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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°6223 : Prince William

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Prince William

> Prince William

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Prince William Arthur Philip Louis was born on June 21, 1982 at St Mary's Hospital in London.
Prince William has one sibling, his Harry, who was born in 1984. His first school was Mrs. Mynors's Nursery School in London, which he attended for two years. Then he spent three years at Wetherby School, also in London. He proved to be good at reading and .
At age eight Prince William was sent to Ludgrove, a school, where he shared a room with four other boys. He spent five years there. During that time his parents separated. When they weren't at school William and Harry divided their time between Charles and Diana.
At Ludgrove Prince William proved to be an excellent . Another of his interests was acting; he appeared in several school and said in 1993 that he would like to become a professional actor.
In 1995 Prince William left Ludgrove and entered exclusive Eton College. He lived with some 50 other students in an ivy-covered dorm called Manor House, where he had a small room to himself above the kitchen.
In August of 1996 Prince Charles and Princess Diana were divorced.
On August 31, 1997 Princess Diana was killed in a car crash in Paris. Prince William helped to plan his mother's .
During his years at Eton, Prince William often visited his Queen Elizabeth II on the weekends at Windsor Castle, a short walk away. His grandfather, Prince Philip, sometimes took him duck hunting. After William's mother died he spoke frequently with her sisters, Jane and Sarah, but it is reported that he has little contact with the Spencer family these days.
In 2000, Prince William graduated from Eton and passed three exams, receiving an A in geography, a B in the history of art, and a C in biology. He was accepted by the University of St Andrews in Scotland. Before attending the university he spent a year traveling and pursuing educational projects.
The prince began his four-year university course in autumn 2001. At first he studied art history. Then he started learning . After graduating from St Andrews, Prince William spent time in Wales, learning to speak in preparation for his future role as Prince of Wales.

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