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Correction/Foreign Policy

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Correction/Foreign Policy
Message de throwthecheese posté le 04-11-2015 à 22:44:49 (S | E | F)
can you please correct my homework about US Foreign Policy, if you want can you also please give me some advice to make my text better (about the style or words who that can be better in the context)?
I thank you in advance and hope for some help
Here's my text

If the first world war, was the occasion for united states to break off with isolationism, the second world war pushed them to the interventionism. In fact, when the cold war broke out, the commitment of the country took a new meaning. They put themselves as the new leaders of the free world. 
But long before the defeat of the nazism, US was already an important actor of the organization of the new world, and in 1943 during the Teheran Conference between Roosevelt, Churchill and Staline the principles of the new international relations were defined.
Then the Conference of Yalta in 1945 was dedicated to the in-depth study, and the Conference of Potsdam in 1945 to the application of these high principles. Meanwhile, during these conferences Roosvelt notices the soviet ambitions over Eastern Europe and Pacific Asia. The emergence of the soviet power, forbids the return to the traditional isolationism. So the US uses their positions to participate in the creation of new international economic and financial institutions, (The Bretton Woods system 1944, GATT 1947, FMI). The creation of the United Nations (UN security council) in 24 of november 1945.
The US wants to base the worldwide peace on the economicliberalism et they also want to avoid the progression of the communism in the world. So they put in place the policy of containment in order to limit the expansion of the communism. This policy is part of the Truman doctrine (to stop soviet imperialism), this policy was illustrated by the upkeeping of the military occupation in West Germany (cf JFK's speech in Berlin in 1963), and The Marshall Plan. So, US foreign policy became a war against communism.
Between the 2 hyperpowers US and USSR an arms race starts (conventional and nuclear weapons) military industrial complexes like NASA are created, we can also mention the race to the space. Then the US wants to protect their allies create in 1949 NATO, (an equivalent exists in the countries of Asia: OTASE). Between 1951 an 1953, the US enter into the war in Korea, and Vietnam between 1964 and 1973. After the Vietnamese failure both negotiate the limitation (SALT 1 (1972) and SALT 2 (1991)) and reduction (START 1 (1991))of nuclear armament. 
As a result the US became the decision-maker of the foreign policy.
The American foreign policy is defined by the president. But the State Department and US department of defense are advising and pressures him. Plus in the US, the national security council makesdecisions about important diplomatic orientations. The NCS also manages the CIA (central intelligence agency) created in 1947 in order to participate in the anticommunist fight.
However the president should count on congress and differentlobbies (the press) until 1973 the congress leaves an important room for maneuver to the president, but the War Power Act adopted in 1973, is a federal law intended to check the president's power to commit the US to an armed conflict without the consent of the US congress.

We can conclude that the American foreign policy during the cold war is ambivalent, the principles seem contradictory with the reality of the political actions. In fact, there were no direct war between the 2 hyperpowers, and the Korean and Vietnamese war were important mistakes and failures.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-11-2015 23:06


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