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Apprendre l'anglais > Leçons & Exercices d'anglais > Accident de la vie 2 > Statistiques mises à jour toutes les 4h
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Exercice "Accident de la vie 2", créé par here4u (exercice gratuit pour apprendre l'anglais) :
Résultats des 9 374 personnes qui ont passé ce test :
Moyenne : 32% (6.4 / 20) Partager

Dernier membre à avoir fait un sans faute : colocolo / FRANCE, le lundi 13 février à 16:06:
"Thanks again...!"
76.1% ont eu moins de la moyenne.
24% ont eu au moins la moyenne.
Tous les membres qui ont obtenu un 20/20 à ce test

Statistiques questions sur 9369 candidats
Question 1 réussie à 34.5 %
(Part 2 : continued...) During his long convalescence, Stoeffel had asked his boss and friend, Martinus de Jong to come and visit, and his banker * too...

Question 2 réussie à 32.5 %
Back home at last, Stoeffel informed his boss that * and stop working:

Question 3 réussie à 29.2 %
* waiting for Stoefell’s complete recovery…

Question 4 réussie à 16.9 %
and his banker that Inga had suggested * their life insurance… They had plans…

Question 5 réussie à 20.7 %
Stoeffel bought second-hand books, and balls … and started painting lines to make sports fields. In the mornings, he started teaching the black kids of the townships how to read and write English correctly; in the afternoons, * them cricket or rugby...

Question 6 réussie à 32.3 %
At first, the kids looked at the initiative suspiciously, but soon, * and would help him very willingly.

Question 7 réussie à 72.2 %
At night,* the streets of the townships to watch for gangs… Stoeffel died four years and four months later…

Question 8 réussie à 26.9 %
What can a black man’s heart do to a white racist? Stoeffel eyes and new heart * wide on new realities and ideals…

Question 9 réussie à 24.2 %
He had realized and appreciated the heart-rending decision of the black driver’s wife, and had made it his duty to give back what *, with interest!

Question 10 réussie à 28.8 %
What is sure is that * to forgive and forget the outrages that had been suffered for years…

Question 11 réussie à 72.1 %
What is sure too, is that * his whole vision of life and expresses his gratefulness,

Question 12 réussie à 17.3 %
and by ripple-effect on his friends and neighbours * past mistakes….

Question 13 réussie à 23.2 %
* his short second life to thank the whole black community for the generosity and forgetfulness of the driver’s widow.

Question 14 réussie à 27.9 %
He had even outlived the maximum length of time * in order to achieve his goal and pass it on to others,

Question 15 réussie à 24.3 %
so that the Rainbow Nation * and prosper... He wouldn't give up before his task was done! From: 'A change of heart' in To cut a long story short, by Jeffrey Archer. 2000 : a free narration and commentary.

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