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to correct or not to correct? (1)

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to correct or not to correct?
Message de iwona_katarzyna posté le 09-02-2008 à 21:46:59 (S | E | F)


I would like to find out what your approach is to error correction during oral tasks or speaking generally. Whether you have students correct themselves or you supply the correct answer? Whether you correct a mistake immediately whenever it occurs or you correct unobtrusively only major errors? or maybe you use the correct version later on during class? I think error correction is a very important issue in language teaching. I'm waiting for your opinions.


Réponse: to correct or not to correct? de lucile83, postée le 09-02-2008 à 22:57:32 (S | E)
I'm retired now but I used to say 'stop' and they understood one of them had made a mistake; if they found the mistake they could go on; if not I made them guess what it was and they managed to correct.If they did not manage I gave another sentence which was quite similar and they generally found the mistake.
See you.

Réponse: to correct or not to correct? de iwona_katarzyna, postée le 10-02-2008 à 16:27:06 (S | E)
Thank you very much for your suggestion, I like this idea

Réponse: to correct or not to correct? de leticiaa22, postée le 10-02-2008 à 20:06:01 (S | E)

If the student is able to correct him/herself, I like auto correction.
Example: if he or she forgets the final -s for a verb, I show number 3 with my fingers, they know what I mean.

If he or she isn't able to do so, but the mistake has already been talked about during any of the lessons, or if auto correction doesn't work, I use inter correction. I just have to say "help", and they usually manage to correct the mistake. Then I have the first student repeat.

Finally, I correct students when I guess it's too difficult for them.

Réponse: to correct or not to correct? de iwona_katarzyna, postée le 10-02-2008 à 22:58:19 (S | E)
thank you for your contribution
what is interesting -s ending in the 3rd person singular is a morpheme that is acquired considerably late by students. Plural s or possessive 's are higher in the order of acquisition

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-02-2008 07:20



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