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Springtime on the menu
Message de pf1989 posté le 04-02-2007 à 13:57:36 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour à tous ,j'aimerais vous demander un petit service .Demain j'ai un examen oral d'anglais et j'ai deux histoire que je viens de terminer et aimerais avoir une petite correction si cela est possible biensûr.Je remercie d'avance tout ceux qui m'aideront .
Voici le texte:

It was a day in March .Sarah cried over the menu .A gentleman said the world is an oyster which could be open by a sword but is it possible with a typewriter. Sarah was a woman. One evening she took the menu and the next day she showed to the manager .During the day she had a arrangement with the restaurant .It was a beautiful menu . she had a room in a redbrick building next to the restaurant. Sarah’s job did copy-typing , she worked alone .she typed the menu for every day and the restaurant gave three meals per day . there were 21 menus because there were 21 tables in the the spring . restaurant .it was the spring .Sarah was sad because the last summer she was love of a young farmer while she was in holidays . they sat together and Walter , the young farmer , put a dandelions in his hair .They wanted to marry in spring .But Sarah came back to the city to hit the typewriter keys . The next day Sarah typed the menu and she saw dandelions .she was so disturbed that she was changing the menu everywhere .Because of that ,she was crying .Dandelions with kind of egg in the menu .Since two weeks she didn’t receive the letters from Walter .She tried no cry .she remembered the good time with Warmer .One evening a man rang in front door ,Sarah heard a voice .She ran downstairs and saw Walter. She was happy but she didn’t understand why he didn’t written.NEW YORK was a big town .He asked the help of police to find Sarah but he was come in the restaurant and he had seen between two vegetables W and then alter. Walter asked to the owner of the restaurant where Sarah was. Walter went in the building and found Sarah .Both were happy to be found .

Je donnerai le prochain quand le premier sera corrigé.Merci beaucoup
De la part de pf1989
Modifié par bridg le 04-02-2007 14:12



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