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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°120692 : Prétérit simple

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> Tests similaires : - Prétérit - Prétérit ou present perfect - Prétérit en BE + ING - Prétérit - Past continuous/Past simple - Bilan sur les temps du passé en anglais. (grand cours) - Prononciation du -ED final au prétérit - Present perfect ou prétérit
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Prétérit simple

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1. The reunion  (wind) down as guests began to leave.

2. Chuck (tear) off his sleeve and wrapped it around the wound on Keit's arm.

3. From what she had gathered from the meeting, however, the whole thing (stink) of a set-up.

4. They abandoned their first well after residents had begun reporting that their water (smell) of petroleum, signaling possible contamination in part of the city's drinking water supply.

5. Law enforcement officers pulled over the vehicle, which was being driven by Meghan who (smell) of liquor and was unsteady on her feet.

6. A faint curl of smoke (rise) from the smoldering bonfire.

7. There was a scrooge named William in Quebec who (dig) a ditch to provide a place of shelter from intruders.

8. My specs fell out of my glasses case and I (kneel) to pick them up.

9. The lake often (freeze) so hard in winter that international horse races were held on the ice.

10. Her lover (creep) out of the house in his underwear.

11. Passengers gave him an odd look at the sagging clothes that (cling) desperately to his drenched body.

12. Some of the children (bleed) and some areas were swollen where the thorns had pricked them.

13. Pain was rising intensely from the cutting and the sweat that subsequently (sting) the wound.

14. Susan  (bag) a profit from the sale of her shares.

15. The child read the sky and  (foretell) volcanic eruption around Mount Etna in Sicily.

16. Mischief among a minority (breed) massive discontent.

17. The notes I had were crumpled and (fling) far across the room.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Prétérit simple"
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