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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°50924 : Romance

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Ce test comporte un certain nombre d'erreurs grammaticales, d'orthographe, mais il n'y a jamais d'erreur au niveau des noms de personnages, du choix des mots ou de la syntaxe. Il faut essayer de les retrouver en cliquant dessus.

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Merci à petitebea, membre de ce site pour son aide précieuse à la réalisation de ce texte final.

Ce texte contient 11 erreurs.
If two drops of water can join together when it ' s raining that ' s a good coincidance. If the temperature gets down under zero these two drops can froze together and stay together like a couple.
They are just the tiny part of a stalactite and around them are many other drops which could be compared with their family members, friends, or work coleagues etc. , because they ' re all conected one to the other.
But could you fancy what would happen if it gets hot? The two drops of water and all the others will start melting and progressively come apart and flew down to gether the stream of some other big rivers.
Love is like a meteological phenomenon, as there are many seasons in a life for different kinds of love, so just imagine that the destiny of these two drops of water was to get back from where they came as easily and fortuisly as they got together. One of them turns into a hot and sandy desert and the other into an icy desert.
Afterwards one of them may vanish into the air and become the part of a cloud and the other one may freeze as the lower part of an iceberg.
So guess in a lifetime how many chance will these two drops of water have to come across and fall in love again each other amoung the oceans of this world? And if somehow it ' ll happen they certainly not be the same drops of water and that ' s the only possible issue.
If you happen to be the tear that I ' ll never cry in all my life, then I would be sure I ' ll never loose you.

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