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Phrasal Verbs 9
Message de felin posté le 21-08-2006 à 12:13:57 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Lundi soir. 28/08/06

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following phrasal verbs:
get out of, leave out, sell out, go out, give out, run out,put out.

1 I didn’t ................ bed until after ten o’clock.
2 We made invitations and ............ them .......... to our friends.
3 You look very smart this evening. Are you ............. ?
4 you’ve spelt Michael’s name wrong. You’ve ............. the ‘a’.
5 I’d love a cup of tea, if it doesn’t .......... you ........... too much.
6 Time is ............... and we still have loads to do.
7 I‘d like some bread, please. ‘I’m afraid we’ve .............’

Good luck.

Modifié par felin le 21-08-2006 12:49Hello mp27 merci.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 9 de mp27, postée le 21-08-2006 à 12:45:06 (S | E)
Hello felin!
1/ get out of --- 2/ gave them out --- 3/ going out --- 4/ left out
6/ running out --- 7/ sold out
Would the phrasal verb missing for No5 be: to put out?
I’d love a cup of tea, if it doesn’t put you out too much.
Thanks a lot.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 9 de bobine, postée le 21-08-2006 à 13:47:34 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

1 I didn’t get out of bed until after ten o’clock.
2 We made invitations and gave them out to our friends.
3 You look very smart this evening. Are you going out ?
4 you’ve spelt Michael’s name wrong. You’ve left out the ‘a’.
5 I’d love a cup of tea, if it doesn’t put you out too much.
6 Time is running out and we still have loads to do.
7 I‘d like some bread, please. ‘I’m afraid we’ve sold out’

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 9 de whynot95, postée le 21-08-2006 à 14:43:19 (S | E)
Hello my dear Felin

1- I didn’t get out of bed until after ten o’clock.
2- We made invitations and gave them out to our friends.
3- You look very smart this evening. Are you going out?
4- You’ve spelt Michael’s name wrong. You’ve left out the ‘a’.
5- I’d love a cup of tea, if it doesn’t put you out too much.
6- Time is running out and we still have loads to do.
7- I‘d like some bread, please. ‘I’m afraid we’ve sold out’.

Thanks a lot.

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 9 de nick27, postée le 21-08-2006 à 16:28:11 (S | E)
Hello Felin !

1. I didn’t get out of bed until after ten o’clock.
2. We made invitations and gave them out to our friends.
3. You look very smart this evening. Are you going out ?
4. you’ve spelt Michael’s name wrong. You’ve left out the ‘a’.
5. I’d love a cup of tea, if it doesn’t put you out too much.
6. Time is running out and we still have loads to do.
7. I‘d like some bread, please. ‘I’m afraid we’ve sold out

Thanks !

Modifié par felin le 21-08-2006 16:34
Hello nick, ah ah je sais que tu aimes ce genre d'exercice.

Modifié par nick27 le 21-08-2006 19:57
Yes ! you're right. I love it I'm fascinated by phrasal verbs. It's amazing how a small word can change the meaning of a verb

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 9 de babeth54, postée le 22-08-2006 à 22:05:25 (S | E)
1 I didn’t get out of bed until after ten o’clock.
2 We made invitations and gave them out to our friends.
3 You look very smart this evening. Are you going to go out ?
4 you’ve spelt Michael’s name wrong. You’ve left out the ‘a’.
5 I’d love a cup of tea, if it doesn’t put you out too much.
6 Time is running out and we still have loads to do.
7 I‘d like some bread, please. ‘I’m afraid we’ve sold out’

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 9 de robinou, postée le 23-08-2006 à 13:56:22 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin

1 I didn’t get out of bed until after ten o’clock.
2 We made invitations and gave them out to our friends.
3 You look very smart this evening. Are you going out ?
4 you’ve spelt Michael’s name wrong. You’ve left out the ‘a’.
5 I’d love a cup of tea, if it doesn’t put you out too much.
6 Time is running out and we still have loads to do.
7 I‘d like some bread, please. ‘I’m afraid we’ve sold out.


Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 9 de coferam, postée le 23-08-2006 à 15:11:15 (S | E)

Bonjour felin,

1 I didn’t ......get out of.......... bed until after ten o’clock.
2 We made invitations and ....gave........ them .....out..... to our friends.
3 You look very smart this evening. Are you ...going...out....... ?
4 you’ve spelt Michael’s name wrong. You’ve .....left out........ the ‘a’.
5 I’d love a cup of tea, if it doesn’t ....put...... you ....out....... too much.
6 Time is ......sold out......... and we still have loads to do.
7 I‘d like some bread, please. ‘I’m afraid we’ve out....’

Mon égo n’est pas satisfait, mais ma personne l’est…J’espère qu’un jour mon égo rejoindra ma personne ! Merci Felin de jouer ainsi avec mon Etre !

Réponse: Phrasal Verbs 9 de felin, postée le 28-08-2006 à 12:14:46 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction.

1 I didn’t get out of bed until after ten o’clock.
2 We made invitations and gave them out to our friends.
3 You look very smart this evening. Are you going out?
4 you’ve spelt Michael’s name wrong. You’ve left out the ‘a’.
5 I’d love a cup of tea, if it doesn’t put you out too much.
6 Time is running out and we still have loads to do.
7 I‘d like some bread, please. ‘I’m afraid we’ve sold out

Merci à tous pour votre participation.



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