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EO/Myths and heroes

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EO/Myths and heroes
Message de chillance posté le 18-05-2018 à 19:20:29 (S | E | F)
J'aimerais également une relecture de ma dernière notion, et j'aimerais aussi savoir si elle se suffit? Car j'ai l'impression qu'elle manque cruellement de documents, mais nous n'avons rien étudié en classe...
Merci encore!

Myths and Heroes
Today I’m going to talk about the notion myths and heroes.
But first of all, I would like to give a definition of the terms. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon.
In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the American Dream, and attempt to answer the question : what is the myth of American Dream ?
To answer this question, I will explain in a first part, the concept of the American Dream and of success, and in a second part, I will illustrate that with heroes of this myth: John D. Rockefaller and Andrew Carnegie.

The American Dream dictates the idea that whoever, even if we are from modest populations,
can be successful in USA. The myth guarantees especially the success of the American system. This system need a hard-working and compliant population which plays the game. We can win, only if we follow the rules.
As any myth has to make success, we need heroes. Their functions are not only the one of the model that we have to follow, but especially, a proof that the system works, that the myth represents the reality.

John D. Rockefaller and Andrew Carnegie are the heroes of this myth. Their legends said that Rockefaller and Carnegie came here with nothing, and became the richest men to the world.
Rockefaller became the richest man of the history, and Carnegie right after.
We tell that these two men knew poor and hard childhoods. Rockefaller would have only been brought up by her mother and would have begun his journey towards the wealth by making casual jobs. Carnegi would have had more or less the same story.
It's almost sur that their stories are not so authentic as it. But it's necessary to assure the myth which we believe to it. 

To conclude, even today, many entrepreneurs try to persuade that they also represent the myth of American dream. Even president Trump has to try to persuade that he is a "self-made man". That he made a success of everything. Naturally, it's a myth (it's especially his father who would have succeeded and who threw it). It's true of many heroes. That they are models, examples, proofs, their functions is to represent the myth and not to be real.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-05-2018 22:19

Réponse : EO/Myths and heroes de laure95, postée le 19-05-2018 à 14:58:07 (S | E)

- ven if we are from modest populations (pas le bon mot ici),
- in USA: article.
- This system need (faute de conjugaison)a hard-working
- Their legends said (pas le bon mot ici, seule une personne dit) that Rockefaller (orthographe) and Carnegie came here with nothing, and became the richest men to (pas la bonne préposition) the world.
- We tell that these two men knew poor and hard childhoods.
- Carnegi
- It's almost sur
- But it's necessary to assure the myth which we believe to (pas la bonne préposition) it.

- That he made a success of everything: ?
- It's true of (pas la bonne préposition) many heroes.

Tu peux utiliser un même document pour plusieurs notions!


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