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US courrier
Message de malimel posté le 15-05-2006 à 12:21:49 (S | E | F | I)

Voilà cet été, je vais chez des amis de mes parents passer trois semaines aux USA et je leur ai écrit un mail, mais bon, je ne sais pas s'ils vont tout comprendre ; donc, ce serait cool si quelqu'un pouvait y jeter un petit coup d'oeil! Alors voilà le mail:


How are you? I’m fine and my family also. Here, the spring is at last beginning: sun is shinning, trees are green, birds are singing,…
I’m so happy to come this summer and to meet you and your family! Do you want I bring you something special from Switzerland that you don find in the USA?
I’ve become the information for my fly. I will arrive the July 10 at 4Pm in st-Paul airport. And I return to Switzerland the 30 July in the evening. It’s ok so? I send you with the email a document with all the exact information.
Can I also have you address? Because I must give the address who I will live during my stay in the USA at the Customs.
Greeting at all the family and see you!
Ps: Also a greeting from my family to your’s.

Déjà mille
Modifié par bridg le 15-05-2006 15:12

Réponse: Besoin d aide de jean31, postée le 15-05-2006 à 12:44:41 (S | E)

Ce que j'ai remarqué t'est signalé en majuscules.


How are you? I am fine and my family ARE TOO. Here, Spring (majuscule) is beginning at last: THE sun is shiNing, trees are green, birds are singing...

I am so happy to come NEXT Summer (majuscule) and (0) meet you and your family! WOULD you LIKE ME TO bring you something special from Switzerland that you CAN'T find in the USA?
I've GOT ALL the information for my FLIGHT. (le nom = le vol) I will arrive ON July at 4 pm AT St Paul airport. And I WILL FLY BACK to Switzerland ON July 30 in the evening. IS THAT OK? I ATTACH a document TO the e-mail with all the exact information .
Can I also have your address? I WILL HAVE TO give it when I GO THROUGH the customs.
Greetings TO all the family and see you!

PS My family also send you their greetings.

Enjoy your stay in the USA.

Réponse: US courrier de traviskidd, postée le 16-05-2006 à 15:41:54 (S | E)
Some further modifications I would suggest:

I and my family are fine.
I'm attaching a document...
I'll be returning to Switzerland on the evening of July 30th.
...when I go through (0) customs.



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