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Report about a visit through Vietnam

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Report about a visit through Vietnam
Message from pencil88 posted on 15-11-2009 at 10:44:41 (D | E | F)

I've just written a topic but I'm not sure about my grammar.
Could you correct me, please? I will be grateful for your help.

" I’m really sorry for the late report, cause last week, I was too busy to write it. In addition, I’m quite lazy^^.

Anyway, now, I would like to tell you abt my tour with an old couple who came from Hong Kong. They are 64 year old woman and 61 year old man. They are a nice couple.

On that afternoon, I and Quang ftuer arrived to Spendid star 2 hotel at 2pm to pick our guests up. The hotel was at Au Trieu street, Hoan Kiem ditrict and my first impression of the hotel was very luxury. That was the first time I had came here. How the hotel wonderful was ! Before doing the tour, I though both of our guests could speak English, but it was not true. Only husband could. Thus, it was difficult for us to communicate with the lady, she always spoke Mandarin, sometime she spoke some Vietnamese words. Do you know, she was born in Viet Nam, she left VN since she was 24 years old with her family. She was at Ho Chi Minh city before, and of course she could speak some Vietnamese words in accent of Southern, such as: Chuối, xe máy, xe ô tô,…ect…I was fun when I teached her some Vietnamese and she spoke well.

After discussion, we decided to go for walk around Hanoi Old Quarter and to go to West Lake area. Our guests went to Temple of literature and Ho Chi Minh complex, this was reason that two these sites were our choices. Firstly, we went to around the Old Quarter and we chatted quite much to each orther. Quang talked with Chan Oi Lin and I went with his wife. Both of them retire. We went to the Ancient House at number 87, Ma May street. Chan liked it and he kept on asking abt everything which displays every where in the house. Then, we continued to go for walk to enjoy view around the Old Quarter and to go the Sword Lake. We standed for long time beside Ly Thai To statue and Chan was surprise when we gave him some info abt the legend of our capital. We took a lot photos there. Luckily, the weather on that afternoon was very nice. After walking for 1 hours, we went to a coffee shop at 60 Nguyen Huu Huan street, as you know, it is Café’ Lam. Quang told them some interesting information abt the shop in the past. Many guests came here to enjoy tea and they used to give boss some pictures which were painted while they were enjoying tea. If you come to the shop, you can see many nice pictures on the wall.
We reached to West Lake area lastly. I felt happy when Chan listened me very carefully abt the legend of Buddha tree and orther things there.
After going for walk at West Lake area, we took a cab to come back the hotel. We finished at 5.30pm. That was my memorable memory with our guests as well as my partner, Quang ftuer. "

Edited by lucile83 on 15-11-2009 10:54

Re: Report about a visit through Vietnam from seb06000, posted on 15-11-2009 at 12:29:21 (D | E)

here are some tips to help you

I’m really sorry for the late report, cause last week, I was too busy to write it. In addition, I’m quite lazy^^.

Anyway, now, I would like to tell you abt my tour with an old couple who came from Hong Kong. They are 64 year old woman and 61 year old man( you should develop => the lady is ...) . They are a nice couple.

On that afternoon, I and Quang ftuer arrived to Spendid star 2 hotel at 2pm to pick our guests up. The hotel was at (preposition ) Au Trieu street, Hoan Kiem ditrict and my first impression of the hotel was very luxury. That was the first time I had came (tense is not proper to me) here. How the hotel wonderful was (order of the words) ! Before doing the tour, I though (spelling) both of our guests could speak English, but it was not true. Only husband could. Thus, it was difficult for us to communicate with the lady, she always spoke Mandarin, sometime she spoke some Vietnamese words. Do you know, she was born in Viet Nam, she left VN since she was 24 years old with her family. She was at (preposition) Ho Chi Minh city before, and of course she could speak some Vietnamese words in accent of Southern, such as: Chuối, xe máy, xe ô tô,…ect…I was fun ( expression) when I teached (irregular verb) her some Vietnamese and she spoke well.

After discussion, we decided to go for ( article missing) walk around Hanoi Old Quarter and to go to West Lake area. Our guests went to Temple of literature and Ho Chi Minh complex, this was (article missing) reason that two these (order of the words, the demonstrative comes first) sites were our choices. Firstly, we went to around (verb preposition) the Old Quarter and we chatted quite much to each orther ( no need for a reflexive form => to speak, to talk together) . Quang talked with Chan Oi Lin and I went with his wife. Both of them retire (tense). We went to the Ancient House at number 87, Ma May street. Chan liked it and he kept on asking abt everything which displays every where in the house. Then, we continued to go for(article) walk to enjoy (article missing) view around the Old Quarter and to go ( preposition missing) the Sword Lake. We standed for (article missing) long time beside Ly Thai To statue and Chan was surprise (voc) when we gave him some info abt the legend of our capital. We took a lot ( of is missing) photos there. Luckily, the weather on that afternoon was very nice. After walking for 1 hours ( plural form is useless) , we went to a coffee shop at 60 Nguyen Huu Huan street, as you know, it is Café’ Lam. Quang told them some interesting information abt the shop in the past. Many guests came here( we would say 'there' is this case) to enjoy tea and they used to give ( article missing) boss some pictures which were painted while they were enjoying tea. If you come to the shop, you can see many nice pictures on the wall.
We reached to West Lake area lastly (lastly comes before the verb) . I felt happy when Chan listened (preposition missing) me very carefully abt the legend of Buddha tree and orther things there.
After going for (article missing)walk at West Lake area, we took a cab to come back the hotel. We finished at 5.30pm. That was my memorable memory with our guests as well as my partner, Quang ftuer. "

Normally that should be ok

Re: Report about a visit through Vietnam from pencil88, posted on 15-11-2009 at 14:34:11 (D | E)
Well, you did a good job, rite? Many thanks for you!

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