SECTEUR TERTIAIRE: corrigé rapide
21 juin 2005
L'utilisation du dictionnaire bilingue est autorisée.
LINE Meanwhile,
Mrs Hurford's boss, John Maslen, 32, likes the Internet for window shopping. "Even
if I don't buy anything, I tend to surf, especially for computers and travel.
I now see the Internet, rather than the high street, as my first resource for
shopping." Men are starting to browse
for pleasure. They are more likely to search for new shops than women and more
likely to compare product features and prices. Men find buying online more enjoyable
because it removes much of the pain: no driving into town, no hassle about where
to park. Men also prove to be the secret Internet spenders. A recent survey reveals
that men are seven times more likely than women to spend up to £1,000 online,
while one man in 20 admits to having splurged £5,000 or more on items such
as cars and luxury holidays. With its power to change lives for the better, the Internet is freeing women from spending time on high-street chores, while men are being liberated to enjoy their shopping. Mark Sykes, a 32-year-old IT consultant, is typical: "I get better value shopping online and it's less hassle. It's also more of a pleasure, and it's more relaxing." He's not the only one to have discovered this, as Peter Green confirms: "During the past three months, I've bought DIY materials, an oven, a fridge, CDs, wine and books. I'd buy everything online if I could."
Vocabulary I
have had my surfeit of... J'ai eu plus que ma part de ... |
> TRAVAIL A FAIRE PAR LE CANDIDAT A- Répondez en français aux questions suivantes, en utilisant uniquement les informations contenues dans le texte. Composez des phrases complètes et justifiez toujours vos réponses. 1. Quel est le regret de Sandie lorsqu'elle évoque ses achats d'autrefois? (1) 2. Pour quelles raisons
aime-t-elle maintenant acheter sur Internet? (1.5) |