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Harry (correction) (1)

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Harry (correction)
Message de nnrs9595 posté le 20-10-2007 à 16:13:24 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous,

'aimerais savoir si cela ne dérangerait pas quelqu'un de corriger les fautes d'orthographe(s) et de grammaire(s) sur ma rédaction portant sur le prince Harry et son voyage au Lesotho. Entre parenthèses, c'est ce que j'aimerais dire, n'étant pas sûr de ma formulation en anglais.
Merci beaucoup.

In 2004, Prince Harry took a sabbatical year so as to (pour) helped the have-nots in the poverty contry, carrying on his mother's legacy. This a generous deed but what influence may it have had or him ( quelle influence cela aura sur lui?)?

Prince Harry spent three months in the souther Queensland, Australia and spent eight weeks in Lesotho for help the have-nots that lives (qui vivent) below the poverty line. This travel, to carried out by an important personality allowed of to turm into a media event this problem that is unfortunately often untidy ( ce voyage effectué par une personalité importante a permis la mediatisation de ce probleme malheureusement souvent negligé).

But his stay in Australia and Lesotho was (fût) certainly very rewarding for harry. Indeed, now he is alive to a problem in this country and he feel sympathy for this population. Harry is determined to helping this people, he did a good deed and this an experience that will change him life ( cette expérience changera sa vie) because he will see this country (il verra ces pays) an other way (d'une autre facon).

However, I wonder whether Harry don't do this for have a good reputation and for will become ( si Harry ne fait pas cela pour avoir une bonne image et devenir roi). On the other hand, he isn't a far cry from your mother ( d'autre part, il n'a rien avoir avec sa mere), because when he will hasn't ( quand il n'aura pas) him holiday, he will continue to helping the population (continuera-t-il à aider ces population)?


Merci beaucoup de prendre votre temps pour m'aider.

Modifié par bridg le 20-10-2007 16:15
Titre + retrait de la dernière demande,nous ne corrigeons que ce que nous voyons
Modifié par bridg le 20-10-2007 18:45
Merci aux nouveaux membres de ne pas donner de corrections toutes faites mais d'indiquer les changements à faire et pourquoi. Sur ce site nous aidons les membres à progresser et à s'auto corriger, nous ne faisons pas le travail.
Une réponse retirée.

Réponse: Harry (correction) de nnrs9595, postée le 20-10-2007 à 21:39:54 (S | E)
J'ai modifié la rédaction à l'aide d'un livre et j'ai corrigé quelques ereurs, est-ce bon?


In 2004, Prince Harry took a sabbatical year so as to helped the have-nots in the poverty country, carrying on his mother's legacy. Eventhough it is indeed a generous deed, what influence will this action have on Prince Harry?

Prince Harry spent three months in the Souther Queensland, Australia and spent eight weeks in Lesotho for help the have-nots that who lived below the poverty line. This travel, carried out by an important figure allowed further media covering of this problem which has been unfortunately left apart.

But his stay in Australia and Lesotho certainly was very rewarding for harry. Indeed, now he is aware of a problem in this country and he feels sympathy for this population. Harry is determined to help this people, he did a good deed and this an experience that will change his life because He'll see this country with new eyes.

However, I wonder whether Harry don't do this for have a good reputation and for will become. On the other hand, he isn't a far cry from your mother, because when he will have him holiday, he will continue to going help the population?

Modifié par nnrs9595 le 20-10-2007 21:54

Modifié par nnrs9595 le 20-10-2007 21:57

Modifié par mariebru le 21-10-2007 10:38

Réponse: Harry (correction) de jean31, postée le 21-10-2007 à 10:35:37 (S | E)

In 2004, Prince Harry took a sabbatical year so as to helped<=(jamais autre chose que BV après to) the have-nots in (0) poverty<=(l'adjectif, pas le nom) countries, carrying on with his mother's legacy. Eventhough it is indeed a generous deed, what influence will this action have on Prince Harry?

Prince Harry spent three months in the Southern Queensland, Australia and spent eight weeks in Lesotho for<=(devant une BV ?) help the have-nots that who lived<=(temps, ils ne sont pas morts) below the poverty line. This travel, carried out by an important figure allowed further media covering of this problem which has been unfortunately left apart.

But his stay in Australia and Lesotho was certainly very rewarding for Harry. Indeed, now he is aware of a problem in this country and he feels sympathy for this population. Harry is determined to help this people, he did a good deed and this is an experience that will change his life because he'll see this country with new eyes.

However, I wonder whether Harry don't<=(Bravo ! + faute de temps) do this for<=(encore !) have a good reputation and for will become<=(Non-sens). On the other hand, he isn't a far cry from your mother, because when he will have him holiday, he will continue to going help the population?<=(cette suite de mots n'a strictement aucun sens)

Modifié par jean31 le 21-10-2007 10:36

Réponse: Harry (correction) de nnrs9595, postée le 21-10-2007 à 13:21:15 (S | E)
In 2004, Prince harry took a sabbatical year so as to help the have-nots in the pover country, carrying on with his mother's legacy. Eventhough it is indeed a generous deed, what influence will this action have on Prince Harry?

Prince Harry spent three months in the Southern Queensland, Australia and spent eight weeks in Lesotho to help the have-nots who lives below the poverty line. This travel, carried out by an important figure allowed further media covering of this problem which has been unfortunately left apart.

But his stay in Australia and Lesotho certainly was very rewarding for Harry. Indeed, now he is aware of a problem in this country and he feels sympathy for this population. Harry is determined to help this people, he did a good deed and this an experience that will change his life because He'll see this country with new eyes.

However, I wonder whether Harry didn’t do this to have a good reputation and in order to make himself look legitimate when it comes to becoming king. Besides, one may wonder whether Harry will pursue his actions on a regular basis, like his illustrious mother, despite his controversial reputation and attitude.


Est-ce bon?

J'aimerais rajouter : "cela lui a ouvert les yeux sur les graves difficultés que peuvent éprouver ces pays là et les moyens qui doivent être mis en oeuvre pour les aider."

Mais certaines expressions, je ne sais pas comment cela se dit en anglais comme "ouvert les yeux" on va pas dire "open the eyes" ça veut rien dire....

"It opened him eyes on the grave difficulties that can try these countries there and the means which must be implemented to help them. "

C'est juste?

Modifié par nnrs9595 le 21-10-2007 13:23

Modifié par mariebru le 21-10-2007 14:01

Réponse: Harry (correction) de jean31, postée le 21-10-2007 à 16:52:44 (S | E)

Je me demande si tu vois correctement ou bien si c'est ta "comprenette" qui a des ratés...

=> ... in (0) POOR countrIES, carrying on with...
=> ... in (0) Southern Queensland...
=> ... the have-nots who livE below the poverty line.
=> ... and this IS an experience...

"It opened hIS eyes on the grave SERIOUS difficulties that can try these countries CAN EXPERIENCE there and the means which must be implemented to help them. "



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