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Fantastic Ellen!

England has found a heroine...
On 29th January, people all over Britain and all over the world watched Ellen MacArthur on their televisions. This 24-year-old girl has suddenly become a media superstar, and everyone is happy for her.
As everyone knows, she has sailed non-stop round the world, alone. That is a pretty incredible thing to do. Not many people have sailed single-handed round the world without stopping and most of those who have done so are men. You need to be strong - physically and mentally - to make such a difficult voyage.
Ellen managed it at the age of 24! Now she is the youngest person to have navigated the globe single-handed; and she is also the fastest woman.
Furthermore, she almost won the very difficult "Vendée Globe" race finishing second after the frenchman Michel Desjoyaux.
She finished the 42,000 kilometre race in 94 days, 4 hours and 25 minutes. It was an incredible perdormance, and during the race she had several alarming moments.

Born a sailor?
No, not at all! Ellen does not come from a sailing family and she did not spend her childhood beside the sea. Her parents, schoolteachers, live in Derbyshire, a country in the middle of England, far from the sea.
But when she was a child, Ellen discovered sailing. Soon it became her passion. At the age of 17, people "discoverered" her when she sailed single-handed round Great Britain. We have not heard the last of Ellen MacArthur, that is sure!

Adapted from Horizon, May-July 2001


pretty (ici): assez
single-handed: en solitaire
furthermore: de plus
beside: au bord de

I) Retrouvez dans le texte les mots qui signifient: (bep: 1 / CAP: 2)
1) une course
2) un marin

II) Vrai (right) ou faux (wrong)? Justifiez toutes vos réponses en citant le texte. (5/5)
1) Ellen MacArtur became a very famous woman at the end of 2001.
2) Generally, the people who sail single-handed round the world are women.
3) Ellen MacArtur finsihed first at the "Vendée Globe" race.
4) Her parents were not professional navigators.
5) Ellen lived by the sea when she was a child.

III) Répondez en anglais aux questions suivantes. Faites des phrases complètes. (4/6)
1) What qualities must you have to sail non-stop round the world?
2) How old was she when she sailed round the world?
3) Who won the "Vendée Globe" race in 2001?
4) Was the race easy? Why?

IV) Traduisez en français le passage en bleu. (2/2)

V) Recopiez les phrases suivantes en les complétant par une préposition que vous choisirez dans la liste ci-dessous: (2.5/2.5)
from - about - at - in - of - by - to - for
1) She has decided to visit her friend _____________ October.
2) She will stay _____________ Monday _____________ Sunday.
3) She never travels _____________ train.
4) They love sailing _____________ night.

VI) Mettez les phrases suivantes à la forme négative (2.5/2.5):
1) Ellen's parents live in Portsmouth.
2) She loves sailing single-handed round the world.
3) Next year, she will try to win the "Vendée Globe".
4) At the moment, she is visiting her parents.
5) After a race, she must have some rest.

VII) Dans un paragraphe de 50 mots, rédigé en anglais, vous présenterez votre star préférée (acteur, chanteur, sportif...)
Vous le rédigerez en en vous aidant des informations suivantes:
- nom, âge, description, nationalité, famille
- profession, ce qu'il/elle aime / n'aime pas. (3 pts BEP, pas au programme du CAP)




I) Retrouvez dans le texte les mots qui signifient: (bep: 1 / CAP: 2)
1) une course = a race
2) un marin = a sailor

II) Vrai (right) ou faux (wrong)? Justifiez toutes vos réponses en citant le texte. (5/5)
1) Ellen MacArtur became a very famous woman at the end of 2001.
W - "on 29th January"

2) Generally, the people who sail single-handed round the world are women.
W - "most of those who have done so are men"

3) Ellen MacArtur finsihed first at the "Vendée Globe" race.
W - "finishing second"

4) Her parents were not professional navigators.
R - "schoolteachers"

5) Ellen lived by the sea when she was a child.
W - "in the middle of England, far from the sea"

III) Répondez en anglais aux questions suivantes. Faites des phrases complètes. (4/6)
1) What qualities must you have to sail non-stop round the world?
You need to be strong - phhysically and mentally.

2) How old was she when she sailed round the world?
She was 24.

3) Who won the "Vendée Globe" race in 2001?
The Frenchman Michel Desjoyaux won the Vendée Globe.

4) Was the race easy? Why?
No, the race was not easy: she had several alarming moments.


IV) Traduisez en français le passage en bleu. (2/2)
Ellen a réussi à le faire à l'âge de 24 ans ! Maintenant, elle est la personne la plus jeune à avoir fait le tour du monde en solitaire, et elle est aussi la femme la plus rapide.

V) Recopiez les phrases suivantes en les complétant par une préposition que vous choisirez dans la liste ci-dessous: (2.5/2.5)
from - about - at - in - of - by - to - for
1) She has decided to visit her friend IN October.
2) She will stay FROM Monday TO Sunday.
3) She never travels BY train.
4) They love sailing AT night.

VI) Mettez les phrases suivantes à la forme négative (2.5/2.5):
1) Ellen's parents live in Portsmouth. don't live
2) She loves sailing single-handed round the world. doesn't love
3) Next year, she will try to win the "Vendée Globe". won't try
4) At the moment, she is visiting her parents. she is not visiting
5) After a race, she must have some rest. she mustn't have

VII) Dans un paragraphe de 50 mots, rédigé en anglais, vous présenterez votre star préférée (acteur, chanteur, sportif...)
Vous le rédigerez en en vous aidant des informations suivantes:
- nom, âge, description, nationalité, famille
- profession, ce qu'il/elle aime / n'aime pas.





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