seeing my sister again was the best possible surprise anyone could have given me.

3. Verb + shock

1. I got a terrible shock when I saw him. He looked so ill.
2. I nearly died of shock when he came into the bathroom without warning.
3. Once the initial shock worn off, I began to get used to my son's blue hair.
4. I don't think she'll ever get over the shock of losing her husband.
5. The news of the leader's death come as a great shock to the people.

4. Expressions with shock

1. When I found out who my real mother was, I got the shock of my life.
2. When the young star died, the whole country was in a state of shock.
3. If you think it's easy looking after a young baby, then you are in for a shock!

Thanks !

Réponse: Verb+adjective=surprise+shock de mp27, postée le 05-04-2006 à 20:45:22 (S | E)
Hello Felin!


3.the best possible surprise.
2.died of.
3.had worn off.
4.get over.

1 + B
2 + C
3 + A

Réponse: Verb+adjective=surprise+shock de lakata, postée le 06-04-2006 à 18:19:29 (S | E)

Hello felin!


1- have got
2- had
3- expressed
4- took
5- to spring

2- Adjective+surprise

1- pleasant
2- complete
3- the best possible

3- verb+shock

1- got
2- died of
3- worn off
4- get over
5- came

4- expressions with shock

1- B
2- C
3- A


Réponse: Verb+adjective=surprise+shock de coco02, postée le 09-04-2006 à 11:26:52 (S | E)

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
express, , spring, take, get, have

1. Close your eyes. I have a surprise for you!
2. I got a pleasant surprise when I received my wages. I had a bonus of £100.
3. He expressed surprise at the result. He'd expected the workers to reject the deal.
4. His announcement about becoming a priest took us all by surprise.
5. She's always organising birthday parties. She loves to spring surprises on people.

2. Adjective + surprise

Complete the sentences with the following adjectives:
the best possible, complete, pleasant

1. Your letter was a pleasant surprise. We must meet up soon.
2. I wanted the party to be a complete surprise, but a friend let the cat out of the bag.
3. Seeing my sister again was the best possible surprise anyone could have given me.

merci de me traduire la deuxième phrase ; je n'ai pas compris le sens de l'expression "a friend let the cat out of the bag" ???????

3. Verb + shock

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs:
die of, get over, get, come, wear off

1. I got a terrible shock when I saw him. He looked so ill.
2. I nearly die of shock when he came into the bathroom without warning.
3. Once the initial shock wore off, I began to get used to my son's blue hair.
4. I don't think she'll ever get over the shock of losing her husband.
5. The news of the leader's death came as a great shock to the people.

4. Expressions with shock

Match the halves:

1. When I found out who my real mother was, B2. When the young star died, the whole country was in C
3. If you think it's easy looking after a young baby, A
A. then you are in for a shock!
B. I got the shock of my life.
C. a state of shock.

Réponse: Verb+adjective=surprise+shock de felin, postée le 10-04-2006 à 17:29:55 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Voici la correction:

1. Verb + surprise

1. Close your eyes. I have a surprise for you!
2. I got a pleasant surprise when I received my wages. I had a bonus of £100.
3. He expressed surprise at the result. He'd expected the workers to reject the deal.
4. His announcement about becoming a priest took us all by surprise.
5. She's always organising birthday parties. She loves springing surprises on people.

2. Adjective + surprise

1. Your letter was a pleasant surprise. We must meet up soon.
2. I wanted the party to be a complete surprise, but a friend let the cat out of the bag.
3. Seeing my sister again was the best possible surprise anyone could have given me.

3. Verb + shock

1. I got a terrible shock when I saw him. He looked so ill.
2. I nearly died of shock when he came into the bathroom without warning.
3. Once the initial shock wore off, I began to get used to my son's blue hair.
4. I don't think she'll ever get over the shock of losing her husband.
5. The news of the leader's death came as a great shock to the people.

1. When I found out who my real mother was, B. I got the shock of my life.
2. When the young star died, the whole country was in C. a state of shock.
3. If you think it's easy looking after a young baby, A. then you are in for a shock!


1. Note the expression 'come as a complete / no surprise':
I had no idea about the holiday. It came as a complete surprise to me.
It came as no surprise to learn that she had failed her exams. She hardly did any work for them.

2.Note these expressions:
To everyone's surprise, his prediction of a long hot summer came true.
Much to my surprise, I passed the exam.
Imagine our surprise when the brother we hadn't seen for 20 years walked into the room!

3.Note the expression 'full of surprises':
Life's full of surprises, (unexpected but nice things happen to us all) My brother is full of surprises, (always doing unexpected things)

à tous pour votre participation.

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