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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°100563 : Conditionnel I /II et III

> Plus de cours & d'exercices d'anglais sur les mêmes thèmes : | Conditionnel [Autres thèmes]
> Tests similaires : - Conditionnel - Structures hypothétiques - Structures au conditionnel - Conditionnel passé - Condition : If / Unless / As long as - Inversion au conditionnel - Structures hypothétiques: concordance des temps - I wish / if only
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Conditionnel I /II et III

There are three basic types of conditional sentences in English.

Type 1: Future Real

meaning: Refers to a situation that may or may not happen in the future.

Form: If + simple present ... , will + base form of verb.

Example: If I have any free time, I will meet with you.

              (I may have some free time, but I am not sure I will.)

Type 2: Present or future unreal

Meaning: refers to a situation that does not exist in the present and/or will not exist in future.

Form: If + simple past ... , would + base form of verb.

Example: If I had any free time, I would meet with you.

              ( I am sorry. I do not have any free time.)

Type 3: Past Unreal

Meaning: Refers to a situation that did not happen.

Form: If + past perfect ... , would have + past participle.

Example: If I had had any free time, I would have met with you.

              ( I am sorry that I did not have any free time.)

Conditional sentences enable a speaker or writer to communicate many different ideas, among them are:

1. to make predictions.

If I study hard this quarter, I will get good marks in every class.

2. to discuss mistakes in the past.

If I had studied more last quarter, I would have got better grades.

3. to express dreams.

If I were rich, I would travel around the world.

4. to give advice.

If I were you, I would save money instead of wasting it.

5. to make apologies.

If I had known you were waiting for a call, I would not have stayed on the phone so long.

Exercise: use the contracted form when possible.

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1. If I ever see anyone doing anything illegal, I (make) a report immediately.

2. If I (have) a quiet roommate, I could study more.

3. They could come sooner if my mother (not be) afraid to fly.

4. If Pat had arrived on time for work, he (finish) his task yesterday.

5. The picnic
(not cancel) if it hadn't rained in the morning.

6. If I win, I (take) a short vacation with my family.

7. If you knew German, you (can translate) this story for me.

8. If I had known Mary was in town, I (invite) her to the party.

9. If I weren't so busy, I (read) bedtime stories to my little girl.

10. If they continue to bother me, I (consider) moving.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Conditionnel I /II et III"
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