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Vente d'une caravane
Message de marcfo posté le 18-11-2005 à 16:17:29 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous,
Je suis entrain d'essayer de vendre ma caravane sur Internet et j'ai reçu une réponse d'un londonnien me disant:

"hello, Am interested in buying your item which i saw on the internet and i would like to know the conditions ?, and probably arrange for payment to get to you and also arrange for the pick up once payment is confirmed by you.(I BASED IN LONDON WITH MY FAMILY) Please acknowledge the offer and i will have the funds remitted to you as soon as possible, and i'll like this transaction to be kept in outmost trust, Kindly reply back to me with your last asking price ? also a picture of the Bike.Thanks and God Bless..... Regards,"

Voilà la réponse que je compte y faire.

Hello, Kerry

I confirm you, the price of my caravan, ( it’s 4000 €), I don’t want bring down..
I’ve never sold something to a foreigner.
Try to ask at your bank how we can do it.
I’m going to question my bank too.
About the caravan, Do you want stay it in France or convey it to London ?
The caravan ride very well, but I think if you want convey it to England, it will be difficult for the papers form, ( « carte grise » ; « cession de véhicule »).
I’ve got more photos about the caravan if you want.
Please what means : « picture of the Bike », thanks

Si vous avez des corrections ou suggestions, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir. Sinon tanpis j'enverrais ma réponse telle, ( en espérant qu'on se comprenne....) Merci

Edité par bridg le 18-11-2005 16:19

Réponse: Vente d'une caravanne de jean31, postée le 18-11-2005 à 16:59:47 (S | E)

Mes suggestions, en majuscules.

I confirm the price FOR my caravan IS 4000 € and I don't WISH to LOWER IT.
I've never sold ANYthing to a foreigner.
I am going to question my OWN bank too.
DO you INTEND to LEAVE the caravan in France or convey it to London ?
The caravan IS IN GOOD CONDITION but I'M AFRAID THERE WILL BE SOME PAPERWORK TO DO if you want to convey it BACK to London.
I've got SOME more photos OF the caravan if you WOULD like.
Please, what DO YOU MEAN by "picture of the Bike" ? Thank YOU FOR TELLING ME.

NB : Au sujet de ta question -judicieuse- sur "Bike", es-tu bien sûr que ton acheteur potentiel a compris qu'il s'agit d'une caravanne et pas d'un vélo ou moto ?
Good luck anyway.

Réponse: Vente d'une caravane de lucile83, postée le 18-11-2005 à 17:02:44 (S | E)
Voici ma proposition :
I confirm the price of my caravan, ( it’s 4000 €), I don’t want to bring it down..
I’ve never sold anything to a foreigner.
Try to ask your bank how we can do it.
I’m going to ask my bank too.
About the caravan, Do you want it to stay in France or be conveyed to London ?
The caravan is ok for the trip, but I think if you want to convey it to England, it will be difficult for the papers forms ,( registration car document; « cession of the vehicle »).
I’ve got more photos about the caravan if you want.
Please what means : « picture of the Bike », thanks

Quant à savoir ce qu'il a compris en parlant de "bike"....ça peut vouloir dire "vélo" ou "bécane" ; ce sera la surprise
See you soon

Réponse: Vente d'une caravane de marcfo, postée le 18-11-2005 à 17:38:30 (S | E)
Merci Jean et Lucile,

Je crois que je vais y rajouter:

I hope you don't think I'm selling a bicycle !

Merci encore
Edité par lucile83 le 18-11-2005 18:32

Edité par traviskidd le 19-11-2005 02:25
Why not, if he'll pay you 4000 € for it!

Réponse: Vente d'une caravane de jean31, postée le 19-11-2005 à 10:51:52 (S | E)
For that price, it sure would have to be a super bike !

Réponse: Vente d'une caravane de romanne, postée le 19-11-2005 à 11:17:23 (S | E)

As a woman married to a man who loves cycling I can't help giving you the price of the latest Cannondale bike that makes him dream ! .......... € 5,199 . No comment ! Think we' d better buy a second-hand caravan !

En attendant, bonne transaction trans-Manche .

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