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Bac/Myths and heroes

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Bac/Myths and heroes
Message de benjidelamuerte posté le 02-05-2016 à 22:33:37 (S | E | F)
je suis élève de Terminale S et j'aimerais avoir une correction de votre part pour mon travail effectué sur cette notion, n'hésitez pas à me donner des conseils sur celle-ci si vous voulez et me dire si ce que j'ai fait est bien..
Merci d'avance et bon courage !

I'm going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. A hero can be a fictitious personage or a real personage, who is current or historical and who has marked the history. But for me, a hero can be also a personage of the daily life which become myths, that is a popular belief or tradition embodying the ideals and institutions of a society or a character type embodying an idea. During 20th century, many people became heroes in the eyes of the world because they changed our society and the world. They all made so that humanity is better. For treat this notion, we will be able to answer this question : In what some people are considered as heroes and myths ? First, we are going to see how Mandela become a heroe for a nation, in a second part how Rosa Parks become a myth.

First, Nelson Mandela was in prison for 30 years and he became president of South Africa. As we can see in the trailer of Invectus, newly elected, President Mandela knows his nation remains racially and economically divided in the wake of apartheid. The apartheid is the name given to the politics of racial segregation driven in South Africa by white minority against black majority. Invectus tells how Mandela joined forces with captain of South Africa's rugby Team, Francois Piennar to help unite their country. Mandela wants a rugby team to win and he is determined to win the 1995 World Cup Championship. On the initiative of Francois Piennar, black players play beside white people and arrive until finale and wins this cup. Thanks to this victory, we can consider Mandela, but also Piennar as real heroes because they succeeded to reunite and to reconcile the country after a long period of Apartheid.

Then, Rosa Park became a myth. As we can see in the document « civil right heroes », needless to say everybody knows her y refuse to get out of the bus story when she sat on a « whites-only » seat. In the wake of this stunt there was a boycott of public transports that led to the end of Jim crow laws and to discrimination in the southern of United States. These laws are major elements of racial segregation in the United States. They distinguished citizens according to their racial membership imposed a segregation in all places and public services in particular schools or public transportation. For me, we can consider Rosa Parks as a heroe or an icon because she was the symbol of fight against these laws and a person which was determined because she was arrested by the police. However, she wasn't the first one to have this idea, indeed Ms Bradford had the nerve to do it 4 years ago and its also a symbol of fight against these laws.

To conclude, as we saw it previously, some people are considered as a heroe or a myth because they fought for a cause. Mandela fought to reunite the country between black and white peoples and he became a symbol of peace and reconciliation. From her part, Rosa Parks was arrested to have fight against the Jim Crows Laws and became a symbol of fight against the segregation. However, there were other people that we can consider as hero as Martin Luther King who fought against the disparity between the blacks and the whites before being murdered.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-05-2016 23:28

Réponse: Bac/Myths and heroes de laure95, postée le 04-05-2016 à 11:36:50 (S | E)
- personage or a real personage (pas le bon mot ici),
- who is current or historical and who has marked the (enlever THE)history.
- a hero can be also (ordre des mots) a personage of the (pas de THE) daily life (pas le bon relatif)which become (faute de conjugaison) myths (singulier)
- a character type: ?
- During (il manque un article)20th century,
- They all made: ?
- For (pas la bonne préposition) treat this notion,
- In what some people are considered as heroes and myths ?: mal construit et mal dit.
- First, we are going to see how Mandela become (temps)a heroe (orthographe)for a nation, in a second part how Rosa Parks become (temps)a myth.

- President Mandela knows (passé)his nation remains (temps)racially and economically divided in the wake of apartheid.
- The apartheid is (passé) the name given to the politics of racial segregation
- driven in South Africa by (article) white minority against (article) black majority.
- black players play beside white people and arrive until finale and wins (faute de conjugaison)this cup.
- they succeed to reunite and reconcile: TO SUCCEED IN + GERONDIF.

- y
- refuse: passé.
- to get out of the bus story (story?)
- and to (article)discrimination in the southern of (pas de OF)United States.
- These laws are (passé)major elements of racial segregation in the United States.
- a heroe
- a person which (pas le bon relatif)was determined
- its (orthographe)also a symbol of fight against these laws.

-some people are considered as a heroe (pluriel)or a myth (idem)
- black and white peoples(people est déjà un mot pluriel)
- Rosa Parks was arrested to have fight (participe passé)
- against the Jim Crows Laws and became a symbol of fight against the (pas de the)segregation.
- However, there were other people that we can consider as hero (pluriel)as Martin Luther King


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