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Passif - difficile
Message de grabuge posté le 30-09-2005 à 20:37:23 (S | E | F | I)


Je reviens vous tracasser un peu avec un exercice sur le passif un peu compliqué.

1. One cannot eat a banana if nobody has peeled it. (2 passives)
2. They did nothing until he arrived.
3. They turned down my offer.
4. We'll have to examine you again.
5. Somebody will meet the visitors at the airport.
6. Tiger Woods is so good at golf that nobody can beat him.
7. Did the explosion frighten you?
8. Someone must have taken the book after I left the room.
9. They bought us some ice-cream.
10. You must wash that shirt for tonight's party.

Correction Mercredi et par MP

Réponse: Passif - difficile de magmatic_rock, postée le 01-10-2005 à 12:37:39 (S | E)
Coucou Grabuge, toujours géniaux tes execrices!

Alors là j'en fais rarement et je risque de vraiment coincer!

2/ Nothing was done by them until he arrived.
3/ My offer was turned down by they. or
They were turned down my offer.
5/ The visitors will be met at the airport by somebody. or
Somebody will be met the visitors at the airport.
7/ Was the explosion frightened you?
8/ The book must have been taken by someone after I left the room.
9/ We were bought some ice-cream.
10/ That shirt must have be washed for tonight's party.

Vraiment désolé pour tout ces blancs mais je ne sais vraiment pas du tout!
J'ai, parfois, mis deux réponses pour savoir si c'était bon car j'ai du mal avec les deuxièmes formes que j'ai mises à chaque fois et je ne sait pas si elles sont juste alors j'espère que lors de la correction tu pourra m'éclaicir un peu tout ça!
Je sais que pour dire: on m'a donné un stylo, je dirais: I was given a pen ou A pen was given to me


Réponse: Passif - difficile de joy813, postée le 01-10-2005 à 14:06:08 (S | E)
Hello Grabuge

Allez, je vais tenir compagnie à Magma

1. A banana can't be eaten if it hasn't been peeled by somebody.
2. Nothing was done until he arrived.
3. My offer was turned down.
4. You will have to be examined again.
5. The visitors will be met at the airport.
6. Tiger Woods is so good at golf, that he can't be beaten.
7. Were you frightened by the explosion ?
8. The book must have been taken after I left the room.
9. Some ice-cream were bought for us.
10.That shirt must be washed for tonigh't party.

pas si simple

Réponse: Passif - difficile de sandrineg, postée le 01-10-2005 à 16:05:48 (S | E)
Sorry, I continue.
1. One cannot eat a banana if nobody has peeled it.
A banana cannot be eaten if it has been peeled by nobody.

2. They did nothing until he arrived.
Nothing was done until he arrived.

3. They turned down my offer.
My offer was turned down.

4. We'll have to examine you again
You will have to be examined again.

5. Somebody will meet the visitors at the airport.
The visitors will be met by somebody at the airport.

6. Tiger Woods is so good at golf that nobody can beat him.
Tiger woods can be beaten by nobody because he is so good at golf.

7. Did the explosion frighten you?
Were you frightened by the esplosion ?

8. Someone must have taken the book after I left the room.
The book must have been taken by someone after I left the room.

9. They bought us some ice-cream
Some ice-cream were bought by us.

10. You must wash that shirt for tonight's party.
That shirt must be washed by you for tonight's party.

Réponse: Passif - difficile de jier, postée le 01-10-2005 à 17:26:56 (S | E)
Ave Grabuge,

1 A banana cannot be eaten if it hasn’t been peeled by somebody.
2 Nothing was done by them until he arrived.
3 My offer was turned down by them. Ou encore I was turned down my offer by them.
4 You’ll have to be examined again by us.
5 The visitors will be met by somebody at the airport.
6 Tiger Woods is so good at golf that he can’t be beaten by anybody.
7 Were you frightened by the explosion ?
8 The book must have been taken by someone after I left the room.
9 We were bought some ice-cream by them. ou encore Some ice-cream was bought to us by them.
10 That shirt must be washed by you for tonight’s party.

Edité par jier le 01-10-2005 17:28

Réponse: Passif - difficile de aimen7, postée le 01-10-2005 à 18:23:46 (S | E)
Hello grabuge,
Merci pour cette révision.

1-A banana cannot be eaten if it hasn't been peeled.
2-Nothing was done ( by them) until he arrived.
3-My offer was turned down by them.
4-You'll have to be examined by us again.
5-The visitors will be met by someone at the airport.
6-Tiger Woods is so good at golf that he cannot be beaten by anybody.
7-Were you frightened by the explosion.
8-The book must have been taken after I left the room.
9-We have been bought some ice-cream./Some ice-cream was bought for us (by them).
10-That shirt must be washed for tonight's party.
11-Such an exercise must be done regularly.
See you soon.

Réponse: Passif - difficile de grabuge, postée le 05-10-2005 à 13:27:59 (S | E)

Voici la correction :

1. One cannot eat a banana if nobody has peeled it. (2 passives)
A banana cannot be eaten if it has not been peeled.
2. They did nothing until he arrived.
Nothing was done until he arrived.
3. They turned down my offer.
my offer was turned down.
4. We'll have to examine you again.
You will have to be examined again.
5. Somebody will meet the visitors at the airport.
the visitors will be met at the airport.
6. Tiger Woods is so good at golf that nobody can beat him.
Tiger Woods is so good that he can't be beaten.
7. Did the explosion frighten you?
Were you frightened by the explosion?
8. Someone must have taken the book after I left the room.
The book must have been taken after I left the room.
9. They bought us some ice-cream.
we were bought some ice-cream.
10. You must wash that shirt for tonight's party.
that shirt must be washed for tonight's party.

A bientôt

Réponse: Passif - difficile de zeran, postée le 05-10-2005 à 14:02:48 (S | E)
Bonjour Grabuge,
1. A banana cannot be eaten if it hasn't been peeled (by anybody).
2. Nothing wasn't done until he arrived.
3. My offer was turned down by them.
4. You will have to be examined by us again.
5. The visitors will be met at the airport.
6. Tiger Woods is so good at golf that he cannot be beaten by anybody.
7. Were you frightened by the explosion?
8. The book must have been taken after I left the room.
9. Some ice cream was bought for us by them.
10. That shirt must be washed for tonight's party.

See you soon

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