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Message de grabuge posté le 21-06-2005 à 19:05:54 (S | E | F | I)

Complétez chacune des phrases par another, other, others ou else.

Exemple :
Would you like _______ cup of tea?
Would you like another cup of tea?

The _____ guests have already arrived.
The other guests have already arrived.

1. I want to borrow ___________ book from the library.
2. Three people moved out, and two ____________ moved in.
3. Who ___________ knows the secret?
4. There are several ____________ possibilities.
5. Where ____________ should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film, but ____________ did not.
7. He lives on the ____________ side of the lake.
8. I have _____________ idea.
9. ____________ people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone ____________ here?
11. We are going to move to ___________ city.
12. Some birds feed on insects, while ____________ eat berries.
13. Somebody ____________ should have a turn now.
14. Few ____________ people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several ____________
16. What ____________ have you decided?

Bon travail, la correction pour mardi.

Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de post-scriptum, postée le 21-06-2005 à 20:52:40 (S | E)
Bonsoir Grabuge,

1. I want to borrow another book from the library.
2. Three people moved out, and two others moved in.
3. Who else knows the secret?
4. There are several others other possibilities.
5. Where else should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film, but others did not.
7. He lives on the other side of the lake.
8. I have another idea.
9. Other people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone else here?
11. We are going to move to another city.
12. Some birds feed on insects, while others eat berries.
13. Somebody else should have a turn now.
14. Few other people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several others.
16. What else have you decided?

Merci Grabuge, et à 'autre' fois peut-être,

Edité par post-scriptum le 21-06-2005 22:06
Depuis que tu es parvenue à me détrôner dans un exercice sanglant, pour ensuite atrocement me décapiter, tu vois bien que ma frêle dépouille toute drapée de blanc traîne désormais ses guêtres et sa longue chaîne rouillée dans les couloirs obscurs de cette terrrrrrrrrible geole...
Edité par post-scriptum le 22-06-2005 20:32
Bon sang, mais c'est bien sûr ! Merci Grabuge

Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de joy813, postée le 21-06-2005 à 21:06:01 (S | E)
Good evening, Grabuge

. I want to borrow another book from the library.
2. Three people moved out, and two others moved in.
3. Who else knows the secret?
4. There are several others possibilities.
5. Where else should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film, but others did not.
7. He lives on the other side of the lake.
8. I have antoher idea.
9. Other people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone else here?
11. We are going to move to another city.
12. Some birds feed on insects, while others eat berries.
13. Somebody else should have a turn now.
14. Few other people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several others
16. What else have you decided

see you soon,

Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de samia51, postée le 21-06-2005 à 21:32:54 (S | E)
Bonsoir Grabuge

Complétez chacune des phrases par another, other, others ou else.

1. I want to borrow ANOTHER book from the library.
2. Three people moved out, and two OTHERS moved in.
3. Who _ELSE knows the secret?
4. There are several OTHERS possibilities.
5. Where ELSE should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film, but OTHERS did not.
7. He lives on the OTHER side of the lake.
8. I have ANOTHER idea.
9. ANOTHER people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone ELSE here?
11. We are going to move to ANOTHER city.
12. Some birds feed on insects, while OTHERS eat berries.
13. Somebody ELSE should have a turn now.
14. Few OTHER people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several OTHERS
16. What ELSE have you decided?

Merci Grabuge.

Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de moudounou, postée le 21-06-2005 à 21:37:55 (S | E)
1. I want to borrow another book from the library.
2. Three people moved out, and two others moved in.
3. Who else knows the secret?
4. There are several others possibilities.
5. Where else should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film, but others did not.
7. He lives on the other side of the lake.
8. I have another idea.
9. Other people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone else here?
11. We are going to move to another city.
12. Some birds feed on insects, while others eat berries.
13. Somebody else should have a turn now.
14. Few other people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several others.
16. What else have you decided?
, grabuge.
See you again.

Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de jardin62, postée le 21-06-2005 à 22:08:00 (S | E)
Une minute please!

1- I want to borrow another book.
2- Three people moved out and two other moved in.<= Oh!others (il est employé comme pronom, voyons m'dam!'A copier 100 fois!)
3- Who else knows the secret?
4- There are several other possibilities.
5- Where else should I look?
6- ...But others did not.
7- He lives on the other side of the lake.
8- I have another idea.
9- Other people soon followed her example.
10- Do you know anyone else here?
11- We are going to move to another city.
12- Some birds feed on insects while others eat berries.
13- Somebody else should have a turn now.
14- Few other people attended the ceremony.
15- You may borrow this eraser. I have several others.
16- What else have you decided?
(C'est moi qui ai corrigé, merci grabuge, pour le MP!)

Edité par jardin62 le 22-06-2005 19:21

Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de bridg, postée le 21-06-2005 à 22:47:32 (S | E)

1. I want to borrow another book.
2. Three people moved out and two others moved in.
3. Who else knows the secret?
4. There are several other possibilities.
5. Where else should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film But others did not.
7. He lives on the other side of the lake.
8. I have another idea.
9. Other people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone else here?
11. We are going to move to another city.
12. Some birds feed on insects while others eat berries.
13. Somebody else should have a turn now.
14. Few other people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several others.
16. What else have you decided?

Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de lethidee, postée le 21-06-2005 à 23:15:01 (S | E)
Hello grabuge


Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de hyppoblue, postée le 22-06-2005 à 09:36:34 (S | E)
1. I want to borrow another book from the library.
2. Three people moved out, and two others moved in.
3. Who else knows the secret?
4. There are several other possibilities.
5. Where else should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film, but others did not.
7. He lives on the other side of the lake.
8. I have another idea.
9. Other people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone else here?
11. We are going to move to another city.
12. Some birds feed on insects, while others eat berries.
13. Somebody else should have a turn now.
14. Few other people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several others.
16. What else have you decided?

Merci à toi Grabuge de m'avoir vengée, de PS dans un excercice sanglant... ... son fantôme rôde maintenant...

Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de mary1, postée le 22-06-2005 à 11:05:56 (S | E)
hello grabuge
je vais essayer mais je ne vois pas très bien les différences.

1. I want to borrow another book from the library.
2. Three people moved out, and two others moved in.
3. Who else knows the secret?
4. There are several other possibilities.
5. Where other should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film, but others did not.
7. He lives on the other side of the lake.
8. I have another idea.
9. other people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone else here?
11. We are going to move to another city.
12. Some birds feed on insects, while other eat berries.
13. Somebody else should have a turn now.
14. Few other people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several other 16. What else have you decided?

Edité par grabuge le 22-06-2005 16:22

Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de zen34, postée le 22-06-2005 à 11:39:51 (S | E)
Hi Grabuge,

1. I want to borrow another book from the library.
2. Three people moved out, and two others moved in.
3. Who else knows the secret?
4. There are several other possibilities.
5. Where else should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film, but others did not.
7. He lives on the other side of the lake.
8. I have another idea.
9. Other people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone else here?
11. We are going to move to another city.
12. Some birds feed on insects, while others eat berries.
13. Somebody else should have a turn now.
14. Few other people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several others
16. What else have you decided?

Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de grabuge, postée le 22-06-2005 à 12:44:24 (S | E)

Quelques petites (toutes petites, minuscules, microscopiques...) erreurs. Je vous envoie un mp et je prépare un nouvel exercice.

A plus tard.

Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de isa71, postée le 22-06-2005 à 21:46:12 (S | E)
bonsoir tout le monde

1. I want to borrow _____another______ book from the library.
2. Three people moved out, and two _____others_______ moved in.
3. Who _____else______ knows the secret?
4. There are several ______others______ possibilities.
5. Where ______else______ should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film, but ____others________ did not.
7. He lives on the _____other_______ side of the lake.
8. I have ______another_______ idea.
9. _____other_______ people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone ______else______ here?
11. We are going to move to _____another______ city.
12. Some birds feed on insects, while ______others______ eat berries.
13. Somebody _____else_______ should have a turn now.
14. Few _____other_______ people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several _____others_______
16. What ______else______ have you decided?


Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de felin, postée le 22-06-2005 à 23:43:15 (S | E)
Hi Grabuge

. I want to borrow another book from the library.
2. Three people moved out, and two others moved in.
3. Who else knows the secret?
4. There are several other possibilities.
5. Where else should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film, but others did not.
7. He lives on the other side of the lake.
8. I have another idea.
9. Other people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone else here?
11. We are going to move to another city.
12. Some birds feed on insects, while other eat berries.
13. Somebody else should have a turn now.
14. Few other people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several others
16. What else have you decided?


Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de savoir, postée le 23-06-2005 à 00:15:05 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tous,

1. I want to borrow another book from the library.
2. Three people moved out, and two other moved in.
3. Who else knows the secret?
4. There are several other possibilities.
5. Where else should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film, but other did not.
7. He lives on the other side of the lake.
8. I have another idea.
9. Other people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone else here?
11. We are going to move to another city.
12. Some birds feed on insects, while other eat berries.
13. Somebody else should have a turn now.
14. Few other people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several other
16. What else have you decided?


Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de idem, postée le 24-06-2005 à 15:08:42 (S | E)
bonjour Grabuge
grosse chaleur et beaucoup de retard

1. I want to borrow another book from the library.
2. Three people moved out, and two others moved in.
3. Who else knows the secret?
4. There are several other possibilities.
5. Where else should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film, but others did not.
7. He lives on the otherside of the lake.
8. I have another idea.
9. Other people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone else here?
11. We are going to move to another city.
12. Some birds feed on insects, while others eat berries.
13. Somebody else should have a turn now.
14. Few other people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several others
16. What else have you decided?

bon j'espère avoir bien appliquée la règle
Bonne journée à tous

Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de lyne, postée le 24-06-2005 à 16:17:04 (S | E)
Bonjour grabuge,

1. I want to borrow another book from the library.
2. Three people moved out, and two other moved in.
3. Who other knows the secret?
4. There are several other possibilities.
5. Where another should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film, but other did not.
7. He lives on the other side of the lake.
8. I have another idea.
9. other people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone else here?
11. We are going to move to another city.
12. Some birds feed on insects, while others eat berries.
13. Somebody else should have a turn now.
14. Few other people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several another
16. What else have you decided?

Alors là, je suis allée à la pêche et je crois que je me suis noyée malgré mes différentes recherches.

Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de ninou30, postée le 24-06-2005 à 18:51:05 (S | E)
Bonsoir grabuge, bonsoir tous le monde
1. I want to borrow _another_ book from the library.
2. Three people moved out, and two _others_moved in.
3. Who _else_ knows the secret?
4. There are several _other_ possibilities.
5. Where _else_ should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film, but _others_ did not.
7. He lives on the _other_ side of the lake.
8. I have _another_ idea.
9. _other_ people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone _else_ here?
11. We are going to move to _another_ city.
12. Some birds feed on insects, while _others_ eat berries.
13. Somebody _else_ should have a turn now.
14. Few _other_ people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several _others_
16. What _else_ have you decided?


Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de ninou30, postée le 24-06-2005 à 18:54:23 (S | E)
vite je corrige l'horreur : Bonsoir tout le monde

Réponse: Another/Other/Else... de grabuge, postée le 28-06-2005 à 19:52:59 (S | E)
Vous avez remarqué ? Quoi ? Et bien, pour une fois, je n'ai pas oublié de poster la correction...

1. I want to borrow another book from the library.
2. Three people moved out, and two others moved in.
3. Who else knows the secret?
4. There are several other possibilities.
5. Where else should I look?
6. Some students enjoyed the film, but others did not.
7. He lives on the other side of the lake.
8. I have another idea.
9. Other people soon followed her example.
10. Do you know anyone else here?
11. We are going to move to another city.
12. Some birds feed on insects, while others eat berries.
13. Somebody else should have a turn now.
14. Few other people attended the ceremony.
15. You may borrow this eraser. I have several others
16. What else have you decided?

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.


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