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hemophilia (correction) (1)

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hemophilia (correction)
Message de ovalys posté le 09-01-2009 à 14:23:49 (S | E | F)


I'm looking forrward someone who can correct my article
Thanks for your help !

Compensation for the haemophiliacs contaminated by the VHC: a very big headway

We voluntarily delayed the publication of our magazine, to be able to announce you the adoption by the Parliament of the new process of amicable compensation for the victims contaminated by the virus of the hepatitis C (VHC) by transfusion way. It is done, the law is voted.

The article 67 of the financing’s Law of the Social Security 2009 opens the right for all the victims of a transfusion’s contagion by the VHC to ask the ONIAM1 for a complete amicable compensation of the damages undergone because of this contagion. The decrees of application which will fix the practical modalities of this new long-awaited device should intervene very quickly. The AFH will be associated with their redaction2.

It was necessary for us to fight during years to obtain finally the right for the victims of these contagions to be recognized. Certainly, the jurisprudence, so many civil courts as administrations, more and more plentiful, dedicated this right for repair, but the victims had to make a commitment in contentious procedures, which had to discourage most of them.

The new set up process will be simple and fast. The AFH liked that this new device applies not only to the new demands of repair, but also to the current disputes, without removing rights for the victims. So, the persons who began a dispute can make a demand for the ONIAM, without prejudice for the pursuit of their procedure, if the proposition of compensation by the ONIAM was not convenient for them.

The perseverance, the stubbornness and the tenacity with whom the AFH constantly defended this painful file paid. While nobody believed in it, we defended the right of the victims to which we are attached. It is now a beautiful reward to be finally understood. In order to be always stronger in our right’s defence, join us and support the AFH. The more we shall be, the more we will be heard.

Modifié par bridg le 09-01-2009 14:24
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