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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°6196 : Biographie: The Beatles

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Biographie: The Beatles

> The Beatles


John Lennon forms his first group, 'the Quarrymen'.
Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Stu Sutcliffe and Pete Best (in 1960) join the group.


1957 They make their debut in Liverpool (England).


August 1960
The Beatles make their debut in Hamburg (West Germany)


April 1962
Stu Sutcliffe dies of a brain hemorrhage.


June 1962
George Martin agrees to sign the group, but insists that Pete Best be replaced. Within months, Richard 'Ringo' Starkey joins the group.


February 7, 1964
The Beatles arrive in America. The top five slots on the 'Billboard' chart are held by the Beatles.


April 1, 1965
John Lennon composes 'Help!' the title song for the Beatles' second film.


October 26, 1965
The Beatles are awarded England's prestigious MBE (Members of the Order of the British Empire).


March 4, 1966
John Lennon states that the Beatles are 'more popular than Jesus now.' The comment provokes several protests, including the burning of Beatles records.


August 29, 1966
After their concert at San Francisco's Candlestick Park, the Beatles declare this to be their final concert tour.


John Lennon makes his first appearance away from the Beatles in Richard Lester's film 'How I Won the War'.


January 30, 1969
The Beatles make their last performance as a group on the roof of the Apple building during the filming of 'Let It Be'.


April 10, 1970
Paul McCartney announces that he is leaving the Beatles due to 'personal, business and musical differences.'


January 2, 1975
John and Yoko are reunited. The Beatles' final dissolution takes place in London.


December 8, 1980
John Lennon is shot by a deranged assailant as he and Yoko return to the Dakota after a recording session. He is pronounced dead at Roosevelt Hospital.


1962 - 'Love Me Do'
1963 - 'She Loves You'
1965 - 'Ticket To Ride', 'Help!', 'Yesterday'
1966 - 'Paperback Writer', 'Yellow Submarine'
1967 - 'Penny Lane', 'All You Need Is Love'
1968 - 'Hey Jude'
1970 - 'Let It Be'
and much more...

> Un élève a rédigé un court résumé de la vie du groupe. Complétez-le.

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When he was 16, ( )   [Jo...] decided to form a group. (2 mots) Paul McCartney, George Harrisson, Stu Sutcliffe and Pete Best ( )   [j...] the group They began singing in Germany and in ( )   [Li...] - their home town. But Stu Sutcliffe ( )   [d...]. George Martin joined the group. Pete Best was replaced by Richard 'Ringo' Starkey. Their songs were big ( )   [h...] all over the world, especially in ( )   [t...] and the USA: (2 mots) 'Yesterday', 'Penny Lane' and 'All You Need is ( )   [L...]' were ranked number 1. They won a lot of ( )   [a...]. But in the late 60s, they began to stop working together. The group broke up in ( )   [1...]. John Lennon was killed in 1980.

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