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Exercice "Petites histoires drôles", créé par papjo30 (exercice gratuit pour apprendre l'anglais) :
Résultats des 1 563 personnes qui ont passé ce test :
Moyenne : 65% (13 / 20) Partager
Dernier membre à avoir fait un sans faute : biscotte92 / FRANCE, le jeudi 15 février à 11:38:
"Good exercise! Thank you so much! Have a great day! :)"
23.2% ont eu moins de la moyenne.
76.8% ont eu au moins la moyenne.
Tous les membres qui ont obtenu un 20/20 à ce test
Statistiques questions sur 1562 candidats
Question 1 réussie à 81.8 %
Conversation in a gallery between a customer and an art dealer. Customer:"And this,I suppose,is one of those ugly caricatures you call modern art?" Art dealer :"No, it's just a * ."
Question 2 réussie à 36.6 %
Young lady :"What made you decide to become a parachute jumper?" Young man :" A plane with three dead *."
Question 3 réussie à 80.4 %
Love statement 1 :" I could go to the end of the world for you. "" Great but could you * there?"
Question 4 réussie à 72.2 %
Love statement 2 :"I offer you myself. " "Sorry I never accept cheap *."
Question 5 réussie à 58.5 %
Love statement 3: " I want to share everything with you." "Let's start with your bank *."
Question 6 réussie à 58.4 %
About food "How did you find your steak,sir?" "I looked under a small slice of onion and * it was."
Question 7 réussie à 86.2 %
Chatting with God: " Hi God,why did you make women so beautiful?"God:" So that you will * them."
Question 8 réussie à 87.2 %
"But why did you make them so dumb ?"God:" So that they will love *."
Question 9 réussie à 41.8 %
About transport:on a crowded bus one man noticed another man sitting with his eyes closed. "What's the matter?Are you sick?""No I'm fine.It's just that I hate to see old ladies* ."
Question 10 réussie à 42.4 %
It's my birthday: My friend gave me a tie for my birthday : "I wonder what would go best with it."she said . I blinked at the tie and said " A long *."
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