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Les verbes anglais à particules 1
Message de steeve34 posté le 31-08-2006 à 14:39:15 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous,

En guise d'introduction

Comme il est difficile d'employer ces verbes à particules ("phrasal verbs in English"), très féquents dans la langue orale et familière !
Cependant la langue écrite, voire même soutenue est loin de les écarter.
C'est pourquoi il faut les connaître, et apprendre à les employer.
Parfois la particule permet de découvrir le sens du "phrasal verb" mais attention aux bévues !
1-Bring up some wine from the cellar.
Monte du wine de la cave.
2-She brought up her two daughters alone.
Elle a élevé ses deux filles toute seule.

C'est la particule associée au verbe qui modifie le verbe et donne un sens nouveau au "phrasal verb".

1-Look into---> examiner; enquêter.
The police are looking into the forged banknotes affair.
La police enquête dans l'affaire des faux billets.

2-Look up to---> respecter, admirer.
With his modesty, authority and sens of humour, he was a teacher we all looked up to.
Avec sa modestie, son autorité et son sens de l'humour, c'était un professeur que nous admirions tous.

Voici le sujet que je vous propose.
En employant le MÊME verbe, associé à des particules différentes, traduisez les phrases suivantes.

1- Je n'aime pas les gens qui empruntent les choses et qui ne les rendent jamais.
2-J'avais des tas de bouquins que je ne voulais pas garder, alors je les ai offerts à un ami.
3-Si seulement je pouvais arrêter de fumer.
4-Il essaya d'escalader la montagne tout seul, mais ses forces s'épuisèrent, et finalement il a dû être secouru.
5-Je ne vais pas abandonner maintenant, alors que j'ai une chance de gagner.

Correction: mercredi 6 septembre 2006.

Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de magmatic_rock, postée le 31-08-2006 à 15:08:28 (S | E)

read the sentences, find out the right verb to use for each sentence and here we are!

1/ I don't like people who borrow stuff and never give them back.
2/ I had bunch of books I didn't want to keep, so I gave them away to a friend.
3/ I wish I could give up smoking.
4/ He tried to climb the mountain on his own, but his strength gave out and he eventually had to be rescued.
5/ I'm not going to give up right now whereas I got a chance to win.


Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de mp27, postée le 31-08-2006 à 15:33:38 (S | E)
Hello steeve34!
1- I don't like people who borrow things and dont give them back
2- I had loads of books I didn't want to keep, so, I gave them away to a friend of mine.
3- If only I could give up smoking!
4- He tried to climb the mountain on his own, but his strength was gradually giving way, and he finally had to be rescued.
5- I'm not going to give in now, just when I've got a chance to win.
Thank you very much! and hoping to get some more sentences with phrasal verbs, in friendly little packs of 5. Super!

Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de nick27, postée le 31-08-2006 à 17:25:48 (S | E)
Thanks a lot Steeve34 !! I love phrasal verbs!

1. I don't like those people who borrow things and never give them back.
2. I had plenty of books that I didn't want to keep, so I gave them all away to a friend.
3. I wish I could give up smoking.
4. He tried to climb up the moutain alone, but his strength gave out, and he eventually had to be rescued.
5. I'm not going to give up now, when I have got a chance to win.

Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de babeth54, postée le 31-08-2006 à 22:50:20 (S | E)
1-Je n'aime pas les gens qui empruntent les choses et qui ne les rendent jamais.

I dislike people who borrow the things and who never give them back.

2-J'avais des tas de bouquins que je ne voulais pas garder, alors je les ai
offerts à un ami.

I had a bach of books that I did not want to keep ; then I gave them
to a friend of mine.

3 -Si seulement je pouvais arrêter de fumer.
If only I could give up smoking

4-Il essaya d'escalader la montagne tout seul, mais ses forces
s'épuisèrent, et finalement il a dû être secouru.

He tried to climb the moutain alone, but his forces gave out and finally,
he should have been helped.

5-Je ne vais pas abandonner maintenant, alors que j'ai une chance de

I am not going to give up now, whereas I have a chance to win.

Awaiting your answer,

Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de nanette33, postée le 01-09-2006 à 09:37:21 (S | E)
Hello Steve,

1- I don't like people who borrow things and never give them back.
2-I had a lot of books which I did'nt want to keep so I gave them away to a friend.
3-I wish I could give up smoking.
4-He tried to climb the mountain alone, buth his strenght gave out and he eventually had to be rescued.
5-I'm not going to give up now whereas I have a chance to win.

Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de zodiac97500, postée le 01-09-2006 à 12:32:30 (S | E)

Bonjour Steeve 34

1- I don't apreciate people who borrow things and don't give them back
2- I had a bunch of books I didn't want to keep,so I gave them back to a
3- If I only could quit smoking
4- He tried to climb the mountain alone,but his strenght quits , finally he had
to be rescued
5- I won't quit,now that I have a chance to win

Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de lakata, postée le 02-09-2006 à 18:03:29 (S | E)
Hello, Steeve !

1) I don't like people who borrow stuff and never give it back.

2) I'd got heaps of books I didn't want to keep, therefore I gave them away to a friend.

3) If only I could give up smoking !

4) He tried to climb the mountain by himself, but his strengths were giving out and, in the end, he had to be rescued.

5) I'm not going to give in now, just when I have a chance of winning.

(Luckily for me, I'm not concerned by the sentence n°3 any longer as it's two years since I last smoked a cigarette. It's been a great victory and I wish any smoker could give up smoking.)

Thank you very much for giving us this exercise about phrasal verbs which we can't do without, alas ! I agree with mp27 and I'm waiting for the next one...eagerly! (H'm!)
Bis repetita placent...

Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de coferam, postée le 03-09-2006 à 12:33:16 (S | E)

Bonjour Steve34,

1/ I don’t like the people who borrow the things and who never give them back.
2/ I had heaps of books I didn’t want to keep, then I gave them away to a friend.
3/ If only I could give up smoking.
4/ He tried climbing the mountain alone, but his strengths gave out , and finally he had to be helped.
5/ I'm not going to give in now, just when I have a chance to win.

Et merci pour cet exercice très enrichissant !

Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de toufa57, postée le 04-09-2006 à 09:53:42 (S | E)
Hello Steeve34,and thanks for this exercise.
Here is my try:
-I don't like the people who borrow things from and who never give them in.
-I had lots of books(that) Ididn't want to keep on, so Ioffered them to a friend.
-I wish Icould give up smoking.
-He tried to climb the montain alone but his strength gave out and finally he can have rescued.
-I'm not going to give up now,while I have a chance of winning out/ winning through.

Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de sandrineg, postée le 04-09-2006 à 12:17:58 (S | E)

1- I don't like people who borrow things and never give them back.

2- I had got a lot of books that I didn't want to keep, so, I gave them away to a friend.

3- If only I could give up smoking.

4-He tried to climb up the mountain alone, but his strenght gave out and then, he had to be rescued.

5-I'm not going to give up now as I've got a chance to win.


Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de whynot95, postée le 04-09-2006 à 12:28:39 (S | E)
Hello Steeve.

I don't like people who borrow things and never give them back.
I had plenty of books that I didn't want to keep, so I gave them in to a friend of mine.
If only I could give over smoking.
He tried to climb up the mountain alone, but his strength gave out, and finally he had to be rescued.
I am not going to give up now, when I have got a chance to win.

Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de steeve34, postée le 06-09-2006 à 11:01:53 (S | E)
Bonjour à tous,

Quelques remarques préliminaires.

1- to give back----> rendre.
Construction----> Give sth back to sb/ give sb back sth/give sb sth back.
Hand back/pass back sont des synonymes.

2-to give away---->Faire cadeau/donner.
Autres significations:
Conduire à l'autel(la mariée- the bride)
mais aussi,
Vendre la mèche/trahir.(noter l'expression idiomatique de même sens: To let the cat out of the bag ).
A giveaway----> un cadeau publicitaire/ une révélation involontaire.
EX: He said he'd given up smoking, but the empty packets in the rubbish bin were a dead (=obvious) giveaway.(un signe révélateur manifeste)

3-To give up----> Abandonner;renoncer;cesser.
Remarque sur la construction de la phrase.
Wish + could exprime le désir de pouvoir ou le regret de ne pas pouvoir.
I wish I could be a fly on the wall and listen to.......
Si seulement je pouvais être une petite souris pour écouter........

4-To give out---->être épuisé;tomber en panne
My strenght was giving out-----> J'étais à bout de forces.
One of the plane's engines gave out in mid-Atlantic.
Autres significations:
distribuer(hand out)
The news was given out two days after he died.
The teacher gave out the exam papers.

Remarque sur la construction de la phrase.

Emploi de "to TRY."

TRY est suivi d'un INFINITIF dans le sens de TENTER DE, de S'EFFORCER DE.
EX: I tried TO OPEN the door, but it was locked.
TRY est suivi d'un GERONDIF dans le sens de TENTER UNE EXPERIENCE,(pour voir ce qui se passera après)
EX: I tried SENDING her flowers, writing her letters, but she still wouldn't speak to me.

5- To give in---->céder;s'avouer vaincu.
I refuse to give in to his caprice.
The rebels were forced to give in.
Ne pas confondre ce verbe avec GIVE UP !!

Autre signification:-----> rendre, dans le sens de remettre.
Please give your work in before Monday.
verbes synonymes: hand in ;hand over.

Remarque sur la construction de la phrase.

Is there any chance of speaking him ?
I don't think I stand a chance of winning.
If we hurry, there's still an outside chance of catching the plane.

Voici ma proposition.

1-I don't like people who borrow things, and never give them back.
2-I had a lot of books I didn't want to keep, so I gave them away to a friend of mine.
3-I wish I could give up smoking.
4-He tried to climb the mountain alone, but his strenght gave out and in the end he had to be rescued.
5-I'm not going to give in, while I have a chance of winning.

Je vous remercie tous de votre bonne participation.
Si vous aimez les "phrasal verbs", je proposerai d'autres sujets.
Je répondrai volontiers à toute question concernant ce sujet.

Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de lymphatik, postée le 06-09-2006 à 11:16:25 (S | E)

Je voudrais savoir si il y a un moyen generique de comprendre le sens des phrasal verbs ou faut il les apprendre. Car un simple petit mot peut vraiment changer tout le sens de la phrase


Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de nanette33, postée le 06-09-2006 à 11:17:12 (S | E)
Hello Steeve,

pour toutes ces explications. Je plancherai bien volontiers sur de nouveaux exercices sur ce thème.

Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de lakata, postée le 06-09-2006 à 11:36:42 (S | E)
So will I !!!
Thank you in advance, Steeve!

Réponse: Les verbes anglais à particules de steeve34, postée le 06-09-2006 à 11:42:53 (S | E)
hello lymphatik,

Pour étudier les verbes à particules, dont l'apprentissage est réputé difficile,
je vous conseille de vous reporter au livre:
" Les verbes anglais à particules"
Michael Riccioli et Bernard Bazin
Le livre de poche N°8584.

Une véritable "Bible" du "Phrasal verb" !!



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