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Vocabulary quiz 'W words 1'.
Message de marit64 posté le 09-11-2005 à 22:57:38 (S | E | F | I)


Find the words beginning with the letter "W".

1- What "W word" means to make a shrill, often musical, sound by forcing one's breath between the lips or teeth? ..............
2- When your coat fits to be worn, it's ............. .
3- When you take short steps and move from side to side in walking (as a duck does), you ............. .
4- This word means "everywhere in the world". ..................
5- This is a verb meaning to go, move, walk etc (about, in or on) from place to place with no definite destination in mind. ..............
6- You're ............. when you've gained a great deal of knowledge from books or experience or both and able to use it well. ..............
7- How do you call the part of a pair of trousers, skirt etc which goes round the waist?
8- This verb means to find the heaviness of something by placing it on a scale. ..............
9- It's a small crease on one's face. ..............
10- This "W word" means to clean or dry by rubbing with a cloth, paper etc. ..............

Good luck and have fun!
I'll give you the answers next Wednesday!
So long,

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W words 1'. de to-be-free, postée le 10-11-2005 à 01:33:22 (S | E)
hello marit64
7-Waist belt
I get your method of making up your games. Will the next one be as Y-word?
But in English there aren’t too many Z-words.
so long,

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W words 1'. de oldman, postée le 10-11-2005 à 18:37:58 (S | E)
Hello my dear Marit,

Here are the words I have found:

1. (to) whistle
2. winter
3. (to) waddle
4. wherever
5. (to) wander
6. wise
7. waistband
8. (to) weigh
9. wrinkle
10. (to) wipe

Best wishes.

Edité par oldman le 15-11-2005 08:56
2. well-worn
4. worldwide

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W words 1'. de good_doggy, postée le 11-11-2005 à 15:22:56 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

1- Whistle.
2- Well-worn.
3- Waddle.
4- Wheresoever.
5- Wander.
6- Wise.
7- Waist belt.
8- Weigh.
9- Wrinkle.
10- Wipe.

Merci Marit

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W words 1'. de nanette33, postée le 11-11-2005 à 17:11:13 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- What "W word" means to make a shrill, often musical, sound by forcing one's breath between the lips or teeth? (to) whistle
2- When your coat fits to be worn, it's well-worn.
3- When you take short steps and move from side to side in walking (as a duck does), you waddle.
4- This word means "everywhere in the world". worldwide
5- This is a verb meaning to go, move, walk etc (about, in or on) from place to place with no definite destination in mind. (to) wander
6- You're wise when you've gained a great deal of knowledge from books or experience or both and able to use it well.
7- How do you call the part of a pair of trousers, skirt etc which goes round the waist? waistband
8- This verb means to find the heaviness of something by placing it on a scale. (to) weigh
9- It's a small crease on one's face. wrinkle
10- This "W word" means to clean or dry by rubbing with a cloth, paper etc. (to) wipe

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W words 1'. de isa71, postée le 13-11-2005 à 22:20:48 (S | E)
hello Marit



Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W words 1'. de lynx_300, postée le 16-11-2005 à 13:20:33 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1- whistling
2- well-worn
3- waddle
4- worldwide
5- wander
6- wise
7- waistband
8- to weigh up
9- wrinkle
10- to wipe up

for this new list.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W words 1'. de marit64, postée le 17-11-2005 à 00:08:22 (S | E)
Hi everyone!

for your good work! You're the

Here are the answers:

1- whistle (siffler) 2- wearable (mettable) 3- waddle (dandiner)
4- worldwide (mondial, dans le monde entier) 5- wander (errer, se promener) 6- wise (sage) 7- waistband (ceinture) 8- weigh (peser)
9- wrinkle (ride) 10- wipe (essuyer).

Thanks a lot for your participation.
So long,

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