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robot cars/resume
Message de lionlys posté le 13-10-2006 à 19:05:19 (S | E | F | I)

Salut à tous,
Je dois effectuer un résume d'un texte qui parle des courses de voitures robots.
voici mon résume, à ce jour , c'est mon 3 ème sujet que j'ai posté et celui-ci je pense qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup de fautes car je l'ai bien travaillé et je crois que j'ai bien retenu les leçons des fautes effectuées dans les devoirs précédemment corrigés par vous.
Je vous remercie d'avance des corrections que vous effectuerez sur mon devoir.

This text (es extrated)?? of comes from a site XXX and was published , who has publied the 3 October 2006 and who it has been written by Will Knight. This last is about races of robots cars.

First of all, in october 2005 there was a race of robot cars in the desert "desert challenge" who has organized by DARPA. The robot cars had to coper 212 km through the desert without intervation of the human.
In november 2007, the same organization will organize a race of rabot cars in city. The robot cars will have to carry out in less than 6 hours 96 km all to keeping a mind of race. To start with this race, there will were 11 teams which 2 who are that who arrived first and second at the time of the race "desert challenge" that is to say the teams of Stanford and Carnegie Mllon universities. The nine other teams will be of competitors academia and of industry automobile. This 11 teams will receive $1 million of the share of DARPA to carry out their robot cars. Any cars will have to be equiped of sensors, including laser range-finders, radar units, stereos cameras and GPS receivers to can avoid every obstacles who find in city. For that, the team of Stanford university will use a algorithm program to reproduce the same mouvements that the humans.
Modifié par bridg le 13-10-2006 19:10

Réponse: robot cars/resume de brioche, postée le 13-10-2006 à 22:35:36 (S | E)

First of all, in october 2005 there was a race of robot cars in the desert  (répétition inutile)"desert challenge" who has (aucun lien avec le présent, donc prétérit) was (forme passive)organized by DARPA. The robot cars had to coper 212 km through the desert without intervation of the human.--> "any outer helping hand".ou " any human interventions" ( à confirmer)
In november 2007, the same organization will organize a race of rabot cars in city ( flou, une ville en particulier? Plusieurs villes ?). The robot cars will have to carry out in less than 6 hours 96 km all to keeping a mind of race (jamais de mot à mot!! ) " kinping a race state of mind" ( à confirmer encore une fois). To start with this race, there will were ( toujours un infinitif après un modal, surtout qu'un passé après un futur...)11 teams which 2 who are that who arrived first and  ( je ne comprends pas cette phrase)second at the time of the race "desert challenge" that is to say the teams of Stanford and Carnegie Mllon universities. The nine other teams will be ( come from, convient mieux je pense)of competitors academia and of industry automobile. This 11 teams will receive $1 million of the share of DARPA to carry out their robot cars. Any cars will have to be equiped of sensors, including laser range-finders, radar units, stereos cameras and GPS receivers to can ( inutile ici)avoid every obstacles who find in city. --> (avoid any obstacles set in the city which could hinder the car trajectory ) hinder = entraver, gêner, bloquer...)For that ( incorrect!! pour exprimer un but, on utilise "to", ou pour être plus varié " in order to" ou " so as to"),ici, In order to do so,  the team of Stanford university will use a algorithm program to reproduce the same mouvements that the humans.


voila, ;);)

Réponse: robot cars/resume de lionlys, postée le 14-10-2006 à 13:23:12 (S | E)
salut, merci pour cette correction, je vois qu'il y a qu'un seul passage que tu n'as pas compris donc je suis satisfait de moi car j'ai progressé.

voici le passage que tu n'as pas compris:

To start with this race, there will were 11 teams which 2 who are that who arrived first and second at the time of the race "desert challenge" that is to say...
Au depart de la course, il y aura 11 equipe dont 2 qui sont celle qui sont arrivé 1er et 2eme lors de la cours "desert challenge" c'est a dire...

et pourrais tu corriger mon intro aussi:

This text is extrated comes from a site "XXX" and was published the 3 October 2006 and it has been written by Will Knight. This last is about races of robots cars.

merci pour tes futurs corrections



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