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Message de charey posté le 29-03-2012 à 10:59:21 (S | E | F)

Je suis étudiante et je reprends l'anglais cette année avec un niveau comment dire ? proche du néant.
J'ai une intervention en anglais de 2 minutes sur un sujet au choix. Je dois rédiger un support car sinon je n'y arriverais pas.
Je dois donc la rédiger en langage simple. Je l'ai fait, j'ai travaillé avec un dictionnaire et Bescherelle, mais je ne suis pas sûre de moi du tout.
Voilà je sais que c'est long mais merci d'avance pour votre aide.

I am going to speak about the director Cédrik Klapish. He was born in 1961 in Neuilly on the Seine. He realized eleven feature film and seven short films. He prepares a thirteenth movie for twenty thirteen (2013). Its title is « Casse tête Chinois ».

He begins with a literary preparation. Before realizing, he studies cinema. In the first one he made of the cinema for the university Paris 3. He obtained mastery in Paris 8. He fails several times in the IDHEC. He will eventually study in New York.
His creations began in 1984 with his first named short film "Glamour toujours" that he shoots in the USA.

He will return in France, he will begin as a technician. Then he will shoot in nineteen eighty-nine 1989 his first French short movie. In nigthteen ninety-to 1992; his career evolves because he passes in the feature film with "Rien du tout". He realizes a social comedy, what will be in a way its trademark.

On the one hand he will make movies and the other one, he will work in association with chains of which ARTE or CANAL PLUS. With its first full-length movies, the world of the French cinema will learn Cedrik Klapish. But so that he is really recognized by the largest number, it will be necessary to wait for "L’auberge Espagnole". This movie tells the story of a student who leaves for Spain to study. He integrates it an apartment into collocation with several different nationalities.

What I find original in his realization, it is that he appears in his movies. He realizes the same thing as Alfred Hitchcock. For example in "Les poupées Russes " he plays the traveller of the Eurostar or another professor of Frenchman lost in " L’auberge espagnole ".
I wished to speak about this director because I like his side close to the world. His main subjects are the ones which touch or concern popular people. He makes of the approachable cinema and dares to speak about problems which affect the least easy people. And he does not put to itself barriers.

Furthermore I find that the way he advances the city is interesting. He has interesting and charming personalities but he allows discovering cities by his image as in "Paris". For me, it is that one call a contemporary director.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-03-2012 11:35

Réponse: Support oral/correction de fresteen84, postée le 29-03-2012 à 18:20:25 (S | E)

pas mal de chosses à revoir. Attention aux temps, notamment le prétérit, quand une action est terminée, achevée... Attention également au vocabulaire. Retravaille ce texte.. Courage l'idée est très bonne mais trop français traduit en anglais.

I am going to speak about the director Cédrik Klapish. He was born in 1961 in Neuilly on(autant laisser le nom français, Neuilly sur Seine) the Seine. He realized (pour un film, plutôt utiliser "to shoot, shot, shot) eleven feature film and seven short films. He prepares(c'est en ce moment, donc présent continu) a thirteenth movie for twenty thirteen (2013). Its title is « Casse tête Chinois ».

He begins with a literary preparation. Before realizing, he studies cinema. In the first one he made of the cinema for the university Paris 3. He obtained mastery in Paris 8. He fails several times in the IDHEC. He will eventually study in New York. (tout ceci est passé, fini, révolu, donc prétérite) - revoir tout ce passage pas très clair.
His creations began in 1984 with his first named short film(first short film titled) "Glamour toujours" that he shoots(temps?) in the USA.

He will return(c'est quoi ce futur?) in France, he will begin as a technician. Then he will shoot in nineteen eighty-nine 1989 his first French short movie. In nigthteen ninety-to 1992; his career evolves (temps) because he passes in the feature film(???) with "Rien du tout". He realizes a social comedy, what will be in a way its trademark.

On the one hand(on one hand) he will make movies and on the other one, he will work in association with chains of(channels among) which ARTE or CANAL PLUS. With its first full-length movies, the world of the French cinema will learn Cedrik Klapish. But so that he is really recognized by the largest number, it will be necessary to wait for "L’auberge Espagnole". This movie tells the story of a student who leaves for Spain to study. He integrates it an apartment into collocation with several different nationalities.

What I find original in his realization, it is that he appears in his movies. He realizes the same thing as Alfred Hitchcock. For example in "Les poupées Russes " he plays the traveller of the Eurostar or another professor of Frenchman lost in " L’auberge espagnole ".
I wished to speak about this director because I like his side close to the world. His main subjects are the ones which touch or concern popular people. He makes of the approachable cinema and dares to speak about problems which affect the least easy people. And he does not put to itself barriers.

Furthermore I find that the way he advances the city is interesting. He has interesting and charming personalities but he allows discovering cities by his image as in "Paris". For me, it is that one call a contemporary director.

Réponse: Support oral/correction de charey, postée le 29-03-2012 à 20:35:38 (S | E)
Merci pour ces quelques pistes,
je vais retravailler cela avec mes moyens,
merci en tout cas pour ce coup de pouce

Réponse: Support oral/correction de charey, postée le 02-04-2012 à 11:19:32 (S | E)
Bonjour, J'ai essayé de rectifier et de simplifier certaines tournures, si quelqu'un peut me dire si ça s'améliore. Merci d'avance !!

I am going to speak about the director Cédrik Klapish. He was born in 1961 in Neuilly sur seine. He shot eleven feature film and seven short films. He currently preparing his thirteenth movie for twenty thirteen (2013). Its title is « Casse tête Chinois ».

He began his studies with a literary preparation. He went on to study Cinema. Initially, he studied at the University of Paris 3. The following year he continued at the University Paris 8. He earned a master's degree. Cedric Klapisch magnifier repeatedly IDHEC contest. He ends up choosing New York to study.

His creations began in 1984 with his first first short film titled "Glamour toujours" that he shot in the USA.
Thereafter, he returned to France. His first job is technician. In 1989 (nineteen eighty-nine) he directed his first short film. His career evolved in 1992 (nineteen nighty two). This is the year of his first film, “rien du tout”. This film is a social comedy. These social comedies are his trademark.
It also works with television channels. He worked with Arte or Canal plus. Later, these collaborations will it make documentaries. He said it is another experience for a director.
His first movies give him a little notoriety. But he must wait "L’auberge Espagnole" for he has a real appreciation. This movie tells the story of a student who leaves for Spain to study. He integrates an apartment into collocation with several different nationalities.

I love this film because of its simplicity. However he still gets messages. As with "Ma part du gâteau", which he criticizes the leaders and the reasons for the current crisis. Her main topics affecting the population and not an elite. It's popular cinema and talks about what can happen in life.

Also noteworthy is his way to appear on the screen. He does so in the manner of Alfred Hitchcock.
For example in "Les poupées Russes " he plays the traveller of the Eurostar or another professor of French, lost in " L’auberge espagnole ".

I wished to speak about this director because I like his side close to the world. He makes of the approachable cinema and dares to speak about problems which affect the least easy people. And he does not put to itself barriers.

Réponse: Support oral/correction de fresteen84, postée le 02-04-2012 à 19:38:00 (S | E)
He is currently preparing his thirteenth movie for twenty thirteen two thousand thirteen (2013). Its(The) title is « Casse tête Chinois ».

He got a master's degree

Cedric Klapisch magnifier (que veux-tu dire?)repeatedly IDHEC contest. He ends up choosing New York to study. Il faudrait tout mettre au preterit

His creations began in 1984 with his first first short film titled "Glamour toujours" that he shot in the USA. (laisse uniquement "shot" in the USA.

Thereafter, he returned to France. His first job is (Preterit) technician. In 1989 (nineteen eighty-nine) he directed his first short film. His career evolved in 1992 (nineteen nighty two). This is the year of his first film, “rien du tout”. This film is a social comedy. These social comedies are his trademark.
It also works(une personne, donc pas "it" et mettre le preterit) with television channels. He worked with Arte or Canal plus. Later, these collaborations will it make documentaries.(????) He said it is( temps!!- another experience for(as) a director.
His first movies give(temps) him a little notoriety(brought him some fame). But he must (temps: has to) wait "L’auberge Espagnole" forwhich he has a real appreciation. (maladroit) This movie tells the story of a student who leaves for(goes to) Spain to study. He integrates an apartment into collocation(he shares an apartment with roomates from different countries) with several different nationalities.

I love this film because of its simplicity. However he still gets messages(???). As with "Ma part du gâteau",(in) which he criticizes the leaders and the reasons for the current crisis(???). Her(his= homme) main topics affecting the population and not an elite(???). It's popular cinema and talks about what can happen in life.

Also noteworthy(???) is his way to appear on the screen. He does so in the manner of Alfred Hitchcock. (he does it the Alfred H. did)
For example in "Les poupées Russes " he plays the traveller of (in) the Eurostar or another professor of French (a French teacher), lost in " L’auberge espagnole ".

I wished (wanted) to speak (to tell) about this director because I like his side close to the world. He makes of the approachable cinema and dares to speak about problems which affect the least easy people. And he does not put to itself barriers. (????)

Bon courage, tu y es presque!

Réponse: Support oral/correction de charey, postée le 04-04-2012 à 09:45:52 (S | E)
Encore merci, j'ai tenté une nouvelle correction mais il reste deux ou trois petites choses que j'ai mises entre parenthèses, que je ne comprends pas.

I am going to speak about the director Cédrik Klapish. He was born in 1961 in Neuilly sur seine. He shot eleven feature film and seven short films. He is currently preparing his thirteenth movie for two thousand thirteen (2013). The title is « Casse tête Chinois ».

He began his studies with a literary preparation. He went on to study Cinema. Initially, he studied at the University of Paris 3. The following year he continued at the University Paris 8. He got a master's degree. Cedric Klapisch magnifier (je veux dire qu’il a louper a plusieurs reprises et n’arrive pas à le traduire avec la bonne idée) repeatedly IDHEC contest. He ends up chose New York to study.

His creations began in 1984 with his first first short film titled "Glamour toujours" shot in the USA.
Thereafter, he returned to France. His first job was technician. In 1989 (nineteen eighty-nine) he directed his first short film. His career evolved (je ne comprend pas ce qui cloche, désolée) in 1992 (nineteen nighty two). This is the year of his first film, “rien du tout”. This film is a social comedy. These social comedies are his trademark. (les comédies sont sa marque de fabrique, c’est mal construit ?)

He also worked with television channels. He worked with Arte or Canal plus. Television channels allow him to make documentaries. For example one that was on the dancer.He said it was another experience as a director.
His first movies gave brought him some fame. But he has to wait "L’auberge Espagnole" for he has a real appreciation. This movie tells the story of a student who goes to Spain to study. He he shares an apartment with roomates from different countries.

I love this film because of its simplicity. However his movies conveys messages (Son cinéma véhicule des messages). As with "Ma part du gâteau", in which he criticizes the leaders and problems conveyed by the crisis (les problèmes véhiculés par la crise). His main concern the normal population. They do not concern the elite.It's popular cinema and talks about what can happen in life.

Also noteworthy is his way to appear on the screen. he does it the Alfred Hitchock did. For example in "Les poupées Russes " he plays the traveller in the Eurostar or a French teacher, lost in " L’auberge espagnole ".

I wanted to tell about this director because I like his worldview. He directed the film accesible. It does not put barriers. He talks about the facts of real life.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-04-2012 10:34

Réponse: Support oral/correction de fresteen84, postée le 10-04-2012 à 12:02:33 (S | E)
As Cedric Klapisch couldn't manage to pass the exam to attend the IDHEC, he decided to finish his studies in New York.

His creations began in 1984 with his first first short film, shot in the USA and titled "Glamour toujours".
Then, he returned to France. He first worked as a technician. In 1989 (nineteen eighty-nine) he directed his first short film. His career evolved (je ne comprend pas ce qui cloche, désolée) in 1992 (nineteen nighty two). This is the year of his first film, “rien du tout”. This film is a social comedy. These social comedies are his trademark. (les comédies sont sa marque de fabrique, c’est mal construit ?)

He also worked withfor TV. He worked with Arte and Canal +. Television channels helped him to make documentaries. For example one that was onabout the dancer.He said it was another experience as a director.
His first movies brought him fame. But he had to wait "L’auberge Espagnole" for which he has a real appreciation.(??????) This movie tells the story of a young French man who goes to Spain to study where he shares an apartment with roomates from different countries.

I love this film because of its simplicity. However his movies conveys messages (Son cinéma véhicule des messages). As with "Ma part du gâteau", in which he criticizes the leaders and problems conveyed by the crisis (les problèmes véhiculés par la crise). His main concern the normal population(pas clair). They do not concern the elite.It's popular cinema and talks about what can happen in life. (??? pas clair!)

It is noteworthy that the way he appears on his films is the way Alfred Hitchock did. For example in "Les poupées Russes " he plays a traveller in the Eurostar or a French teacher who is lost in " L’auberge espagnole ".

I wanted to tell about this director because I like his world view. He brings his films within everyone's reach, without any barriers. His cinema deals with the facts of real life.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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