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Apprendre l'anglais > Leçons & Exercices d'anglais > Mots peu courants > Statistiques mises à jour toutes les 4h
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Exercice "Mots peu courants", créé par gogopet (exercice gratuit pour apprendre l'anglais) :
Résultats des 404 personnes qui ont passé ce test :
Moyenne : 44% (8.8 / 20) Partager

Dernier membre à avoir fait un sans faute : icare29 / FRANCE, le mardi 27 août à 23:35:
"not easy test but after working vocables we success to do it"
62.6% ont eu moins de la moyenne.
37.4% ont eu au moins la moyenne.
Tous les membres qui ont obtenu un 20/20 à ce test

Statistiques questions sur 382 candidats
Question 1 réussie à 39.5 %
The proprietress of the atelier is a local artist who sells her beautiful creations and offers courses in * art. Safety goggles and gloves, which are helpful while chipping the glass are provided.

Question 2 réussie à 45.8 %
A group of former contract employees was accused of running a lucrative * that involved duping vulnerable targets out of their personal information with fake attachment heists.

Question 3 réussie à 39.8 %
Our new managing director is such a conversation *, rather than improving the knowledge and insight of our team, he has an inclination to monopolize every single discussion.

Question 4 réussie à 30.4 %
Aubrey had a necklace stolen from her bedside table while she slept and her partner had gold and silver * stolen from an old paint tin hidden in the garage.

Question 5 réussie à 42.4 %
High-density data collection instruments are used in marine ecological studies to estimate * of reef environments. Higher structural complexity supports a greater variety of species.

Question 6 réussie à 37.2 %
The availability and effectiveness of alternative news and a * approach where political decisions are increasingly rooted in extreme, intolerant values, poses a risk to liberal democracy.

Question 7 réussie à 45.8 %
Young children in indigenous families in parts of Latin America do * of chores to keep the house neat and tidy without being told, according to psychologists documenting from these regions.

Question 8 réussie à 40.1 %
Today's Tech Oligarchs and the *, an educated elite that advocates personal autonomy and fairness, are telling us what to do, what to eat, how to speak, how to think and who to vote for.

Question 9 réussie à 85.1 %
Structural changes that happen in the brain and the threat of serious mental health conditions are a normal part of the ageing process, but for some, mental * continues well into advanced age.

Question 10 réussie à 34.8 %
In her letter, she is quick to bring forward the debunked * that because of net neutrality content that some may find to be disturbing is readily available to anyone.

Question 11 réussie à 39.5 %
Use humor without reverting to * to promote a hearty laugh. Expressions of prejudice and other forms of offensive speech can not only be harmful to you, but harmful to others.

Retourner à l'exercice : Mots peu courants

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