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Apprendre l'anglais > Leçons & Exercices d'anglais > Prétérit simple > Statistiques mises à jour toutes les 4h
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Exercice "Prétérit simple", créé par chocolatcitron (exercice gratuit pour apprendre l'anglais) :
Résultats des 955 personnes qui ont passé ce test :
Moyenne : 69% (13.8 / 20) Partager

Dernier membre à avoir fait un sans faute : hidalgo / FRANCE, le lundi 09 mars à 23:04:
21.8% ont eu moins de la moyenne.
78.1% ont eu au moins la moyenne.
Tous les membres qui ont obtenu un 20/20 à ce test

Statistiques questions sur 955 candidats
Question 1 réussie à 86.7 %
Last Christmas, the family * (to eat) a cake,

Question 2 réussie à 66.9 %
and * (to drink) hot chocolate on the terrace, in the sunlight near the beach. Angie,four-year-old, asked for an ice-cream too, with whipped cream on it,

Question 3 réussie à 57.9 %
then the father * (to pay) for the bill.

Question 4 réussie à 76 %
Tom, the baby, * (to lose) his temper

Question 5 réussie à 85.9 %
because he * (to be) hungry.

Question 6 réussie à 40.6 %
The mother * (to shake) the powdered milk in the water before bottle-feeding her baby.

Question 7 réussie à 78 %
While feeding him, she * (to tell) a story to her children.

Question 8 réussie à 76.1 %
Tom swallowed the whole bottle and burped after feeding. The mother * (to sing) a nursery rhyme to her baby to make him sleep.

Question 9 réussie à 85.2 %
The whole family * (to come) back home,

Question 10 réussie à 62.7 %
and * (to sit) down in front of the fireplace to warm themselves.

Question 11 réussie à 56.9 %
Three hours later, Tom * (to awake) : he was soaked in sweat, because he had had a nightmare.

Question 12 réussie à 82.2 %
While Angie was looking at his father through the keyhole, wearing a Father Christmas' coat and putting gifts down at the foot of the tree in the garden, the mother * (to give) a bath to Tom.

Question 13 réussie à 61.7 %
The mother changed Tom who * (to wear) new dry pyjamas, just in time to be fed,

Question 14 réussie à 63.4 %
but Tom * (to throw) his milk up, before burpering..., once more !

Question 15 réussie à 54.2 %
While his mother was busy with Tom, Angie * (to think) his father was a liar.

Question 16 réussie à 52.4 %
Angie * (can/ not) believe in Father Christmas anymore !

Question 17 réussie à 73.9 %
Angie * (to feel) disappointed and sulked for the whole evening.

Retourner à l'exercice : Prétérit simple

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