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Aide PréPa Oral anglais BTS (1)

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Aide PréPa Oral anglais BTS
Message de missnightes78 posté le 03-05-2009 à 17:40:30 (S | E | F)

Je vais passer mon oral d'anglais la semaine prochaine..
J'ai préparé la partie sur mon apprentissage en alternance en entreprise,
Si quelqu'un veut bien me la corriger, ce serait très gentils.. Merci d'avance !!!

I have learned my accountant’s trade from two years in BTS Comptabilité and management of the organizations in alternatly in a school which is called ICA Sup. located at Cergy (Val d’ Oise). I learn this trade from accountant in company A. F.
This company is situated in C. s/ the Seine. The main activity of my firm is the sale of shirts and vestimentary accessories of luxury. I work in the accounting department, with 5 accountants and an accounting leader.
I use different tools to work, a computer, a printer, a telephone, an adding machine and a fax.
Various spots are entrusted to me: Checking of the sales to the customers, checking of the payments, I enter the invoices suppliers and I carry out their payments, I communicate much with the employees of the shops like with those of the seat.

Every month I make the leaves of pays of the employees of the stores.

To do my job, I use Internet to send emails, to seek information; “sage ” accounting packages: to make the follow-up of the clients' accounts and suppliers, like « SAGE PAY » for the personnel of the company.
To work during these two years in this company, enabled me to evolve professionally.
I am sure that it is indeed the trade which I want to make.

Merci pOur VOtre Aide !!

Modifié par bridg le 03-05-2009 18:33

Réponse: Aide PréPa Oral anglais BTS de robertbrou, postée le 04-05-2009 à 18:50:30 (S | E)

Voici quelques suggestions. Reposter vos corrections et on reverra. Tout text en rose et en rouge est à revoir/corriger.

I have learned my accountant’s trade from two years in BTS Comptabilité and management of the organizations in alternatly in a school which is called ICA Sup. located at Cergy (Val d’ Oise). I learn (verb tense) this trade from accountant in company A. F.
This company is situated in C. s/ the Seine. The main activity of my firm is the sale of shirts and vestimentary accessories of luxury (placement). I work in the accounting department, with 5 accountants and an accounting leader.
I use different tools to work, (punctuation) a computer, a printer, a telephone, an adding machine and a fax machine.
Various spots are entrusted to me: Checking of the sales to the customers, checking of the payments, I enter the invoices suppliers and I carry out their payments, I communicate much with the employees of the shops like with those of the seat.
NB: All verbs must match when you list examples after a colon ":". If you use the "-ing" form of the verb, then the rest need "-ing" as well.

Every month I make the leaves of pays of the employees of the stores.

To do my job, I use the Internet to send emails, to seek information; “sage ” accounting packages: to make the follow-up of the clients' accounts and suppliers, like « SAGE PAY » for the personnel of the company.
To work during these two years in this company, (punctuation) enabled me to evolve professionally.
I am sure that it is indeed the trade (use synonym) which I want to make. (use different verb)

Keep in mind:
1. Don't abbreviate proper names.
2. Don't mix English and French, unless that is the actual name of the programme.
BTS programme of Accounting and Business Management, for example.
3.Checking is correct, but Verifying/Verification is better

Hope this helps!

Réponse: Aide PréPa Oral anglais BTS de laurence202020, postée le 05-05-2009 à 10:35:00 (S | E)
moi j'ai passé mon BTS en alternance l'année derniere, nous avions preparé la phrase magique avec notre prof pour annoncer que nous etions en bts en alternance. pour info, notre prof venait du canada, avec une maitrise absolu de l'anglais, et lors de notre oral, le jury nous a tres bien compris, la voici:

I was studied a BTS transport within a training system alterning work and school one every 2 weeks (alternace 1 semmaine /2); my job was to ....

on a tous commencé par cette phrase, ce qui nous a donné du courage par la suite.

ensuite nous avions chacun préparé le détail de nos expérience, j'ai eu 18/20, assez fière de moi,

!! surtout utiliser des phrases courtes que tu maitrise plutot que des phrases super longues et compliquées, issues de la traduction mot a mot du francais,

bon chance, bon courage,



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