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Expression : Exotic animals
Message de jeanmi posté le 21-10-2005 à 21:24:53 (S | E | F | I)

Hello everybody,
Can you write a few lines on this question?
"What do you think of people who have exotic animals at home?"
Correction on this post. There's no deadline to answer and write, everyone is welcome, beginners or not.

Réponse: Expression : Exotic animals de magmatic_rock, postée le 22-10-2005 à 12:04:17 (S | E)
Hello Jeanmi, nice to find back your exercises!

I think that not everybody can has(*) have "can" est toujours suivi d'une base verbale got the animal that he(*)they desires. Actually it depends on the way he(*)they looks after it. For example, there are a lot of people who have got a big dog in their little flat and moreover they never take him for a walk. I find that "disgraceful", it is a shame. Some dogs often need to run, to breathe the fresh air, cool off (= refroidir) to refresh but owing to their owner they stay at home and after then they are sick!!!
Well, otherwise, for the exotic animals, an experience with those "specials" animals is needed. Indeed, if you have got a serpent snake or an animal like that, you have to know how to feed it, how often, etc... And especially you have to be careful!
Exotic animals are often , see always, unpredictable. We often see, at on TV, people with some animals like tigers, panthers or even monkeys, and we sometimes can see their weird reactions. It can be very dangerous! Thus, I firstly think that if you have got a child, you shouldn't have got any exotic animal and then I think that possessing an exotic animal in his your house requires a lot of time and competences unless if you considere birds, hamsters, little animals like that are exotic animals.

a lot, Jeanmi

Edité par magmatic_rock le 22-10-2005 13:53

Edité par magmatic_rock le 28-10-2005 23:01
(*) en fait au début j'avais mis "ils" au pluriel mais comme j'ai commencé la phrase avec everybody je me suis dit qu'en anglais c'est différent et qu'on emploi le singulier, ais-je eut raison? ou aurais-je du laisser "they"?

Edité par jeanmi le 29-10-2005 06:45
Tes progrès sont étonnants! Je te félicite.
En effet, je pense que "they" est plus approprié.

Edité par magmatic_rock le 29-10-2005 10:57
Alala, si tu m'aurais corrigé avec juste un jor d'avance je n'aurais pas changé les deux premières lignes et ça m'aurait fait ça en moins de fautes ! et j'espère que tu en fera un nouveau comme ça bientôt! Au fait, désolé pour le "snake", faute d'inatention que même en relisant plusieurs fois j'avais pas vu!

Réponse: Expression : Exotic animals de frany65, postée le 27-10-2005 à 15:31:41 (S | E)
Hello Jeanmi,

Some personal answers for a difficult question
More and more people have exotic animals at home. In my opinion, it's absurd ! Why ? Because some exotic animals like tiger, monkey cannot live in a house. It isn't their natural home. They need space to live and be happy. People must devote time to be take care of this their animals. How would you walk a monkey in a city ? The best is their background. Some exotic animals like spiders, snakes, mice can adapt to our life's style because they only need a cage, food and caress (do you think it's possible with a spider ? ... I think a small exotic animal can live in a family if all conditions are required fulfilled. But not in my home..... Because I am afraid of snakes, mice, big spiders.

Merci et A+

Edité par jeanmi le 29-10-2005 07:07
Good job.

Edité par jeanmi le 29-10-2005 07:11

Réponse: Expression : Exotic animals de lethidee, postée le 27-10-2005 à 19:48:28 (S | E)

I think that the idea of possessing an animal, pet or wild, is a door opened to a lot of obligations and constraints of every all sorts.
Actually, people live in a consumption society and we are used to considering (1) the animals as puppets without identity and life. We take them only for our pleasure or decorum and we don't really respect them.
I like the nature but I think first that we have to respect each environment of every being living in on this planet and forget to possess each other.

Edité par jeanmi le 29-10-2005 07:12
1) to be used to + V-ing = avoir l'habitude de
used to + V = habitude dans passé qui n'est plus valable au présent : Ex : I used to play football. Je jouais au football (sous-entendu, maintenant, je n'y joue plus.)

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