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My vacations/correction

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My vacations/correction
Message de bem2012 posté le 31-12-2011 à 17:52:39 (S | E | F)

Could someone help me to correct the mistakes in this paragraph , please ?

Dear Jason

I can't describe my feelings when I received your last letter. I was very glad to read your gorgeous words telling me about your interesting vocations.

Now, it's my turn to tell you about my beautiful holidays I've ever spent.My destination was to Biskra . It's called by "The gate of Sahara" . I spent nice days there especially in "Gantra". I ate traditional dishes like "Doubara" and
"Shakshouka "

I stayed in this region for two weeks, then I came back to our home. I spent the rest of this holidays on the Internet and television watching films and cartoons.

I hope you a good time and I'm waiting more letters from you.

Your best friend

Modifié par bem2012 le 31-12-2011 17:53

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-01-2012 11:09

Réponse: My vacations/correction de sherry48, postée le 31-12-2011 à 19:29:33 (S | E)
Hello bem2012.
Here are some things to take another look at. spelling * =word missing
I can't describe my feelings when I received your last letter. I was very glad to read your gorgeous 1 words telling me about your interesting vocations.

Now, it's my turn to tell you about my beautiful holidays I've ever spent 2.My destination was to (not needed with destination) Biskra . It's called by (not needed) "The gate of * Sahara" . I spent * (perhaps a quantity word here?) nice days there especially in "Gantra". I ate traditional dishes like "Doubara" and "Shakshouka "

I stayed in this region for two weeks, then I came back to our home. I spent the rest of this holidays(does not agree) on the Internet and television (wrong place) watching films and cartoons.

I hope you * a good time and I'm waiting * more letters from you.

1. Gorgeous is generally used for someone or something that is very beautiful to look at-maybe you can try another word here.

2. When you write "I've ever spent" you need to use a superlative for beautiful.
Have a nice evening. Sherry

Réponse: My vacations/correction de bem2012, postée le 03-01-2012 à 12:23:36 (S | E)
Merci bien


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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