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Epreuve de compréhension BEP Indus. Lille 2005 (merci à jeanmi pour l'avoir tapée!) New York, a dog paradise. Today in New York, dogs live like humans. They go to dog restaurants, and they even go to the gym! Americans love their pets. In 2003 they spent $8 billion on them. There are about 68 million dogs in the USA, but the lucky ones live in New York. In New York dogs cannot run in parks, so they need exercise. Lucky dogs can go to the swimming pool for dogs at 'Doggy village' in New York. Many New Yorkers are single, and they treat their animals like children. For many New Yorkers, having a dog is a perfect way to meet new friends. Taxi for dogs In New York, there are special taxis for dogs, because normal taxis refuse to take them. Pet taxis take dogs to the veterinarian, the dog groomer's or to the gym. Dogs have everything Dog owners in New York want to give their dogs everything. They consult pet psychiatrists and pet psychics. They take their dogs to special restaurants, to parks where children are not permitted, and to 'doga' classes (dog yoga). They employ dog walkers and dog babysitters. They buy dog perfume and chic dog clothes and accessories. Many rich New Yorkers - including stars like rapper Puff Daddy - take their dog to 'Doggy village', a five-storey building just for dogs. Clients usually pay $1,500 for a year's membership to Doggy village. Their dogs can use the exercise rooms, a swimming pool, a restaurant, and a reception room for dog parties. I love English - February 2004 Epreuve de BEP Industriel Lille 2005
IV - Mettre les phrases suivantes au prétérit
(2 points) EXPRESSION ECRITE V - Rédiger un paragraphe de 6 lignes afin de répondre
à la question suivante: (5 points) CORRIGE
faux + bonne justification = 0 pt
IV) Mettre les phrases
suivantes au prétérit (2)