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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.


rédaction à corriger
Message de rowenna posté le 24-04-2007 à 09:22:24 (S | E | F | I)

J'ai une rédaction à faire à la maison merci de me la corriger

I was late getting back home
I had promised my mother I'd be home at exactly 7 o'clock.
I walked quickly.

There didn't seem to be anybody else on the street.
I didn't see him.
I was completely unaware of the person who suddenly appeared.
He was a tall man, who wore black clothes:black trousers, black teeshirt and black hair and redden eyes. He looked really strange.
He was a tall man with black trousers, a black teeshirt, and black hair. He looked really strange.
I hurt him, I apologized for having hurt him. He began to shout, I apologized again for having hurt him.
Not realizing he was there, I bumped into him. I apologized. He began to shout angrily. I apologized again for bumping into him.

He moved towards me in a threatening manner. My eyes caught the glint of a knife he was taking out of his trouser pocket.

I shouted because by then, I was very afraid. i had legs like cotton wool
I shouted again, he continued to go to me.
I continued to yell. I was in a complete state of panic as he continued to menace me.
I shouted again, I was panicked.I took to my's heels.
Still calling for help, I started to run.
I saw a policeman, so I shouted "Help! Help!"
I added:"I was following by a man , he was mad, he had a knife, this man pursued me! Help me!!"
I told him I was being followed and threatened by a strange man. "He's mad," I said. "And he has a knife. He won't stop coming after me. Please help me!
The cop took his walkie-talkie and called the police stati
Then he took his billy club and shouted, "Stop! Police'
I was crying as I walked behind the policeman.

A squad car arrived, and several cops got out and arrested the man
When I saw this fiend being arrested, I stopped crying
The policeman was very solicitous as he spoke to me
He said kindly, "Don't be afraid. That guy was crazy or a drug addict. You can go back home now, young lady. You don't have to be scared anymore
When I reached my house, I had never been so relieved to be back home.
And from then on, I was always a lot more careful about strangers whatever their appearance particularly in the evening when I was alone

Réponse: rédaction à corriger de rowenna, postée le 25-04-2007 à 11:59:07 (S | E)
too late!!!
why is there so difficult to make herself help by another member? How can we progress with any aid?



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