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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°6919 : Lion Scare

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Lion Scare

QUITMAN, Arkansas. - In the past week, four 600- to 800-pound African lions have been killed near this central Arkansas town. And residents say the terror may not be over because no one knows for sure whether more lions are on the loose.
Lisa Vaughan lived in a peaceful log cabin in the woods. Now she's listening for lions.
'I had a terrible headache, and my blood pressure has been up,' says Vaughan, whose husband, Johnny, killed two of the lions with his .30-06 rifle.
'Everybody is scared around here,' neighbor Arvil Skinner says. 'People have to carry a rifle just to let their kids play in the yard. They might still be out there. We just don't know.'
The Vaughans say they believe that the lions belong to animal farm operator Steve Henning, who brought with him 11 African lions, 30 tigers, five mountain lions and a lynx.
Henning says the lions killed in the woods were not his. The farm is not open to the public but the property is not fully fenced.
His neighbors want local laws amended so that Henning can't keep lions and tigers in their neighborhood.
'We've got to try and pass something to protect the people... and the animals,' Johnny Vaughan says. 'It's sad to think that someone can have that many animals without a license.


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1. Who is suspected to be responsible for this problem?

2. Who is Lisa?

3. Why is Arvil afraid?

4. Why are residents afraid?

5. Johnny is the man who killed all the lions.

6. What should be done according to the inhabitants?

7. Where does the scene take place?

8. The lions are very small.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Lion Scare"
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