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correction/lettre de motivation
Message de catharsis posté le 25-09-2005 à 17:04:40 (S | E | F | I)

j'envoie une lettre de motivation pour un poste de coordinatrice de projet, en Inde.
c'est loin d'être parfait, même si j'ai dit dans la lettre que je parlais anglais couramment...
merci d'avance.

To whom it may concern.

I would like to apply for the work of coordinator of project. You will find a resume with my application.

I have already worked with international NGO.
In June 2005, I have been in Brazil for a workcamp: I had to build a social center, and I have also worked with children. This experience showed my capacity to adapt me in a foreign environment.

In June 2003, I have worked with the Greenpeace Association; I had to find new adherents, by recruiting on public places. Thanks to this work, I have seen the organization of an NGO.

I have got computer skills. I can use Word, Excell, Dreamwaver, and I go on the web very often.
I have also worked in England, so I can speak and understand english currently.
I like the Indian culture, I don’t want to go in this country as a tourist, that is why I have read a lot of books about this culture and I am learning to read and to speak hindi.

Another motivation is linked with the fact that I would like a green and peaceful future for my children, that is why I would like to have a useful work to make the world a better place.

While awaiting to be able to read you, want to receive my respectful greetings.
Edité par bridg le 25-09-2005 17:07
Lettre de motivation => Divers

Réponse: correction/lettre de motivation de ourimba, postée le 26-09-2005 à 18:08:12 (S | E)
To whom it may concern.

I would like to apply for the position of project coordinator. Please find a copy of my resume included in my application.

I have previous experience working with an international NGO. In June 2005, I was in Brazil for a workcamp, where I built a social center, and I have also worked with children. This experience demonstrates my ability to adapt to a foreign environment.

In June 2003 I worked with the Greenpeace Association, where I was responsible for finding new members by recruiting in public places. Thanks to this work, I am familiar with the organization of an NGO.

I have current computer skills including: Word, Excel and Dreamweaver, and I am a regular user of, and very comfortable with the Internet.

I have spent time working in England, and can speak and understand English fluently.

I like the Indian culture, but I don’t want to go to this country as a tourist, which is why I have studied the culture extensively through books, and I am learning to read and to speak Hindi.

Another motivation I have, is that I would like a green and peaceful future for my children, which is why I would like to work for an organization where I can contribute to making the world a better place.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards.

Réponse: correction/lettre de motivation de catharsis, postée le 28-09-2005 à 12:40:43 (S | E)
merci beaucoup pour cette correction.

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