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concordance des temps.
Message de steeve34 posté le 24-04-2006 à 12:32:13 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous,

Voici dix phrases à traduire.

Correction:Mardi 2 Mai 2006.

1-Quand on demanda aux salariés de reprendre le travail, ils refusèrent.
2-Si j'avais été à sa place, j'aurais laissé tomber l'affaire.
3-Si j'avais eu le temps, je vous aurais écrit de Londres.(ne pas employer IF)
4-Non seulement Peter jouait bien au golf, mais c'était aussi un très bon musicien.
5-Quand vous verrez votre mère, rappelez-moi à son bon souvenir, je vous prie.
6-S'il n'avait pas été pris en flagrant délit, jamais il n'aurait avoué.
7-Si j'avais dû prendre tous ces comprimés, j'aurais été encore plus malade.
8-Quand j'aurai économisé suffisamment d'argent, je ferai repeindre ma maison.
9-Les enfants iront au cinéma quand ils auront fait leurs devoirs.
10-Ils ont dit qu'ils iraient au cinéma quand ils auraient fait leurs devoirs.

Réponse: concordance des temps. de coco02, postée le 24-04-2006 à 13:38:37 (S | E)
bonjour steeve,

C'est toujours une épreuve difficile, la traduction du français à l'anglais, mais tellement enrichissante.

1-when the employees were asked to get back to work, they refused.
correction : when the employees are asked to get back to work,they refused.
2-If I had been in his place, I would have let go with it.
3-If I had had time, I would have written to you from London (désolé je n'ai pas trouvé sans "if")
4- Not only Peter was good in golf (can play a good golf), but he was also a very good musician.
5-When you will see your mother, tell her about me, please.
correction : When you see your mother, tell her about me,please.
6-If he hadn’t be taken in obvious offense, he would had never admitted (owned)
7-If I had had to take all these pills, I would have been iller (sicker)
8-When I will have spare enough money, I will make my house repaint.
correction : when I have spare enough money, I will make my house repaint.
9 -The children will go to the cinema when their home works will be
correction : The children will go to the cinema when their home works are done.
10-They said they will go to the cinema when their home works would be done
correction : They said they will go to the cinema when their home works will be done.

Modifié par coco02 le 24-04-2006 18:42

Réponse: concordance des temps. de lakata, postée le 24-04-2006 à 17:55:45 (S | E)

Hello steeve (et merci de m'avoir exaucée centuple !)

1- When the salaried employees were asked to go back work, they refused.

2- If I had been him, I would have given it up

3- Had I had time, I would have written to you from London.
(Là,je me paie d'audace. Ce n'est qu'un coup d'essai. Je me suis en fait inspirée de notre tournure littéraire :" Aurais-je eu le temps que etc.")

4- Peter not only golfed well, but he was also a very good musician.

5- When you see your mother, please, remember me to her.
--------------------------------------, give my kind regards to her.

6- If he hadn't been caught redhanded, he wouldn't have ever owned up

7- If I had had to take all these tablets, I would have been even sicker.

8- When I have put enough money aside, I'm going to have my house repainted.

9- The children will go to the cinema when they have done their homework.

10-They said they would go to the cinema when they had done their homework.

mille fois pour ce magnifique exercice.
À quand le prochain ?

Réponse: concordance des temps. de nanette33, postée le 24-04-2006 à 19:05:42 (S | E)

1-When we asked to the employees to return to work, they refused.
2-If I had been on his/her place, I would have dropped the affair.
3-Had I had time, I would have written to you from London (c'est aussi la tournure que j'ai trouvée...)
4-Not only Peter played golf well, but he was also a very good musician.
5-When you see your mother, please remember me to her.
6-If he had not been caught in the act, never he would confessed.
7-If I had had to take all these tablets, I would even more have been sick.
8-When I save enough money, I will make my house repainted.
9-The children will go to the cinema when they do their homework.
10-They said that they would go to the cinema when they have done their homework.

and sorry for the mistakes.

Modifié par nanette33 le 28-04-2006 19:15 number 3 : from London (I wrote to London...)

Réponse: concordance des temps. de alil, postée le 24-04-2006 à 19:36:34 (S | E)

Réponse: concordance des temps. de annie, postée le 28-04-2006 à 12:28:32 (S | E)
It's very difficult for me but I'm going to try...

1)When the employees were asked to resume work, they refused.
2)Had I been him, I would have dropped business.
3)Had I had time, I would have written youfrom London.
4)Not only did Peter play golf well but he also was a very good musician.
5)When you see your mother, please remember me to her.
6)Hadn't he been caught red -handed,never he would admit his guilt.
7)Had I had to take all these tablets,I would be even sicker.
8)When I economize enough money, I will have my house repainted.
9)The children will go to the cinema when they finish their homework.
10)They are told that they would go to the cinema when they finished their homework.


Réponse: concordance des temps. de annie, postée le 28-04-2006 à 14:21:00 (S | E)
10) they said ...


Réponse: concordance des temps. de steeve34, postée le 03-05-2006 à 09:39:29 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous.

Voici quelques commentaires.

Phrase 1
Emploi de la voix passive.
Reprendre le travail--->to resume work.
"to anaphorique"
Pour éviter une répétition, l'infinitif est parfois réduit à sa particule TO.
TO peut être précédé de NOT.
I'll stay with you if you want me to.
I wanted to go there, but he told me not to.
"so anaphorique"
Do you think she'll be here on time ?
I hope so.

Phrase 2
Be in sb's shoes---> to be in someone else's situation, especially a bad one.
I'm glad I'm not in his shoes with all those debts to pay off.

Phrase 3
On peut exprimer une supposition en supprimant IF, mais en faisant une inversion.
IF I had been told in time.....
Peut s'écrire:
Had I been told in time.........

Phrase 4
Si "Not only" est placé en tête de phrase il faut faire l'inversion.
Not only did we lose our money, but we were nearly killed.

Phrase 5
Remember me TO sb----> used to ask someone to give a greeting from you TO someone else.
Après WHEN un futur français se traduit par un présent anglais.

Phrase 6
Prendre des médicaments----> prendre se traduit par to take.
He has to TAKE pills to control his blood pressure.
Encore(plus) + adjectif se traduit par ---> EVEN + COMPARATIF.
She is EVEN MORE beautiful than her sister.
It's EVEN COLDER than yesterday.

Phrase 7
Enough se place devant un nom, mais après un adjectif.
Faire faire. Ici l'infinitif "repeindre" a un sens passif.
La maison est repeinte PAR.......
D'autre part la concordance des temps exige le present perfect après WHEN.

Phrase 8
Prendre quelqu'un en flagrant délit----> to catch sb in the act (of) / to catch sb red-handed.
A shoplifter caught in the act. (shoplifter=voleur à l'étalage)
He was caught red-handed taking money from the till.
Dans cette phrase commençant par IF la concordance des temps se fait comme en français.

Phrases 9 et 10
Attention aux mots pièges !
Homework est singulier en anglais, mais pluriel en français.
Homework= devoirs scolaires.
I do my homework at night-------> je fais mes devoirs le soir.
Après WHEN conjonction de subordination de temps, on doit respecter la concordance des temps suivante:

FRANCAIS -------------> ANGLAIS
futur simple ----------------> present simple
futur antérieur -------------> present perfect
conditionnel présent--------> prétérit
conditionnel passé ---------> past perfect

Voici ma proposition.

1- When the employees were told to resume work, they refused to.
2- If I had been in his shoes I would have dropped the issue.
3- Had I had the time, I would have written to you from London.
4- Not only did peter play golf well, but he was also a very good musician.
5- When you see your mother, please remember me to her.
6- If I had had to take all those pills, I would have been even sicker.
7- When I have saved up enough money I'll have my house repainted.
8- If he had not been caught red-handed, he would never have confessed.
9- The children will go to the cinema when they have done their homework.
10-They said they would go to the cinema when they had done their homework.

Dans la phrase 1 on peut remplacer told par asked et resume par go back to.
When the employees were asked to go back to work........

Je vous remercie de votre participation.
Je répondrai à toute question concernant ce sujet.



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