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Debate the issues of the day as they happen, and join in the discussion with other Times readers.


Would you be happy to see a smoking ban in restaurants and bars?

Clean the air
As a non-smoker, I would become people eating and smoking at my table if only their obnoxious tobacco fumes were extracted more powerfully from restaurants. The British seem incapable of installing air extraction systems which work satisfactorily.
David Meredith, Salisbury

The lost diners
I would certainly eat out more if smoking were banned in restaurants and other eating places. Over the years, its has been difficult to eat smoke-free, so we eat out less now.
We visited Ireland last May where they have banned smoking in all workplaces. It was a joy to go anywhere to eat without fear of being smoked out.
Linda Bates, Leicestershire

Adapted from The Times Wednesday September 22 2004

David Meredith is right when he says "the British seem incapable of installing air extraction systems which work satisfactorily." (Debate, September 22).
I am sensitive to the smell of tobacco smoke (watering eyes, burning nose), but this month I went with a friend to the smoking lounges at the airports in St Louis and Newark in the US. The small room was full of smokers and I was surprised that the air was as clean and fresh as the outdoors.
I do not advocate diners in a restaurant being subjected to smoke. However, smoking tobacco is legal and I do not believe that smokers should be made pariahs. There should be more tolerance and accommodation.
Besides, I find the odours of food from the restaurant kitchen nearly as offensive as smoke and would like to see better ventilation in all public buildings.

Donna Lynde, Newark

Adapted from The Times Friday September 24 2004


the fug: le renfermé, le confiné
a ban: une interdiction
obnoxious: nauséabond
a lounge: ici, une salle d'attente
to advocate: recommander
subjected to: soumis à

I) Cochez la bonne réponse parmi les propositions fournies (1.5)
1) The document was extracted from
O a British newspaper
O a tobacco manufacturer's website
O an advert.

2) It is composed of
O articles written by a journalist.
O letters or e-mails sent by readers.
O interviews collected by a journalist.

3) different people express their feelings about
O the dangers of smoking.
O being allowed to smoke in eating places.
O the quality of food in British restaurants.

II) Dites si les affirmations suivantes sont vraies (Right) ou fausses (Wrong) en cochant la case correspondante. Justifiez en citant des éléments issus du document. (6 points)
1) David Meredith's and Donna Lynde's letters were published on the same day.
2) Donna Lynde lives in Britain.
3) David Meredith criticizes smoke extraction systems in restaurants and bars.
4) Donna Lynde doesn't agree with David Meredith.
5) Linda Bates says smoking is forbidden in all Irish workplaces.
6) Donna would like people to be more tolerant about smoking.

III) Répondez aux questions au moyen d'une phrase complète. (4)
1) What country has recently banned smoking in public places?
2) Why does Linda Bates eat out less?
3) What happens to Donna Lynde when she is subjected to smoke?
4) Where was she surprised to find clean and fresh air?




I - Complétez les phrases avec un auxiliaire modal que vous choisirez dans la liste ci-dessous. Chacun d'entre eux ne sera utilisé qu'une fois:
can't - may - should - mustn't
(2 points)

1) Linda Bates __________________________ eat out in a restaurant because of smokers.
2) David, ________________________ I smoke a cigarette in your room? Do you mind?
3) In the USA smokers ___________________________ light up a cigarette in the workplace.
4) Good ventilation systems _______________________ clear the air efficiently.


II - Complétez le paragraphe suivant en mettant les verbes entre parenthèses à la forme exigée par le contexte (2.5 points)

Last week the Bates _______________________ (go) to Boulogne on a one-day trip. They had a meal in a restaurant.
"Look! This man ______________________ (smoke) a big cigar!" said David who _______________________ (hate) being smoked out during his meal.
They asked to talk to the manager of the restaurant.
"I agree with you" the man said "but if smoking were banned in restaurants, we _________________________ (lose) many clients. Anyway, we __________________ (install) a new ventilation system next month."



A votre tour de vous joindre à la discussion. rédigez en anglais un courriel (e-mail) de 60 mots environ au Times afin de donner votre avis personnel sur le sujet suivant:
Are you for or against the smoking ban in bars and restaurants?



I) Cochez la bonne réponse parmi les propositions fournies (1.5)
1) The document was extracted from
O a British newspaper

2) It is composed of
O letters or e-mails sent by readers.

3) different people express their feelings about
O being allowed to smoke in eating places.

II) Dites si les affirmations suivantes sont vraies (Right) ou fausses (Wrong) en cochant la case correspondante. Justifiez en citant des éléments issus du document. (6 points)
1) David Meredith's and Donna Lynde's letters were published on the same day.
David Meredith, Salisbury
Adapted from The Times Wednesday September 22 2004
Donna Lynde, Newark
Adapted from The Times Friday September 24 2004

2) Donna Lynde lives in Britain.
Donna Lynde, Newark
I went with a friend to the smoking lounges at the airports in St Louis and Newark in the US.

3) David Meredith criticizes smoke extraction systems in restaurants and bars.
The British seem incapable of installing air extraction systems which work satisfactorily.

4) Donna Lynde doesn't agree with David Meredith.
David Meredith is right when he says "the British seem incapable of installing air extraction systems which work satisfactorily."

5) Linda Bates says smoking is forbidden in all Irish workplaces.
We visited Ireland last May where they have banned smoking in all workplaces.

6) Donna would like people to be more tolerant about smoking.
There should be more tolerance and accommodation.

III) Répondez aux questions au moyen d'une phrase complète. (4)
1) What country has recently banned smoking in public places?
Ireland has recently banned smoking in public places.

2) Why does Linda Bates eat out less?
Because it is difficult to eat smoke-free.

3) What happens to Donna Lynde when she is subjected to smoke?
She is sensitive to the smell of tobacoo smoke (watering eyes and burning nose).

4) Where was she surprised to find clean and fresh air?
She was surprised to find clean and fresh air in the smoking lounges at the airports in St Louis and Newark (USA).



I - Complétez les phrases avec un auxiliaire modal que vous choisirez dans la liste ci-dessous. Chacun d'entre eux ne sera utilisé qu'une fois:
can't - may - should - mustn't
(2 points)

1) Linda Bates can't eat out in a restaurant because of smokers.
2) David, may I smoke a cigarette in your room? Do you mind?
3) In the USA smokers mustn't light up a cigarette in the workplace.
4) Good ventilation systems should clear the air efficiently.


II - Complétez le paragraphe suivant en mettant les verbes entre parenthèses à la forme exigée par le contexte (2.5 points)

Last week the Bates went to Boulogne on a one-day trip. They had a meal in a restaurant.
"Look! This man is smoking a big cigar!" said David who hates being smoked out during his meal.
They asked to talk to the manager of the restaurant.
"I agree with you" the man said "but if smoking were banned in restaurants, we would lose (lose) many clients. Anyway, we will install a new ventilation system next month."



A votre tour de vous joindre à la discussion. rédigez en anglais un courriel (e-mail) de 60 mots environ au Times afin de donner votre avis personnel sur le sujet suivant:
Are you for or against the smoking ban in bars and restaurants?


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