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Jonathan Harker's Diary

My story began about seven years ago, in 1875. My name is Jonathan Harker, and I live and work in London. My job is to buy and sell houses for other people. One day a letter arrived for me from a very rich man who lived in Transylvania. He wanted to buy a house in England and he needed my help. The man was Count Dracula, and I agreed to help him.
I found house for him, and he asked me to take all the papers to Transylvania. I did not know then of the terrible danger waiting for me in Transylvania...
On 4th May, I arrived at a t own called Bistritz. Transylvania was a strange and beautiful country. There were mountains, trees and rivers everywhere. And somewhere high in the moutains was the Count's home, Castle Dracula. I had six hours to wait before the coach came to take me there, so I went into a little hotel. Inside the hotel it was warm and friendly. The people there were all laughing and talking.
"Where are you going?" they asked me.
"To Castle Dracula," I replied.
Suddenly the room was silent and everyone turned to look at me. I could not understand why they all looked afraid.
"Don't go there," someone said.
"But I have to," I answered. "It's business."
Slowly, the hotel keeper's wife took the gold cross from her neck and put it into my hand. "Take this to protect yourself," she said. "There is danger at Castle Dracula. Perhaps this will help you."

Adapted from Dracula by Bram Stoker


diary: journal intime
cross: croix

I) True or False? Dites si la phrase est vraie ou fausse en justifiant vos réponses en anglais. (CAP = 6 / BEP = 4)
1) Jonathan Harker's job is to build houses for other people.
2) He agreed to work for Count Dracula.
3) When he entered the hotel, everyone stopped laughing and talking.
4) A woman gave him a cross.

II) Répondez en anglais en faisant des phrases complètes (5 / 7,5)
1) When did Jonathan's story start?
2) Where did Dracula want to buy a house?
3) What was Transylvania like?
4) Why did all the pople suddenly look afraid in the hotel?
5) Why did the hotel keeper's wife give Jonathan a cross?

III) Recopiez le texte suivant en mettant les verbes entre parenthèses au temps qui convient (4 / 2):
A long time ago, Jonathan Harker (leave) London for Bistritz, Transylvania. It (be) a long journey and when he (arrive) there, he (feel) tired.

IV) Posez les questions se rapportant aux mots soulignés (3 / 4,5):
1) He works in London.
2) He found a house for Count Dracula.
3) He had six hours to wait.

V) Traduisez le passage en bleu. (2 / 2)




I) True or False? Dites si la phrase est vraie ou fausse en justifiant vos réponses en anglais. (CAP = 6 / BEP = 4)
1) Jonathan Harker's job is to build houses for other people.
F - My job is to buy and sell houses for other people.

2) He agreed to work for Count Dracula.
T - I agreed to help him.

3) When he entered the hotel, everyone stopped laughing and talking.
F - The people there were all laughing and talking.

4) A woman gave him a cross.
T - Take this to protect yourself.


II) Répondez en anglais en faisant des phrases complètes (5 / 7,5)
1) When did Jonathan's story start?
It started about seven years before, in 1875.

2) Where did Dracula want to buy a house?
Dracula wanted to buy a house in England.

3) What was Transylvania like?
Transylvania was a strange and beautiful country with mountains, trees and rivers everywhere.

4) Why did all the pople suddenly look afraid in the hotel?
Because Jonathan told them that he wanted to go to Castle Dracula.

5) Why did the hotel keeper's wife give Jonathan a cross?
Because she thought it could maybe protect Jonathan.

III) Recopiez le texte suivant en mettant les verbes entre parenthèses au temps qui convient (4 / 2):
A long time ago, Jonathan Harker LEFT London for Bistritz, Transylvania. It WAS a long journey and when he ARRIVED there, he FELT tired.

IV) Posez les questions se rapportant aux mots soulignés (3 / 4,5):
1) He works in London. Where does he work?
2) He found a house for Count Dracula. What did he find for Count Dracula?
3) He had six hours to wait. How long did he have to wait?

V) Traduisez le passage en bleu. (2 / 2)
Le 4 mai, je suis arrivé dans une petite ville qui s'appelait Bistritz. La Transylvanie était un pays étrange et beau. Il y avait des montagnes, des arbres et des rivières partout. Et quelque part, en haut des montagnes, se trouvait la maison du comte, le Château Dracula.



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