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Gérondif or Infinitive ?
Message de grabuge posté le 01-10-2005 à 20:31:05 (S | E | F | I)


Une petite révision sur l'utilisation soit du gérondif soit de l'infinitif.

1. I can't help (feel) worried about the situation in the Middle East.
2. I think most people prefer (ride) in comfortable cars to (walk) .
3. She loves (swim) in the lake.
4. There's no (deny) that he enjoys (listen) to his own voice.
5. Don't keep on (shout) like that; you will wake up your mother.
6. I enjoy (rest) in the afternoon after (try) to finish (do) my English homework.
7. She likes (begin) pieces of knitting but hates (finish) them.
8. I dread (take) examinations for fear of (fail) .
9. I couldn't resist (buy) the lovely apples.
10. I wouldn't miss (see) that lovely film for the world!

Correction par MP

Réponse: Gérondif or Infinitive ? de nanou56, postée le 01-10-2005 à 20:52:30 (S | E)
These are my answers :

1. Il can't help feeling worried about the situation in the Middle East.
2. I think most people prefer to ride in comfortable cars to walking.
3. She loves swimming (or to swin) in the lake.
4. There's no to deny that he enjoys listening to his own voice.
5. Dont keep on shouting like that ; you will wake up your mother.
6. I enjoy resting in the afternoon after trying to finish to do my English homework.
7. She likes to begin pieces of knitting but hates to finish them.
8. I dread to take examinations for fear of failing.
9. I couldn't resist buying the lovely apples.
10. I wouldn't miss to see that lovely film for the world!

Merci pour la correction.
(que veut dire "Correction par MP")


Edité par grabuge le 01-10-2005 20:56 MP = Message privé

Réponse: Gérondif or Infinitive ? de magmatic_rock, postée le 01-10-2005 à 20:59:02 (S | E)
Coucou Grabuge,

1. I can't help feel worried about the situation in the Middle East.
2. I think most people prefer riding in comfortable cars to walking .
3. She loves swimming in the lake.
4. There's no deny that he enjoys listening to his own voice.
5. Don't keep on shouting like that; you will wake up your mother.
6. I enjoy rest in the afternoon after try to finish doing my English homework.
7. She likes begin pieces of knitting but hates finish them.
8. I dread take examinations for fear of fail .
9. I couldn't resist buy the lovely apples.
10. I wouldn't miss seeing that lovely film for the world!

Edité par magmatic_rock le 02-10-2005 12:14

Réponse: Gérondif or Infinitive ? de felin, postée le 01-10-2005 à 21:16:47 (S | E)
Bonsoir Grabuge

1. I can't help feeling worried about the situation in the Middle East.
2. I think most people prefer riding in comfortable cars to walking .
3. She loves swimming in the lake.
4. There's no deny that he enjoys listening to his own voice.
5. Don't keep on shouting like that; you will wake up your mother.
6. I enjoy resting in the afternoon after trying to finish doing my English homework.
7. She likes to begin pieces of knitting but hates to finish them.
8. I dread taking examinations for fear of failing.
9. I couldn't resist buying the lovely apples.
10. I wouldn't miss seeing that lovely film for the world!

J'espere de ne pas avoir fait trop de fautes car cela fait longtemps que je n'ai pas travaille j'ai laisse tombe.

Réponse: Gérondif or Infinitive ? de aimen7, postée le 02-10-2005 à 11:09:28 (S | E)
Hello grabuge,

1. I can't help feeling worried about the situation in the Middle East.
2. I think most people prefer riding in comfortable cars to walking .
3. She loves swimming in the lake.
4. There's no denying that he enjoys (listen) to his own voice.
5. Don't keep on shouting like that; you will wake up your mother.
6. I enjoy resting in the afternoon after trying to finish doing my English homework.
7. She likes beginning pieces of knitting but hates to finish them.
8. I dread taking examinations for fear of failing .
9. I couldn't resist buying the lovely apples.
10. I wouldn't miss to see that lovely film for the world!

Réponse: Gérondif or Infinitive ? de moudounou, postée le 02-10-2005 à 11:31:37 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

1. I can't help feeling worried about the situation in the Middle East.
2. I think most people prefer ridding in comfortable cars to walk.
3. She loves swimming in the lake.
4. There's no deny that he enjoys listening to his own voice.
5. Don't keep on shouting like that; you will wake up your mother.
6. I enjoy resting in the afternoon after trying to finish doing my English homework.
7. She likes beginning pieces of knitting but hates finishing them.
8. I dread taking examinations for fear of fail .
9. I couldn't resist buying the lovely apples.
10. I wouldn't miss seeing that lovely film for the world!

, and see you soon.

Réponse: Gérondif or Infinitive ? de gewurz, postée le 03-10-2005 à 12:54:48 (S | E)
Hi Grabuge,

1. I can't help feeling worried about the situation in the Middle East.
2. I think most people prefer riding in comfortable cars to walking .
3. She loves swimming in the lake.
4. There's no deny that he enjoys listening to his own voice.
5. Don't keep on shouting like that; you will wake up your mother.
6. I enjoy resting in the afternoon after trying to finish doing my English homework.
7. She likes to begin pieces of knitting but hates finishing them.
8. I dread taking examinations for fear of failing .
9. I couldn't resist buying the lovely apples.
10. I wouldn't miss to see that lovely film for the world!

Well, lots of ing... it's dodgy, sort of smelling mistakes in the air

Réponse: Gérondif or Infinitive ? de post-scriptum, postée le 03-10-2005 à 14:43:03 (S | E)
Bonjour Grabuge,

1. I can't help feeling worried about the situation in the Middle East.
2. I think most people prefer riding in comfortable cars to walking.
3. She loves swimming in the lake.
4. There's no deny that he enjoys listening to his own voice.
5. Don't keep on shouting like that; you will wake up your mother.
6. I enjoy resting in the afternoon after trying to finish doing my English homework.
7. She likes to begin pieces of knitting but hates finishing them.
8. I dread taking examinations for fear of failing.
9. I couldn't resist buying the lovely apples.
10. I wouldn't miss to see that lovely film for the world!

Cet exercice m'a plu énormément. Merci de l'avoir publié. A bientôt.

Réponse: Gérondif or Infinitive ? de zen34, postée le 03-10-2005 à 15:41:51 (S | E)
Salut Grabuge,

Exercice très interessant!

1. I can't help (feeling) worried about the situation in the Middle East.
2. I think most people prefer (riding) in comfortable cars to (walk) .
3. She loves (swimming) in the lake.
4. There's no (deny) that he enjoys (listening) to his own voice.
5. Don't keep on (shouting) like that; you will wake up your mother.
6. I enjoy (resting) in the afternoon after (trying) to finish (doing) my English homework.
7. She likes (beginning) pieces of knitting but hates (finishing) them.
8. I dread (taking) examinations for fear of (failing).
9. I couldn't resist (buying) the lovely apples.
10. I wouldn't miss (seeing) that lovely film for the world!

Réponse: Gérondif or Infinitive ? de fik, postée le 04-10-2005 à 15:17:39 (S | E)
Salut grabuge

1. Il can't help feeling worried about the situation in the Middle East.
2. I think most people prefer riding in comfortable cars to walking.
3. She loves swimming in the lake.
4. There's no to ??? that he enjoys listening to his own voice.
5. Dont keep on shouting like that ; you will wake up your mother.
6. I enjoy resting in the afternoon after trying to finish to do my English homework.
7. She likes begining pieces of knitting but hates to finish them.
8. I dread to take examinations for fear of failing.
9. I couldn't resist buying the lovely apples.
10. I wouldn't miss seeing that lovely film for the world!

Merci grabuge

Réponse: Gérondif or Infinitive ? de grabuge, postée le 05-10-2005 à 13:35:50 (S | E)

Voici la correction. J'ai fait un test à ce propos, d'autres suivront car le sujet est assez vaste, de quoi devenir un peu .
Si cela vous intéresse, c'est le n° 4040.

1. I can't help feeling worried about the situation in the Middle East.
2. I think most people prefer riding in comfortable cars to walking.
3. She loves swimming in the lake.
4. There's no denying that he enjoys listening to his own voice.
5. Don't keep on shouting like that; you will wake up your mother.
6. I enjoy resting in the afternoon after trying to finish doing my English homework.
7. She likes beginning pieces of knitting but hates finishing them.
8. I dread taking examinations for fear of failing .
9. I couldn't resist buying the lovely apples.
10. I wouldn't miss seeing that lovely film for the world!

Merci d'avoir participé

Réponse: Gérondif or Infinitive ? de zeran, postée le 05-10-2005 à 14:57:03 (S | E)
Bonjour Grabuge,
1. I can't help feeling worried about the situation in the Middle East.
2. I think most people prefer riding in comfortable cars to walking .
3. She loves swimming in the lake.
4. There's no denying that he enjoys listening to his own voice.
5. Don't keep on shouting like that; you will wake up your mother.
6. I enjoy resting in the afternoon after trying to finish doing my English homework.
7. She likes (beginning/begin) pieces of knitting but hates finishing them. (beginning si elle aime bien commencer, mais She likes begin si j'insiste sur l'idée d'habitude)
8. I dread to take examinations for fear of failing .
9. I couldn't resist buying the lovely apples.
10. I wouldn't miss to see that lovely film for the world!
pour cet exercice qui m'a obligée à fouiller dans mes notes de grammaire et pour tout ton travail.

Edité par zeran le 05-10-2005 14:59

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