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Noms et adjectifs de nationalité - cours d'anglais
Sancho Panza/Don Quixote I am Spanish, I live in Spain, I speak Castilian Spanish.
The Spanish sometimes like bullfighting.
Pays | Adjectif | a.../an... | the... | Langue | Drapeau |
England | English | Englishman | English | English | |
France | French | Frenchman | French | French | |
Ireland | Irish | Irishman | Irish | Irish/English | |
Wales | Welsh | Welshman | Welsh | Welsh/English | |
Scotland | Scottish | Scot | Scots | English |
a dike I am Dutch, I live in Holland (the Netherlands), I speak Dutch.
Many Dutchmen live under sea level.
Pays | Adjectif | a.../an... | the... | Langue | Drapeau |
Finland | Finnish | Finn | Finns | Finnish | |
Germany | German | German | Germans | German | |
Poland | Polish | Pole | Poles | Polish | |
Sweden | Swedish | Swede | Swedes | Swedish | |
Norway | Norwegian | Norwegian | Norwegians | Norwegian |
The Little Mermaid I'm Danish , I speak Danish. Copenhagen
I live in the Kingdom of Denmark. During the 8th-11th centuries the Danes were known as Vikings.
Pays | Adjectif | a.../an... | the... | Langue | Drapeau |
Lebanon | Lebanese | Lebanese | Lebanese | Arabic | |
Japan | Japanese | Japanese | Japanese | Japanese | |
Greece | Greek | Greek | Greeks | Greek | |
U.S.A. | American | American | Americans | English | |
Great Britain | British | British | British | English |
a kite I'm Chinese, I live in China. the Great Wall
I speak Mandarin, most Chinese live in Asia.
---1) Les noms et adjectifs de nationalité prennent toujours une majuscule :
an Israeli journalist / a Swiss watch / A Colombian lives in South America.
---2) On ne met pas d'article devant les noms des langues :
Japanese is a difficult language. / They speak Portuguese in Brazil.
---3) Les noms se terminant par -ese -ish -iss -ch ne prennent pas de "-s" au pluriel :
the Vietnamese / the British / the Swiss / the French
The Swiss are not in the European Union.
---4) Les autres noms prennent un "s" au pluriel :
the Americans / the Koreans the Russians / the Australians / the Egyptians
the Icelanders / the Luxembourgers the Israelis / the Iraqis / the Pakistanis
the Croats / the Greeks / the Danes / the Serbs
---5) On dit : Most Americans speak English. / Most Italians are friendly.
mais : Most of the Swedes I know have blue eyes.

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