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Exercice sur les goûts (1)

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Exercice sur les goûts
Message de biibu-x3 posté le 02-01-2009 à 19:51:17 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous, j'ai un exercice d'anglais où je doit écrire un petit texte sur mes goûts musicaux. J'aimerais que vous me corrigiez si il y a des erreurs. Merci d'avance. Voilà le texte:

The music is my main hobby. It bring me an entertainment and became a habit. The morning to go at school, the evening for my homeworks and relax me. I spend my time listening her and I love a lot of genres of music, Rock, Pop, R'N'B, but my favourite stay the POP. This type give me a thrill. For the most part of time, I prefer English's Pop than French's Pop. English's Pop is more pleasant, but maybe it's because I'm French, so I search another cultivation. When I listen her, I feel I escape me, I have my head in the clouds. Fortunately the music existes, because without her, a lot of moment will be less funnier than today.

Réponse: Exercice sur les goûts de himai, postée le 02-01-2009 à 20:10:32 (S | E)
Selon moi, voici les erreurs qu'il y a (je ne les ai peut être pas toutes vues):

Music is my main hobby. It bring me an entertainment and it became a habit. The morning to go at school, the evening, doing my homeworks and relaxing me. I spend all the time listening it (c'est une chose et pas une fille lol ) and I love a lot of kind of musics, Rock, Pop, R'N'B, but my favourite stay the POP. This kind of music give me a thrill. During the most part of time, I prefer English's Pop than French's Pop. English's Pop is more pleasant, but maybe it's because I'm French, so I search another culture. When I listen it, I feel I escape me (là je ne suis pas sure du sens...), my head is in the clouds. Fortunately music existes, because without it, a lot of moments will be less funnier than today.

Voilà ! bonne année

Réponse: Exercice sur les goûts de biibu-x3, postée le 02-01-2009 à 20:38:16 (S | E)
lol je sais vraiment pas pourquoi j'ai mis "her" plutôt que "it"...
Et pour la phrase où tu n'es pas sûr du sens, j'ai voulu dire par là: "I feel I escape me" J'ai l'impression de m'évader. Merci en tout cas et bonne année à vous aussi!

Réponse: Exercice sur les goûts de himai, postée le 02-01-2009 à 20:50:16 (S | E)
Avec plaisir.
Si c'est ce que tu voulais dire, il faudrait mettre : I have the impression to escape (myself)...
Voilà salut!

Réponse: Exercice sur les goûts de biibu-x3, postée le 02-01-2009 à 20:52:18 (S | E)
Ok merci bien!

Réponse: Exercice sur les goûts de azer3, postée le 02-01-2009 à 21:17:08 (S | E)
The music is my main hobby. It bring me an entertainment and became a habit. The morning to go at school, the evening for my homeworks and relax me. I spend my time listening her and I love a lot of genres of music, Rock, Pop, R'N'B, but my favourite stay the POP. This type give me a thrill. For the most part of time, I prefer English's Pop than French's Pop. English's Pop is more pleasant, but maybe it's because I'm French, so I search another cultivation. When I listen her, I feel I escape me, I have my head in the clouds. Fortunately the music existes, because without her, a lot of moment will be less funnier than today.

It brings: le verbe doit être au présent.
habit for me.
in the morning when I go to school, in the evening when I make my homework because it relaxe me
gives: le verbe doit être au présent.
I prefer English's Pop more than French's Pop.
I feel like I'm escaping so far away.
I have the head in the clouds.
Réviser ta rédaction de point de vue structuration.
See you.

Réponse: Exercice sur les goûts de biibu-x3, postée le 02-01-2009 à 21:19:39 (S | E)
Oula oui effectivement j'ai oublié beaucoup de "s" ^^
Merci bien!

Réponse: Exercice sur les goûts de azer3, postée le 02-01-2009 à 21:39:16 (S | E)
Welcom any time any where.

Réponse: Exercice sur les goûts de clarinette45, postée le 03-01-2009 à 01:47:12 (S | E)
Ma version personnelle, essayant d'etre plus proche de l'esprit que de la lettre - conforme a ma conception de la traduction ;

Music is my principal hobby. It entertains me at such point that it has become a ritual. Every morning before going to school, every evening during homework, it has to be there to help me relax and feel good. I keep listening to the music. I enjoy many type of music: Rock, Pop, R'N'B, but my first choice is definitively the POP music. It gives me a thrill. I mainly like English Pop, better than French Pop. I just find English Pop more pleasant, maybe because I'm French, and I attracted by foreign cultures. When I listen to English songs, I feel transported, with my head in the clouds. I'm glad the music is there, without it, life would so boring and I would miss all the joy I get from it.
Avis aux amateurs.... qui dit mieux.

P.S. : apres reflexion, 'major' serait peut-etre encore mieux que 'principal'
Modifié par clarinette45 le 03-01-2009 02:16èèè



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