Some critics have said that much of the writing in ';
ReadingText+='147;Attack of the Clones is so bad that it is funny. They also said the storys political';
ReadingText+=' mysteries are confusing and often just stupid. But most critics agree that the movie is fun to watc';
ReadingText+='h. George Lucas used computers to create worlds of huge buildings, water or deserts. He '; ReadingText+='designed battles in space and on land. Huge armies and dangerous creatures fight fierce battles usin'; ReadingText+='g unusual space vehicles and weapons. Almost all the critics agreed that watching the la'; ReadingText+='st battle between the Jedi master Yoda and the mysterious Count Dooku is worth the price of the tick'; ReadingText+='et. And many critics said that the release of any Star Wars movie is one of the major cu'; ReadingText+='ltural events of the year. Most critics agree that in the Star Wars series, '; ReadingText+='George Lucas has created one of the most important stories of the late twentieth century. Its cultur'; ReadingText+='al importance guarantees that people will continue to watch the movies as long as George Lucas conti'; ReadingText+='nues to produce them. The sixth and final Star Wars movie is expected to be released in '; ReadingText+='2005. |