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Se perfectionner en anglais > Examens > Test d'entrée école militaire (2004)

EXAMEN – CONCOURS proposé en 2004 (école militaire) Un grand merci à jardin62 !

Document de base : texte.


            Mr Malcom Wren, formely an army officer, announced in July, 1979 : ‘In three years you will be able to cross the Channel by SKYSHIP’

            It will be faster, quieter, more economical, safer, and more comfortable than any other form of transport.

            When the SKYSHIP service is introduced, you will be able to travel from London to Paris (or vice versa) in about two hours. This is faster than travelling by jet plane, because although the SKYSHIP will travel at only 100 mph, it will be able to land vertically and quietly near to the city centre.

            It will make no more noise than a London bus, since not much power is needed when it takes off.

            It will be one of the safest of all forms of transport. When anything goes wrong, the SKYSHIP will not crash ; it will simply float down to the earth. The gas used to fill this ‘flying *saucer will be helium, which is not dangerous.

            When you travel by SKYSHIP, it won’t be necessary to fasten your safety *belt ; you’ll be able to walk around the cabin, have  a drink at the bar or do some duty-free shopping.

                                                                                                   Adapted from Across the Channel

* saucer : soucoupe

* belt : ceinture


I)                   Compréhension / 15 points

a) Right or wrong ? Tick the box and justify your choice with a sentence from the text : (10 points)





Mr Wren used to work in the army :

- Justify :……………………………………………………



The SKYSHIP will be noisier than a bus :

- Justify :……………………………………………………



With the SKYSHIP we’ll need more airports :

- Justify :……………………………………………………



The passengers won’t be free to do whatever they like :

- Justify :……………………………………………………



If  there’s an accident, it can become very dangerous :

- Justify :……………………………………………………




b) Quelle est la signification de 100 mph ? Répondre en français : (0.5 point)


c) Relevez  dans le texte trois mots faisant référence à un moyen de transport aérien : (1.5 point)





d) Cherchez dans le texte le contraire des mots suivants : (3 points)

1.      expensive :…………………………………….

2.      more dangerous :………………………………

3.      noisier :………………………………………..



II)                Compétence linguistique / 15 points


a)      Transposez les phrases suivantes au discours indirect. (9 points)

Mr Wren : ‘In three years, people will be able to cross the Channel by SKYSHIP.’

þ Mr Wren said……………………………………………………………………………………….

‘I’m sure that it is more convenient than the plane’

þ Mr Wren said……………………………………………………………………………………….

Mr Wren asked to his friend : ‘Do you want to travel with me ?’

þ Mr Wren wanted to know………………………………………………………………………….


b)      Traduisez. (2 points)

1.      Je ne veux pas que tu ailles à Londres.


2.      C’est le moyen de transport le plus rapide.



c)      Mettez les verbes entre parenthèses au temps et à la forme qui conviennent. (4 points)

-     A century ago, there (be)…………………………………….no fast cars.

-         She never (fly) …………………………………….alone.

-         As soon as he (be) ……………………………..eighteen, he (go)………………………….on holiday with his friends.

-         He (see)………………………………her while he (wait)…………………………………… for the bus.

III)             Expression / 10 points.

Traitez l’un des sujets ci-dessous, en 10 à 15 lignes.

a)      Which form of transport do you prefer ?

b)      Do you think it’s important to preserve the environment ?


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