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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°100923 : Tornado

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  The window fluttered open all of a sudden, causing all in the room to jump. Julie had invited her friends over to her house, and everyone was extremely excited as she had never done so before.

  'What...what was that?' asked a frightened Jane. She was the youngest of all the girls, and she was a true scaredy-cat.

  'Oh, it's nothing, trust me,' June, the bravest of them all, waved off the concern. They carried on their game of Uno.

  About two seconds later, the Uno cards flew all over the place. Julie switched off the fan, but the cards kept dispersing themselves. Realisation dawned on her.

  'Tornado! Everybody get out!' Julie's mother hollered as she kicked open the door to the room. Everybody scrambled out of the room hurriedly, taking only their essentials - water bottles and snack boxes. Just then, June tripped while going down the stairs leading to the basement, and she tumbled all the way down into darkness.

  When the rest reached her, the wicked twister was already close to them. Sounds of houses being wrecked and people screaming reverberated in their ears.

  'I want to get out of here,' June said, in a weak voice the others had never heard before.

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1. The window suddenly fluttered open because .

2. The girls were excited because .

3. 'Realisation dawned on her' refers to .

4. can best replace the word 'essentials'.

5. The word in the passage that suggests that the girls were anxious on getting to safety is ''.

6. 'Scrambled' in the passage means

7. June was about the situation.

8. The writer portrayed the tornado as .

9. The reason why the others had never heard June's weak voice was because .

10. The theme of the passage is .

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Tornado"
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