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Prefixes (1) - cours d'anglais
We use prefixes to change meaning. They never change the part of speech. (Most suffixes change the part of speech.)
• Many prefixes give a word a meaning which is the opposite or negative of the original. For example, we can use the prefixes dis or un:
dis + appear - disappear
un + tie - untie
prefix meaning / use example anti + adjective/noun negative/opposite im + adjective opposite in+adjective indirect inter + adjective between intercontinental opposite over + verb overwork more outnumber post + noun / verb after postgraduate pre + noun / verb before pro + noun / adjective in favour of sub + adjective below super + noun/ adjective greater than superhuman trans + noun / verb / negative / opposite not enough/too little
There are a few rules:opposite anti- clockwise/ anti-climax anti + noun / adjective against anti-theft device / anti-European co + noun / verb together cohabit dis + verb dislike / disembark il + adjective opposite illegal impossible opposite ir + adjective irregular mis + verb wrongly/ badly mistook / mishandle too much out + verb pre- arrangement pro-Unions / pro-European substandard across transplant /transcontinental un + verb / adjective unlock / unhappy under + verb undercook / undercharge
• We use il instead of in with words that begin with l:
il + legal = illegal
• We use im instead of in with words that begin with m or p:
im + polite - impolite
• We often use ir instead of in with words that begin with r:
ir + responsible = irresponsible.
• Some common mistakes are:
X You must unconnect the cables first.
You must disconnect the cables first.
X They expelled him for disbehaving.
/ They expelled him for misbehaving.
• Note that many words with a prefix have a base part that never exists on its own. Here are examples: immediate, incontrovertible, uncalled-for
Add a correct prefix to the following words.

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